Amen. In the 1990s the church cried out "character counts" because they clutched their pearls over the morals of Bill Clinton. Two decades later when they had to defend someone morally worse, they said, well, we are not electing a pastor in chief. How absurd and hypocritical. When the world sees us defending the virtue of a man who has been married three times, unfaithful three times and last time with a porn star, bankrupt six times, convicted of sexual assault with 34 other felony convictions, the cause of Christ is irreparably damaged for many. Read the Charisma articles and see if you see a whiff of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, OR self-control. They are angry, demeaning, condemning or they abuse the bible to pretend Trump is the second coming of various righteous biblical characters. They are false teachers. Wolves in sheep's clothing selling thirty pieces of political silver. Despite what Jack Hibbs, Steven Strang, Michael Snyder, Mario Murillo, and Greg Locke teach, Jesus is not waiting for you on judgment day with a copy of your voting record. Those charlatans are feeding their readers exactly what they want to hear. It is spiritual confirmation bias, pure and simple. God uses anyone He raises up, not just those that we support. These 300 leaders are right again. This is all about the consolidation and retention of power. It is about fame. It is about money. It is most certainly not about Jesus Christ.
"Conclusion - We stand united in our confession of faith in Jesus Christ, resolved to uphold the truth of the Gospel in the face of political pressure and cultural shifts. We commit to being a light in the world (Matthew 5:14-16), and faithful witnesses to the transforming power of Christ's love. We pray that God's Spirit will revive our Church and strengthen Christ's people to be agents of his presence and blessing in this turbulent age.
To him who is able to keep us from stumbling and to present us before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy" to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. (Jude 1:24-25)" - Evangelical Confession
This document focused on Jesus, correctly using scripture, while denouncing things that are ant-Christ. None of that is ever found on Charisma News or from the Evangelical arm of the Republican Party. I do not know these 300 people, but I thank God that they had the courage to say what God has said, not what man desires. In the two months left before the election you will be bombarded by political propaganda disguised as Christianity. You will be encouraged to hate your neighbor. True unity however is found in Christ alone. It is not found in the promises of this world, sold to you by hucksters and charlatans trying to Jesus-fy their bucket of carnality. Keep this devotional and the Evangelical Confession handy for these two months and remind yourself what God actually says. Here is a simple cheat sheet of these truths, in summation:
1. In Christ alone. Our faith is in the Savior, not any political party or candidate.
2. Love over fear. Do not succumb to the temptation to be afraid. God has assured us that He will be on the throne on November 6th. He will not be surprised. He will not be dismayed. He has not asked for our help, nor does He need it. Love people, do not fear them.
3. The truth of scripture. Do not listen nor trust the words of man. Lying about people, even in support of them is sin.
4. Our unity must be in Christ alone and His finished work on the cross. Anything else is idolatry.
5. Christ's kingdom, of which we are now citizens, is not of this world. We should stop being enamored with this world and obsessed with the carnality it contains.