"I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now."
Is this some radical left wing talking point? Is mercy now considered "woke" and a fair target for our derision? Is that where the apostate church is right now? If Jesus Christ was walking the earth, do you seriously think for a second, He would be espousing Trumpian positions? Have you read the gospel? Are not a great deal of immigrants in this country holding down jobs picking our crops? Two thirds of farming jobs are held by immigrants! Do they not also work as office cleaners? Do they not work as bus boys and waitresses? Is there not a collective fear in this country for some? Do we dismiss it callously out of hand as followers of Jesus Christ? When the church has been fed nothing but hatred and division for the last four years, is it any wonder they confuse compassion with condemnation? Dear Lord - she is asking for mercy! Was that a bridge too far for the second coming of King Jehu? Mark Driscoll tweeted yesterday that Trump was Elijah! Does Elijah strike you as having no compassion? Or is the entire narrative they are selling so clearly false?
"Pastor Travis Johnson and Dr. Malachi O'Brien, who were present at the event, told Charisma Media that the room was full of godly people like Jentezen Franklin, Paula White-Cain and Robert Jeffress who have been praying for revival and for the gospel to preached to the ends of the earth. To see this kind of rebuke coming at Trump from behind the pulpit was far from what any of them expected to happen that day. Budde's disgraceful sermon was a reminder to all of the Holy Spirit-filled people there that only those who love the Lord should be in church leadership." - Charisma News
I really want to drill down here and hope that you can fully grasp how this perfectly displays the inherent heretical nature of what the NAR platform is selling people. I make no argument about an Episcopalian bishop, mostly because I do not know her. I think it is a lazy way to smear someone to just call them "woke" or "leftist." If she routinely abuses the word of God, regardless of her politics, then that would be wrong. The issue here is that Charisma and the NAR present their side as the righteous side in this debate. They are defending Donald Trump as the righteous position to hold against a woman who simply asked for mercy. Yet, who does the NAR dominionist machine hold up as their bastions of virtue? Paula White Cain is a grifter. She is a huckster who has fleeced the people of God to the tune of five million dollars. She once claimed God told her that 1Chronicles 22:9 meant that you needed to send her $229. I kid you not. She is a charlatan, not a "godly person." She has led untold numbers of people straight down the broad path that leads to destruction, and you want to hold her up as a paragon of righteousness? Seriously? Do you know what idiot anointed Greg Locke an apostle? Malachi O'Brien. Why did he choose to pretend the man who likes to hold book burnings behind his church an apostle? Because his new wife, who had an affair with Locke while she was his secretary, behind the back of his first wife, asked him to. That's all. Malachi also named her an apostle too! The two adulterers now call themselves apostles and all it took was for one of them to ask Malachi O'Brien. So, how exactly is O'Brien godly? Or for that matter, Robert Jeffress, who long ago sold out his theology to worship at the altar of Trump. He called any Christian who would not vote for Trump "morons." He also led the charge to completely ignore the character of Trump, as if who he is, did not matter to God. Jentezen Franklin is a renowned false prosperity gospel preacher. These are not godly men, but these are the ones the NAR lifts up to combat the "wokeness" of daring to ask for mercy. The reality is that these men are selling the same cult they belong to, and the number one rule of the cult is you cannot question the leader. Christianity, however, is not a cult. Jesus is our leader, and He says to turn the other cheek. He asks what you have done for the least of these. He extends mercy. He demands mercy.
"My prayer is that whenever anyone comes into confrontation with a woke pastor or someone that's watered down the Scriptures"that those people would work to get control of their church, and if they can't, find a church where the gospel is preached in the power of the Holy Spirit so that lives can be transformed," says Johnson. The president himself said after the service that it was "not too exciting," and that he thought the church could have done a much better job of with it. He later took to Truth Social where he expressed his frustration with Budde's message.
The so-called Bishop who spoke at the National Prayer Service on Tuesday morning was a Radical Left hard line Trump hater. She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way. She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart. She failed to mention the large number of illegal migrants that came into our Country and killed people. Many were deposited from jails and mental institutions. It is a giant crime wave that is taking place in the USA. Apart from her inappropriate statements, the service was a very boring and uninspiring one. She is not very good at her job! She and her church owe the public an apology!" - Charisma News
I urge you to go and listen to this plea from Bishop Budde. There was no nastiness in her tone. That is a flat out lie. She did not mention the president's talking points because that was not what she was addressing. She was asking for mercy. Other countries are not emptying their mental institutions and jails and sending them here. That is not how things work. That is a bovine excrement talking point that far too many Christians have bought into. Budde did not bring her church into the world of politics, her church was hosting the Inauguration Prayer ceremony! Enough with the gaslighting and lies. The bottom line is Donald Trump did not like being asked to show mercy to people he clearly intends to show no mercy towards. There is no giant crime wave beloved. Crime is down nationally. None of that matters except to refute the practice of lying and pretending it is a Christian imperative to support and platform those lies. Look, you can say that the bishop should have kept quiet, made the sign of the cross and went on her way but you cannot feed into this nonsense. In a room full of NAR heretics, one person dared to ask for mercy and the NAR is having none of it.
"In the wake of the event, many leaders are calling for a renewed focus on the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. "Before the service started when hardly anyone was in the room I prayed for revival in our churches," says Johnson. "That God would bless President Trump. He's been a tireless fighter-- O'Brien also commented that unlike what happened at this inaugural prayer event, the National Faith Advisory Board is standing in the gap, praying for revival to transform our nation. "What we stand for is what Travis said he prayed for in the beginning of the service, that is for revival in America, awakening in the churches, for pastors to stand up, be bold and be strong and for the gospel to be preached, for people to be saved and for families to be strong and to pray for our president and every one of our nation's leaders," says O'Brien. During this wicked season, we must use biblical discernment and wisdom at all times, choosing to stand firm for Christ no matter what comes our way, pressing in to the Lord to see true revival come." - Charisma News