"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.' Then they also will answer, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?' Then he will answer them, saying, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.' And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." - Matthew 25:41-46 (ESV)
Charisma News is all in on the idolatry of Donald Trump. They are so because their masters are the carnal political forces of the Republican Party. In the run up to the election they battered their readers with wave after wave of false teachers demanding their vote as the only righteous, Christian choice being for the convicted rapist with 34 other felony convictions. Lunatics like Jack Hibbs went as far as to say that even if you were thinking of not voting at all, you were gong to hell. Seriously. They could not risk merely expressing the opinion that Donald Trump was the lesser evil. Instead, they had to "Jesus-fy" him, which is impossible without abject lying. They insisted he was King Cyrus or King Jehu. That he had a Deborah anointing and an Elijah mantle. The latest tripe was that Trump is a modern-day Nehemiah. Anything to slap on a patina of piety to the least pious candidate in modern memory. Now that they accomplished their goal of securing the election, the victory dance continues as Charisma is now in the business of continued disinformation to keep the sheep in line and under the false impression that everything is going great. That because of their vote, God is pleased, revival is imminent and do not believe your lying eyes. The above link is to the latest on Charisma from Larry Tomczak, one of the more rabid dominionist political operatives on Charisma. His premise here is to continue to vilify Kamala Harris for some reason, and distort what we see unfolding since Trump took office. It serves no Christian purpose and the lies are easily seen by the lost, driving them further away from Christ. We stand for the truth. Let us reason once more together beloved.
"Remember the classic song "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe?" How about having some fun and thinking about what the Inauguration Day event would have been like if Kamala Harris had become president? Mercy me, God spared us! President Donald Trump gave God the glory in his inauguration address when he said, "God spared me from that [assassination attempt] for a purpose"to make America great again!" He stated emphatically, "We will not forget our country, we will not forget our Constitution and we will not forget our God!" The assassin's bullet that grazed his head missed killing Trump by less than a centimeter. He dodged a bullet, and that is a prophetic picture of what America dodged through intervention as God responded to our prayers and engagement to reelect President Trump after a four-year hiatus. He returned more competent, courageous and calm as a statesman and man on a mission to pursue the rebuilding of America after being handed a mess by the disastrous Biden/Harris administration.
Daily I pray for President Trump's protection and for God's guidance in his administration and strongly encourage you to do likewise. I continue savoring this miraculous reset that he called "The Golden Age of America" in the opening sentence of his address." - Larry Tomczak
There is no question that Donald Trump is a master politician and as such, he knows he must throw red meat to the apostate church that adores him. That said, Larry is so steeped in his idolatry he cannot even see that this statement from Trump brings no glory to God whatsoever. The glory as always with Trump, goes to Trump. It is not God who is going to make America great again in this equation, but Trump. We will not forget our constitution? That is all Trump has done for the first four weeks of his administration. Was it remembering God to cut off all of our humanitarian aid to foreign countries? Was it God's choice to have that little old lady in Thailand die this week because we cut off funding for her oxygen in the name of bovine excrement efficiency? Was it God deciding to cut off the funding that allowed us to fight the spread of Ebola and HIV? Was it the Lord who decided that we no longer needed to provide assistance for special needs kids in our schools or Pell grants for our college age kids? It is not prophetic Larry. It is pathetic. He returned competent? Like when he fired the people in charge of the nuclear stockpile in this country because he did not realize that was what they did? Is it courageous to fire hundreds of thousands of people for no good reason? Is that Christian? How many are our brothers and sisters? How many voted for this administration? Why are you celebrating it as an alleged Christian leader? Did you say the same prayers for Persident Biden? Or did you rail against him every single day for four years you hypocrite.
'After Biden's "Barney Fife" ineptitude, there's a new sheriff in town demonstrating real leadership, and Trump is leaving leftists in the dust as they try to stall and stop his lightning-speed progress in draining the swamp. It's remarkable to observe the courage and clarity of his leadership, which is leaving the entrenched Washington, D.C., establishment frightened of being fired. I worked in the capital area for 24 years, and I know this subculture is running scared because accountability and Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency are hard at work.
This will be one of the most consequential presidencies in America's history, similar to what happened with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan. Judging by his explosive start with over 100 executive orders; transparency with the press; impressive presentations before the World Economic Forum (spontaneous and authoritative contrasted with Biden's feeble, teleprompter fumblings of the past); and also before leaders in Los Angeles as he handled the devastating fire disaster with clarity and compassion.
It's obvious even to some of his strongest adversaries that this is a man who is in the right place at the right time for the right reason: to turn America away from corruption and its catastrophic downward spiral. We are witnessing history as we honor God and His standards that our Founding Fathers built upon so we can recover our position as world leader and "one nation under God."' - Larry Tomczak