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Michael Curcio

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Formerly a practicing Roman Catholic, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal saviour attending a non denominational bible church in 1980 and was baptised the same year.
After falling away for over 10 years and experiencing the pain of heartbreak, I returned this time visiting a church of a different but similar denomination. Having a Baptist leaning along with being rather reserved, I wasn't quite sure I would continue to attend until someone got word that I was a musician and I was asked to audition to serve on the church's worship team. I accepted.

At this point, I felt it was my calling and I have made God a promise to "Rock 'till I drop" literally. There is nothing the enemy can ever do to make me renege on my vow to God and my ocasional struggles with the enemy only makes me stronger.

I have two wonderful daughters, both brought up in the church. One is saved and God is working in the life of the other.

I have no other aspirations but to serve Jesus Christ for the rest of my life.

828 Ministries Member for 654 week(s) and 5 day(s)

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