Trump action figures
Just to name a few. Look beloved, I have said a hundred times, pray and vote as you feel led. Or do not vote as you feel led. Jesus is not going to be waiting for us on Judgment Day with our voting record. It is biblically absurd what Jack Hibbs is teaching. That Jesus is going to say to anyone, "well, I appreciate the saving faith in Me, but Clinton in 96? Sorry, but you are now chaff - off with you to the unquenchable fire!" While others will have an all-access pass to everything in heaven because they voted for Donald Trump. I would say this position is vacuous but that would be an insult to things that are vacuous. Maybe Jack Hibbs was once a respected bible preacher, but that ship has clearly sailed. He will go down in a long line before him of compromised men who could not realize when they bought into the NAR lies of dominionism. Men like Dr. Michael Brown and Franklin Graham who idolize this country so much that they believe it can be revived when it was never alive to begin with. Rape, infidelity, felony convictions, bankruptcies, grabbing women by their genitals - there is no bridge too far. Dare to disagree and you are consigned to the unquenchable fires of eternal damnation. Jack Hibbs has no core beliefs, moral compass or even shame anymore. Forget saving faith in Jesus. Salvation is nothing more than a zero-sum game now - vote for Trump or be eternally damned. No Jack, we will mark and avoid you because you are a voracious NAR wolf, and the bible tells us that your destruction is already set. Amen.
Reverend Anthony Wade - October 22, 2024