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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/23/24

Jack Hibbs Declares that You Must Vote Trump or Burn Eternally in Unquenchable Fire

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As the people were in expectation, and all were questioning in their hearts concerning John, whether he might be the Christ, John answered them all, saying, "I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire." - Luke 3:15-17 (ESV)

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For every duplicitous but reasonable sounding Republican Party sycophant like Dr. Michael Brown, Charisma News has five lunatics who revel in sounding unreasonable. At the front of that warped line are people like Greg Locke and Mario Murillo, who unabashedly declared that if someone votes Democratic, they are actually going to hell and are unredeemable. Get that? Because someone decides that voting for a convicted rapist is a bridge too far for their moral compass they are beyond the ability of Jesus to save. How revolting and disgusting. While Murillo and Locke may be more transparent about their biblical lunacy, people like Jack Hibbs still garner respect he clearly no longer deserves when it comes to his NAR false teaching. A few weeks back we wrote about Hibbs stating that Jesus would be waiting for us on Judgment Day with our voting record in His hand. So, saving faith in the finished work of the cross? No longer relevant for salvation. As long as you voted for the guy who was unfaithful on all three of his wives, the last time with a porn star, you're in. Once again, disgusting. One would think that Hibbs would try to walk this nonsense back to save what is left of his tattered reputation, but he is tripling down this week with the short article linked above by Charisma News. Let us reason once more beloved.

"Jack Hibbs recently took to X to give Christians a warning regarding the importance of voting in this year's election. "I like to think of voting and VOICING," Hibbs writes. "Think about it. You may not get the opportunity to preach to a million people like Billy Graham or pastor a church of 10,000 like Charles Spurgeon - but God has called each of His true children to take advantage of every opportunity (talent) that comes along." Hibbs points out that we have each been given a voice to stand up for what is right, and in America, the way that we are to use our talents includes voting. This is how we as American citizens have the opportunity to stand up for the values we believe in. And as God's people of faith, this is the way that we are to stand up for the biblical principles our nation is in desperate need of." - Charisma News

What a ridiculous argument that is biblically vacuous. Nowhere does the bible say we have to take advantage of every opportunity and that this would somehow include voting for our perceived lesser evil in carnal elections. Voting is not a "talent." So, which value does Jack Hibbs say we should believe in? The value of declaring bankruptcy six times and not paying your debts? The value of infidelity on three wives? The value of cursing about your opponent constantly, even in a room full of Catholic priests? The value of telling everyone how a deceased golfer had a very large penis? The value of being convicted on 34 felonies with three other court cases pending against him? The value of being a convicted rapist, who then was found guilty of defaming his victim? What principles is Jack Hibbs claiming we are in desperate need of? The principles of impoverishing the poor? The principle of refusing to raise the federal minimum wage? The principle of lying over 30,000 times in your four-year presidential term? The principle of claiming our Christian brothers and sisters of Haitian descent are eating pets in Ohio? The principle of saying you will use the military to go after your perceived political enemies? The principle of demonizing immigrants and dehumanizing them? Because, you know, who would Jesus hate? We all know what principles Jack Hibbs speaks of because it is the same Faustian bargain that the NAR is selling all Christians. If Satan himself was running as a Republican in 2028 Jack Hibbs would say, "sure we all denounce the devil, but we are not voting for a pastor in chief here and Lucifer promises us more judges we like so - Team Beelzebub in 2028!" It would be comical is not so profoundly sad.

"This is how we are proven to be obedient and faithful and a good steward over what he has placed before us in every area of life. To be obedient to the opportunity presented is how we show ourselves both faithful to God and at war with wickedness. "As messy and as dirty as this year's election is, I am grateful that God is using it to separate the wheat from the chaff, the Christian from the almost Christian," Hibbs continues." - Charisma News

Wow. How horrifically heretical. I want to make sure we do not gloss over this. According to Jack Hibbs, God is using the 2024 United States election to separate the wheat from the chaff. Take a look at the key verses today to see how these terms were discussed by God in the bible. The wheat John speaks of are those saved by God and as for the chaff, let us read how Gill's Exposition clarifies this for us:

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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