When David Sliker resigned from the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) in January of 2024, spin doctor Eric Volz said defiantly about him, "Not once has there ever been a report of misconduct or inappropriate behavior by him." Really? How about now? How about someone cosplaying as a Christian leader thinking it was not a big deal that a man already accused of raping a 16-year-old boy, liked to take the IHOPKC boys to the YWCA so he could watch them disrobe, talk to them about masturbation and say he wanted to find time to shower with them to wash away their sins! Dear Lord, are you serious right now! Greaves refers to Stuart Greaves, who also had to resign from the ELT. The leadership said they honored David Sliker's service and dedication when he resigned. THIS is what is wrong in the apostate church system today when it comes to the corrupt leadership that protects wolves and spits on sheep. On a different victim, Olivia Bauman-Pousseur, Sliker ambushed her by arranging a meeting with the staff member she accused but did not tell her that was who she would be meeting with! Nice. She instead was told, that ASM #3 had repented and warned her not to tell anyone, including her parents, of what had happened. SLIKER told her, "Jesus doesn't go spreading all of our sins, so we shouldn't share the sins of others." Can you imagine your daughter reporting being sexually assaulted by a staff person at their church and the leadership tricking her into meeting with her assailant and then claim he "repented" and she shouldn't tell anyone including her parents! Then to use Jesus to perpetuate this abuse is so vile. Again, the leadership, not just Bickle. Next three examples:
"IS #8, after being sexually assaulted by ASM #5 at IHOPKC, sought help from trusted
leadership figures. Instead of receiving support, she was told that the term "assault" was too
strong and was discouraged from going to the police or disclosing the incident to anyone. IW
#16 said, "You are Holy if you don't talk. If you talk, you are toxic." This statement was made
many times throughout the investigation by other victims. IW # 191 stated there was a "code of
silence" at IHOPKC.
IS #23, a minor, joined IHOPKC as an intern. Unfortunately, there were no specific protections
in place for minors, and they were treated as adults, encouraged to fast and spend long hours in
the prayer room. Shortly after his arrival, he was targeted and groomed by ASM #7, a male
leader who exploited the prophetic to lure interns into sexual abuse.
IS #14 was sexually assaulted and raped by ASM #9, a staff member of the Nightwatch program.