We reject the stoking of fears and the use of threats as an illegitimate form of godly motivation, and we repudiate the use of violence to achieve political goals as incongruent with the way of Christ." - Evangelical Confession
Amen and hallelujah! Do we even know the Jesus we pretend to serve? I remember debating once with a friend from my old church who was very political and a dominionist. His Jesus was so angry. He was constantly reminiscing about when Jesus whipped the merchandizers and kicked them out of the temple but seemed to never focus on the Sermon on the Mount or the compassion showed to the lost. When we had our last disagreement, I told him that his Jesus was wrapped in barbed wire and would cut anyone to pieces long before they could ever reach Him. We are not called to hate people beloved. We are not called to think certain people are all dangerous, or rapists, and need to be thrown out of a country we just happened to have been blessed enough to be born into. But for the grace of God go I, is something you will never hear on Charisma News. The Democratic Party is not a death cult, as Jack Hibbs so vilified it this past week. Those in church who may vote Democratic are our brothers and sisters, not "demons" as Greg Locke has preached on his way to another gleeful book burning. The old adage is true. If you are selling grievance, anger and hate it because you are bankrupt on ideas. All Charisma does is threaten its readers with the promise of eternal suffering for not voting as they have decided is best. It is unseemly. It is unbiblical. It is unchristian.
"THREE: We submit to the truth of Scripture. We affirm that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, authoritative for faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We commit to interpreting and applying Scripture faithfully, guided by the Holy Spirit, for the building up of Christ's people and the blessing of his world (John 16:13). We believe any true word of prophecy must align with the teachings of Scripture and the character of Jesus (1 John 4:1-3). Likewise, to lie about others, including political opponents, is a sin (Exodus 20:16). Therefore, we commit to speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), knowing deception dishonors God and harms the reputation of his Church.
We reject the misuse of holy Scripture to sanction a single political agenda, provoke hatred, or sow social divisions, and we believe that using God's name to promote misinformation or lies for personal or political gain is bearing his name in vain (Exodus 20:7)." - Evangelical Confession
The first point was Christ alone. The second point was love over fear and now we come to the truth of scripture. THESE are Christian arguments. Not carnal and secular debates. We can believe all day long that our political positions are righteous, but they are not. They are merely our opinions based upon our pre-formed bias. They are in the end, merely our assessment about which evil we have deemed lesser. The cold, hard, biblical reality is that we might be wrong and even if we are not, we should not be caught defending that evil, no matter how "lesser" we have deemed it to be. It is refreshing here to see true Christian leaders reminding us that lying about your political opponent is actually sin. Now, all candidates lie but the one that the apostate church demands we all vote for lies extensively and often viciously. Deception DISHONORS God! The ongoing conferring of righteousness upon carnal political candidates who lie reflexively harms the reputation of the church. Are we getting this? The point about prophecy aligning with scripture and the character of Christ should also not be glossed over. All of the silly, nonsensical "Trump prophecies" are not remotely Christian.
"FOUR: We believe the Gospel heals every worldly division. We affirm the unity of all believers in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:28), and that through his sacrificial death on the cross, he has removed the barriers that divide us (Ephesians 2:14-18), making people from every nation, tribe, people, and language into one new family (Revelation 7:9). We are called to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9), and the counter-cultural unity of the Church is to be a sign to the world of God's love and power (John 13:35; 17:20-21).
We reject any attempt to divide the Church, which is the Body of Christ, along partisan, ethnic, or national boundaries, and any message that says it is God's desire for the human family to be perpetually segregated by race, culture, or ethnicity is a rejection of the Gospel." - Evangelical Confession
This fourth confession is simply not discussed anymore. The cross removed the barriers between us beloved. The ground is level at the foot of the cross. That means people beyond our shores and boundaries as well. This includes the people we are being conditioned to hate. The lost. The wretched. The immigrant. What the apostate church and rags like Charisma News does is they sell the notion that we have to be unified politically instead of by Christ. If the world sees how quickly we lie for carnal politics of support candidates that lie professionally, why would they ever believe us about the gospel? Our unity in Christ is supposed to present a counter cultural option for the world. Instead, we are told to find relevance to the world and pursue our politics as a righteous option. Charisma has sent out a plethora of false teachers to tell Christians that unity is in Trump alone and if you dare to vote otherwise, or not at all, you are wrong or in some cases they teach you are going to hell. This confession is absolutely correct because all Charisma sells is division of people who are supposed to be unified in Christ along political ideologies. They smartly point out that this is actually a REJECTION of the gospel and it should always be referenced as such.