"By "the chaff", are meant wicked and ungodly persons, such as are destitute of the grace of God, whether professors, or profane; being empty, barren, and unfruitful; and so good for nothing but the fire, which therefore "he will burn with unquenchable fire", of divine wrath and vengeance" - Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
Unquenchable fire means eternal damnation, period, full stop. The imagery here is clear from Jesus. He will use His winnowing fork to divide the saved from the lost. Those bound for heaven and those consigned to hell. The winnowing fork is imagery for how farmers divide the edible portion of the wheat crop from the inedible chaff. This fork biblically is saving faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross. Those who believe are pictured here as the wheat and those who do not, are the chaff. Except not anymore according to Jack Hibbs. Now the divine wrath and vengeance of God is saved up for those who do not vote the way that Jack Hibbs would like them to. His own words here are that if you do not vote for the unfaithful, bankrupt rapist, you are not even a Christian. Jack Hibbs has now surpassed the lunacy of Locke and Murillo be declaring that those who do not vote Republican, will be burned with unquenchable fire by Jesus. Once again, wow. How does anyone have a sliver of respect left for this obvious political whore? In his imaginary war on wickedness, voting for Donald Trump is the righteous stand. Just consider that for a moment. If you dare to not vote as Hibbs commands, you are being unfaithful and disobedient to God Himself! Jack Hibbs is the wickedness at war with God. He is scattering people away from Jesus Christ in his pursuit of his carnal political goals.
"Hibbs also draws the connection that many Christians will not use their opportunity to vote.
Sadly, the majority of those who profess to be Christians will not vote at all. They will take the opportunity that God has given them (in this constitutional republic) and they will bury the opportunity in the ground or hide it under a bushel. Hibbs' message is a timely reminder that we are called to be the light of the world, but part of being that light is standing up for what is right when the opportunity presents itself. We cannot take this liberty of religious freedom for granted. Instead, we must use this unique gift to ensure that the gospel is preached and that religious freedom will continue to reign in America." - Charisma News
This is such NAR dominionist drivel. The Republican Party knows that it cannot win unless every deceived Evangelical votes so not only are they bullying us to vote for Mr. Trump, but they are lecturing and demonizing those that choose to not vote. The "opportunity" to vote must include to choose NOT to vote. There is nothing inherently wrong about making that decision. If Christians would be intellectually honest, they would have to admit that every carnal election comes down to choosing a perceived lesser evil. Spurgeon once said that when asked to choose a lesser evil, he would choose neither option. Evil is still evil. Choosing not to vote is not "hiding it under a bushel." It is a broad announcement to the culture that you are a peculiar people who will not conform to the thinking of this world. I have no issue with saying that being a light in the darkness is standing up for what is right but reasonable people disagree all the time about what is right. The reality is that every political candidate promises the world and rarely delivers. Who they are matters or at least it should to believers. Neither candidate is a threat to religious freedom in this country and Jack Hibbs knows this. This is about power, and greed. Don't believe so? Here is a list of the things Donald Trump is trying to grift, while cosplaying as a "Christian" presidential candidate:
$100,000 gold plated "Swiss" watches, made of course in Wyoming
$60 dollar "God Bless the USA" bible - made of course in China
$400 shiny gold sneakers
Collectible cards with Trump as a superhero or the "Donfather"
Trump coins
Trump wine
Trump cologne