6. Only the devil wants us hating the very people who need the gospel the most. We need to resist this temptation the false church is constantly trying to lure us in with.
7. The character of people matters. Transactional politics is not Christian. Supporting evil because somehow, we think it will bring some legislative good, is still supporting evil.
Pray beloved and vote as you felt led. Do not be guilted and shamed by leaders who are representing politics and not God or His word. By the way, if you choose to not vote at all, do not be guilted or shamed. The bible says that God raises up all leaders. He sees all time. He knows already what will happen on November 5th. Stop being used by people who do not care about you or the gospel. The way is narrow and few are those who find it. Stay on the narrow path.
Reverend Anthony Wade - September 11, 2024