Michele, invite Me into every area of your life. Do not see activities as righteous or evil. You know evil. I trust you. You get that. You know when to quit an activity, when to turn away. As you invite Me into every minute of your day, I will order it. Get out from under the law. You are free in ME. It is for freedom that you have been set free. I get this, Lord." -- Mark Virkler
This is scary beloved. Michele has been taught to confirm her own beliefs by pretending it is God speaking to her. So after a year without television, she "asks" God if she can have it back and this imaginary conversation erupts where Michele is speaking to herself but believes it is God providing her with insight into the biased view she already had. She also reveals the unbiblical practice of soaking, born out of experiential Christianity and popularized by Bethel and IHOP. This is where you use transcendental meditation techniques to empty your mind to "hear from God." This silly conversation never happened with God beloved. the answer that curbing television is legalistic is also not supported and is probably part of the answer Michele wanted as now not only does she get television back but she has insured she will not be convicted by it anymore as long as Jesus is "with her" when she watches it. On top of that, she is now assured by her own heart that whatever activities she engages in cannot be evil because she "knows" evil and God trusts her to not engage in evil. How ridiculous. The law convicts us beloved and thus we should never strive to "get out from under it" because that is where we are convicted of our sin. No Michele, you do not "get this." What you got is suckered by false teaching into eliminating two of the primary functions of the Holy Spirit in our lives -- leading us into all truth in scripture and conviction of sin -- and replacing it with the desires of your wickedly deceitful heart.
Beloved learn from Michele and mark any teacher like Mark Virkler for what he teaches is straight from the pits of hell.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- May, 20, 2019