'Scanlon said she supports human trafficking survivors getting the help they need. She said she is an atheist who will fight for freedom of religion for anybody, as long as they're not using their beliefs to bully or force their views on others. But that's exactly what Mercy Culture is doing, she said, which is why she's continuing to speak up for Oakhurst even after moving hundreds of miles away. "Therein lies the crux, and that's what makes this matter tenfold worse. It's actually stunning to me that a pastor can behave the way (Schott) does," Scanlon said. "What's even more stunning is that people follow him, that people think that's not hate, that it's actually love. He will say, 'We're all about love' as he's bashing the LGBTQ (community) and the neighborhood and convincing his congregation that people who oppose them are demons."
While the city council's support of the site plan amendment to allow the Justice Residences is a major hurdle cleared, the building will need other city approvals as the development process continues. In a statement posted to its Facebook page the morning after the council vote, Oakhurst Neighborhood Association board members and officers stated that they are "exploring all available options up to and including legal action." The association provided a statement to TRR regarding the status of the Justice Residences project and future of the neighborhood.
"Although the Oakhurst Neighborhood Association has not received communication from Mercy Culture Church or the Justice Reform since the December 10, 2024 Fort Worth City Council meeting wherein Council approved the proposed site plan amendment that would allow for the construction of the Justice Residences, ONA stands ready to communicate and collaborate with both these entities, as well as the City of Fort Worth, as this process moves forward," the statement reads. "In the meantime, Oakhurst will continue to be the loving and welcoming neighborhood it has been for over 100 years." Omarkhail said Mercy Culture has had a "very negative impact" on the neighborhood and that some residents regret moving there.
"It's brought so much animosity, being treated like an enemy in our own neighborhood," she said. "A church is supposed to be a part of a community, not take over the community."' - The Roys Report
Amen. The church is supposed to be a part of the community, not take over the community. This is not true however when you have adopted the NAR seven mountains mindset. Everything is about taking over. About occupying. Even if you somehow fundamentally disagree with the neighbor's assessment, they have the right to feel how they feel. This is not what the local church is supposed to be representing. Landon and Heather Schott have been abrasive and confrontational since day one. They took over a church that was part of the community and swiftly put everyone who did not want to attend their cult on notice. They are hiding behind the disguise that this is all about the victims of sex-trafficking and anyone who does not lock step in agreement is branded as evil, a devil, and no longer has any rights to their own opinions. They abuse the holy desk of God to sow discord within the very community they pretend to serve. They teach their congregants to hate, unequivocally, in the name of Jesus. To accomplish this, they must reduce the people in the community as not being human. Normally this is accomplished just by claiming they are demonic but Schott does not care and is willing to openly say they are not human at all! The job of a pastor is to shepherd the flock, preach the gospel, and reach the community. If you can help victims along the way - more power to you. If that desire to help however, circumvents the three primary functions of your calling then you are not a pastor at all. You are a hireling. I do not care what your motivation is because it has no relevance to this conversation. Landon and Heather Schott are vile excuses for NAR fake pastors. When you assign people to the demonic realm because of their lawn signs, I think it is time to openly rebuke, mark and avoid.
Keep the people in the community in prayer that the Schotts do not totally destroy the witness of Christ for them.
Reverend Anthony Wade - January 17, 2025