Oh yes, he has been such a tireless fighter. The way he scammed 45 billion dollars the day before his ascension to the Oval Office by announcing his own meme coin? Tireless indeed. Please, just stop with the deification and worship of this man. It is not vaguely Christian at all. Realize these words sound pious. Revival in America! Awakening in the churches! Stand up, be bold, preach the gospel for people to be saved! Except what gospel are you preaching? Are you preaching the one that thinks the adulterer book burning guy should be an apostle? Are you preaching the one where a money-grubbing woman using biblical numerology to fleece God's flock is somehow exalted as godly? Are you preaching this bizarro world of dominionism and Christian nationalism that worships a man instead of God? Then you are just like the Pharisees in the key verses whom Jesus rebuked. Traveling the entire earth to make a single convert and when you succeed you make them twice the son of hell that you are.
The NAR chases revival like a dog chases their tail. The bible promises no end times revival, just and end times apostasy and the NAR is leading that apostasy. Their deification of the president is the very definition of a cult. I am not defending Biship Budde. I do not know her and have never heard her preach. Neither did Representative Brecheen, who admits he left because he thought the church was espousing left wing talking points and he thinks the bible is right wing. The portion of her sermon that is causing all the manufactured outrage is a few lines at the end, where she addressed Mr. Trump directly. Her tone was respectful, calm, and soothing. She simply asked him to be merciful. If your cult gets so upset at the notion of mercy, perhaps you fail to realize how much mercy has already been shown to you.
Reverend Anthony Wade - January 23, 2025