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Devotionals    H3'ed 8/5/24

Greg Laurie's Turn to Repeat the Big Lie, Trying to Force the NAR Outrage Narrative

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Joseph Goebbels was the chief Nazi propogandist. It was his job to ensure that the disinformation his bosses wanted took root as truth, even though it was not truth. He is credited with the concept of the "big lie, which was if we repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth. This has been a trademark for authoritarians throughout history. Control the narrative, and you control the people. The New Apostolic Reformation has long been in bed with forces within the Republican Party in this country. Originally for shared ideals and perceived morals but today it is blind allegiance based upon political expediency and the quest for power and riches. Sure, some might simply be deceived themselves as the bible teaches but it matters not because they stopped caring about the truth. We understand the world believes in shades of grey because it is easier to grey out our sins but as believers, we know there is absolute truth. It is just a shame that it no longer matters to the majority of the apostate church anymore. Today, if someone tells them to be upset, they get upset. If someone tells them they are the victim, they sulk as if they are a victim. If there is any resistance, they just repeat the lie over and over again until they comply. Such is the case this past week or so regarding the Paris Olympics.

The latest incident fed to the church via the outrage merchants was the female boxing kerfuffle. This involves a woman, names Imane Khelif, who was born with female genitalia, but an XY chromosome set that is usually reserved for males. That said, she was born a woman, raised a woman, and registered as a woman. She is not trans or any other things that are "chosen." The world has known about Ms. Khelif, and I assume others that may have this genetic abnormality, for years. They decided a long time ago, that it was ok to allow them to box. In her eight-year career, she has a record around 41-9, which means nine other women, have figured out how to defeat her. She is not Mike Tyson. The only fact that the detractors point to is that she was disqualified from a 2023 tournament, AFTER she had reached the finals by the International Boxing Association (IBA). Because the big lie does not require research or facts, it was largely unreported that the IBA is operated by Russia and is led by an associate of Vladimir Putin. Oh, and the fighter Khelif had defeated to get to the finals in 2023? Yeah, that was a previously undefeated Russian prospect who had their undefeated record restored by the disqualification. Gee, nothing suspicious there. This devotional however is dealing with the original outrage sold to the church from the Opening Ceremonies where there was a segment that we were told mocked Leonardi da Vinci's painting of the Last Supper. The above link is to a recent short article from Greg Laurie, who apparently has gone full NAR is the latter days of his ministry. So let us reason once more together beloved.

'Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, believes the strange events surrounding the Olympics this year have presented "a microcosm of what's not right in the world today." "They start off the Olympic ceremonies with the open mockery of 'The Last Supper,' the painting by Leonardo da Vinci," Laurie told CBN News. "And then they deny that's what it was."' - Charisma News

This is a very short article because the sole purpose is to regurgitate the central lies. At least Laurie admits that they have denied the allegations of mockery, but it is presented as if that should be dismissed out of hand or somehow irrelevant. It is not. Here is today's deep theology. It is not always about us. People in the world do what they want without ever reflecting whatsoever as to how the church might react, nor should we expect them to. For the one hundredth time, this was a recreation of a French painting about the Greek Olympian, Dionysius. You know, because the Olympics came from Greece and this year it was being held in France. Now, I did not major in mathematics, but I can do that equation. Not only has the big lie centered on the da Vinci Italian painting, instead of the French painting but it comes with an accompanying disinformation photograph. This showed the beginning of the display, which did have people sitting at an elongated table, as was in The Last Supper painting. I am pretty sure that this was not the only time people used an elongated table and since Da Vinci was not actually at the Last Supper, we have no idea what kind of table they sat at. On top of that, they conveniently did not show this table at the end of the performance because that included a semi-naked man, painted blue, who was supposed to represent Dionysus. You know, the guy who the entire presentation was supposed to be about. No one could look at the final picture of this event and think it looked anything like the Last Supper. Do you know why? Because it wasn't! So, Laurie defiantly stating that they opened with a mockery of the Last Supper is just implementing the Goebbels rule of repeating a lie until it becomes the truth. It is shameful and more importantly blindly stupid. It places the cause of Christ in jeopardy because the world sees the ridiculous stupidity and wants nothing to do with the church and who can blame them? If we so casually lie about something so proven false, why would they ever want to hear us about the gospel?

'He juxtaposed the massive debacle over what many have taken as a drag-queen-driven mockery of the Last Supper against a report that Brazilian surfer Joao Chianca was reportedly forced to remove an image of Jesus from his surfboard before the Olympics began. "So, we can openly mock Christ here," Laurie said. "But you can't have any representation of Jesus on your surfboard? " Everything's upside down."' - Charisma News

Now, it is interesting that Laurie compounds the big lie with a direct comparison to something completely unrelated. The Olympics have a rule about religious neutrality, which means no images of Christ, or Allah, or Buddha, or anything. The other side of this comparison is the big lie about what was "taken" as something it clearly was not. Think about the sheer lunacy of this church argument being foisted upon us. The truth no longer matters. The intentions are no longer relevant. The only thing that matters is how we have "taken" something. What a narcissistic, vacuous position to hold that is not based on anything factual. As for the surfer, there are rules and I assume he knew them. The time to have a political discussion about them, is BEFORE the games, not during them. He does not need a picture of Jesus on his board if he is saved because then Jesus is actually with him.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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