"Jonathan said to the young man who carried his armor, 'Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that the Lord will work for us, for nothing can hinder the Lord from saving by many or by few. How then shall we break this demonic urge? Two things happened next in the account of Esther. First, she determined to confront the king. And she ordered as many Jews as possible to fast and pray. Let the holy remnant of God who read this take heart! Speak up. Confront pastors, in love, of course. Let your voice be raised in every situation where this demonic urge is attacking Christians." (1 Sam. 14:6)." - Mario Murillo
This election carries the fate of America? Does God care? Will He be surprised by what happens on Election Day? Or will He still be God? This is part of the false purpose driven theology where we think we are somehow needed to help God. Continuing on with the disgusting comparisons, Mario Murillo is now stating that we as Christians voting for his compromised candidate is just like Esther speaking up to stop the killing of the Jews. Esther was used by God for a time such as that and it has absolutely nothing to do with voting today for any candidate at all. We must realize that this is how cheaply Mario and the NAR actually consider the word of God Almighty. To dirty the story of Esther with carnal politics or infer that Christ should be compared to Jesus is really all you need to know about how demonic this all is. Notice the end game message here. If you are Christian and considering not voting for his choice, then you are under attack and are demonically influenced. This is so insidious and is nothing more than spiritual bullying. When Jesus walked the earth, His own people were suffering real and extreme persecution from Rome yet Christ never got political about it at all because His kingdom is not of this earth. Mario Murillo and the NAR do not care about you or the cause of Jesus Christ. They just want your vote. If you pray and are led to vote his way, that is fine. Just do not do it however as an act of righteousness or because you are being fed these lies. The perceived lesser evil is always evil at the end of the day.
Reverend Anthony Wade - August 16, 2024