IHOP's Living Waters Program, which was run by Tracey Bickle (BICKLE'S sister). This
program was intended to help individuals with sexual issues. However, the mandatory nature of
this program and its connection to the leadership raised concerns about its effectiveness and the
true intentions behind it. Many of the victims we interviewed felt that the program was another
way to control and silence them rather than providing genuine support and healing.
The investigation has revealed that victims were often forced to disclose their personal sexual
history or history of being sexually abused as a child. In many instances, these deeply personal
stories were then used in prophetic words spoken by leaders or were used publicly to humiliate
victims in front of other students and staff. The use of victims' personal histories in such a
manner is a gross violation of trust and further exemplifies the toxic environment fostered by the
IW #130 stated that the phrase, "You did not speak against the Lord's anointed," was often used
to silence those who tried to report abuse, creating an environment where victims felt powerless
and unsupported. This systemic failure within the leadership has had a profound impact on the