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Mario Murillo Compares Trump to Christ to Spiritually Bully the Church

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When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats - Matthew 25:31-32 (ESV)

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We have long documented the political prostitution Mario Murillo traffics in. Perhaps he was once a proud evangelist but that ship set sail a long time ago when he crawled into bed with the Republican Party in this country and traded in his Savior for thirty pieces of silver. He continues to cross absurdly unbiblical lines by obeying his political masters in an attempt to convince the churched that it is somehow their religious obligation to vote for the guy he has decided is God's candidate, Donald Trump. Three times married? Hey we are not voting for a pastor in chief, whatever that word salad is supposed to be. Three times unfaithful with two divorces and six bankruptcies? Hey, nobody's perfect! Cheated on his current wife with a porn start right after his child was born? Judge not! The hypocrisy is so ridiculous that it drives people away from Christ. Murillo has already jumped off the theological cliff awhile back when he declared that people who dare to not vote as he says to, are unredeemable and not Christian. This is unsurprising as recently Dr. Michael Brown, who tries to pretend he is balanced, said the same thing on a Reels video. I want you to unpack that teaching in your mind for a second. Mario Murillo believes that on the Day of Judgment, Jesus will be dividing not sheep and goats, as the key verses teach, but rather Democrats and Republicans. Never mind what those individual politicians actually did in their lives and in office. Just the party affiliation alone will determine heaven and hell. It is a disgustingly cheap and insane belief. As we are drawing closer to the election this year, Murillo is amping up his stupid rhetoric with the above linked article on Charisma News.

Normally I would debunk line by line but I want to focus more on his specific abuse of scripture to promote his candidate. Charisma has long likened Donald Trump to the second coming of King Cyrus, Elijah and Deborah. Recently, they even said he was like King Juhu. They do this to try and overlay a patina of Christianese on the least Christian man to ever run for office. Never lose sight that what Mario and Charisma do, is all geared to trying to bully you into voting for who they want you to. Murillo also regurgitates many fallacies and lies that his candidate traffics in, like the recent nonsense about Kamala Harris using artificial intelligence to make crowd sizes look bigger. It is just an embarrassment to those in the world we are trying to reach with the gospel. He claims of course that God is compelling him to write but if he believed the bible, he would believe that God raises up all leaders and God uses all of them for His ends and glory, not for our political party. Mario Murillo is not anointed beloved. He actually gaslights his readers by declaring that currently America is a dictatorship, which is laughable when they guy he supports has openly admitted that he wants to be a dictator and intends to be when he takes office. Let me say here up front that this is not an advertisement for any candidate. Jesus will not be waiting for us on the last day with our voting record in His hand. That is straight up dominionist NAR bovine excrement. The problem however is when charlatans like Murillo abuse the word of God to confer righteousness where it does not belong. He would at least be intellectually honest and not violating the bible if he just said that in his opinion, his choice is the lesser evil. He may not be right of course but he would be entitled to that opinion as an American, not as a pastor. God is not however, moved nor impressed with our political opinions. They are purely carnal. He uses unequal weights to disparage the sitting president's cognitive functioning while ignoring the obvious decline of his choice. Overall, his message is that those opposing his political choices are operating demonically, for Satan. You get that? Any Christian who does not want to vote for his morally bankrupt candidate is now working for Satan and proceeding demonically. Beloved, vote or do not vote. God does not care. He is not the least bit concerned about who is in the Oval Office. He will still be God and will accomplish His will regardless of our antics. What I do want to focus on today from the above linked article is the latest biblical comparisons Murillo offers up. No longer is Trump merely a second coming of an Old Testament king or prophet. Now, He is Jesus. I kid you not:

"Donald Trump is certainly not Jesus. Nevertheless, the story of Barabbas fits here, Mark 15:11-15 (ESV): But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have [Pilate] release for them Barabbas instead. And Pilate again said to them, "Then what shall I do with the man you call the King of the Jews?" And they cried out again, "Crucify him." And Pilate said to them, "Why? What evil has he done?" But they shouted all the more, "Crucify him." So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be crucified.

Is it possible that just days before this, those same people who cried, "Hosanna" were now saying, "Crucify him!?" It is even possible that some who were healed by Jesus were now in that mob. What flipped a mob so quickly and so totally? A demonic urge"a soul-sucking metamorphosis. One that can even make Harris look presidential. America is being drenched with that same mind-altering demonic power. This is Satan's greatest bid to destroy America." - Mario Murillo

This is just mind-numbingly dangerous and stupid. Do not be deceived. Words have meaning. To state that Trump is not Jesus and then directly compare him to Jesus is beyond deceitful and hypocritical. It is also heretical and sacrilegious. The story of Christ's crucifixion is not in the bible to leverage to try and get you political savior elected. Comparing those that screamed crucify Him to those who might vote Democratic is so beyond disgusting. Directly making a correlation between the healing ministry of Christ prior to the cross to Donald Trump's first presidency is equally sickening. Asserting that this betrayal of our Lord and Savior is the same as Kamala Harris looking presidential is repulsive. Let's be clear. Satan is not trying to destroy America. He is fighting against the gospel, which means Mario is on the same team as he is also fighting against the cause of the gospel here. The only thing demonic is Mario Murillo making the obvious comparison of Donald Trump to Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, Mario's demonic task is not yet done.

"So who am I trying to reach through this essay? I am not trying to convince lukewarm pastors or believers. I am assuming they will not listen. No, I am talking to the remnant of God. They must hear what I am about to say. Yes, things are bad. Dire in fact. This election carries the fate of America. But we can find hope and direction from what God did when something like this happened before. It was in the book of Esther. It is the account of one man, Haman, who poisoned a king's mind and the soul of a kingdom. The urge to kill all the Jews came upon the masses. Esther 4:1 says, "When Mordecai learned all that had been done, Mordecai tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the midst of the city, and he cried out with a loud and bitter cry." Then he got word to Esther in the palace about the impending holocaust. She sent word back to explain why she was helpless to do anything. This is how Mordecai exhorted her: "Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, 'Do not think to yourself that in the king's palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?'" (Esth. 4:13-14). Dear remnant, you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this. We may seem like few. But we are more than we think. And we are more than enough!

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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