"Though I didn't know it, I grew up a well-tutored pharisee.
In this book you can take a 40-question test to discover if you have any pharisaical tendencies.
To get me on the right path, the Lord gave me 1-2 pages of two-way journaling on His truths which countered each of the 49 lies I had believed. He replaced my lies and illumined my darkness. He did it lovingly and gently, yet firmly. It was the kindest rebuke and instruction I had ever received.
Since I am a teacher, I wanted to provide a road map for you so you too could repent and get on with a successful Christian life! Repenting of these lies removes us from boxes and prisons we have built for ourselves, and gives us a new platform in the Holy Spirit upon which we may walk." -- Mark Virkler
Playing the Pharisee card is a weak sign that he knows he has no scriptural argument. The implication here is that those that insist on biblical truths in everything we do or say are somehow Pharisees. That is garbage. The Pharisees taught falsely. They used scripture to further their own positions, similar to what Virkler is doing here to sell books. He sounds so pious wanting to leave you a road map for only 20 bucks. Don't fall for it beloved. Removing the guardrails of scripture is dangerous. Do not fall for experiential Christianity and the lies of the NAR.
"12 of these lies drew me away from trusting and living out of my heart, and told me to live out of my mind instead. Of course, the Bible has only 100 verses on mind and 1400 on heart and spirit, so God puts 14 times more emphasis on my heart and my spirit than on my mind. Boy, did I have it wrong! Out of the heart flow the issues of life (Prov. 4:23). 20 of them taught me the wrong approach to Christian growth. It was all trying and self-effort, and no relaxing into His arms. And there were more! Now, do you see why it was important for me (and for you) to identify these lies, repent of them, renounce them and replace them with God's truth? One more thing: You will discover as you go through this book how lovingly and gently God corrects us. He does not condemn us for our lies and errors. He does not judge us or come against us or call us names. He lovingly speaks truth to us, convincing us of His truth. He edifies and lifts us up as He corrects. I found that I had never been corrected in such a loving manner! You will appreciate His correction beyond measure, and through it, learn how to lovingly correct others!" -- Mark Virkler
Proverbs 4:23 is the key verse today because Virkler mangles it so badly. This verse is NOT encouraging is to trust and live out of our heart. It is imploring us to guard our hearts from the very heresies Mark Virkler traffics in. Notice the sleight of hand here. The mind only has 100 verses but the heart AND SPIRIT, has over 1400. Cute. How many of the 1400 were about the spirit Mark? How many of the heart verses were not positive like the Jeremiah verse that teaches us how wicked it is? It is not the arms of Jesus you are relaxing in Mark. Jesus rebuked every one of His disciples when they walked the earth but you think you are so special He only pats you on the back and says attaboy. Good luck with that false theology. We will conclude today with an actual testimony Virkler provides from one of his students claiming freedom from legalism. This testimony is a journal entry that should frighten anyone with an ounce of discernment:
"What Does God Think of TV? -- Two-way Journaling from a CLU Student