Another core feature of NAR dominionism is self-victimization. The church and its followers are always being sold that they are the victims of this evil world. We see this playing out throughout this story. The Schotts are constantly portraying themselves as pious messengers of God who are being spiritually attacked, or in this case physically attacked. They make outrageous allegations about kidnapping, extortion, or here some kind of mob attack that only ended because poor Heather Schott was escorted from the meeting for her own safety. Yet the people at the meeting, including the press, say that is wholly untrue. Also, they offer no proof of the tires being slashed, which would strike me as pretty easy to prove, or this inane kidnapping charge. Keep in mind through all of this that I am sure they are telling their congregation all of these lies as well. They are actively sowing division within the community they are supposed to be serving!
'Mercy Culture withdrew its 2022 request to build the Justice Residences days before the zoning commission was set to review it, according to KERA News. The media outlet states that city staff had recommended denial of the project because the site was not suitable for the requested use or consistent with the area's comprehensive plan. When Mercy Culture leaders submitted plans to the city for the Justice Residences in 2024, they described it as a discipleship center, which they said is a permitted use on the property per zoning code. Zoning for the site allows "church-related activities" but does not clearly define what they are. The week before the council vote, attorneys representing Mercy Culture sent a letter to Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker and members of the city council, threatening legal action if the project was not approved.
According to KERA News, Parker said she voted in favor of Mercy Culture's proposal to avoid a legal battle, which she said "the city would most likely lose." As pushback from the Oakhurst neighborhood continued to grow, Landon Schott publicly decried their opposition from the pulpit and on social media. Two days after the meeting with Oakhurst neighbors, Landon Schott posted on Instagram a screenshot of a news report about the meeting. "Another front page story" If anyone resist (sic) helping the most abused victims in our community its only because they're EVIL!" he stated. During a May 2023 sermon, he claimed a witch conducted a seance, leaving behind blood and feces, on the front porch of an Oakhurst resident who attends Mercy Culture. The pastor said the church member sent a photo as evidence, but he did not show the image or present any other proof that a seance had occurred. TRR requested to see the photo but did not receive a response. However, Landon Schott concluded that "witches and warlocks" live in the neighborhood. He used the incident to justify previous comments about Oakhurst residents and their intentions. "You thought I wasn't being nice when I was caught talking to demons, and people forget about the Jesus that flipped over tables. They forget about the Jesus that said, 'Get behind me, Satan' to Peter," Schott said during the sermon. "I'm not talking to people. I'm talking to devils. Some of you are trying to counsel out devils. Well, can't we just make peace with demons? Go for it. Let me know how it works for you. So, the challenge is, that in spiritual warfare, we're dealing with spirits while we have to engage with people."' - The Roys Report
How despicable and sickening. The NAR frequently cites the overturning of the tables as some kind of proof that it is ok for them to be belligerent fools. The problem of course is people like the Schotts do not have the indwelt Holy Spirit to lead them into the truths of scripture that they so desperately need. Jesus overturned the tables in the TEMPLE. The moneychangers were ripping off the people, you know, like the same community people the Schotts have declared war on! The rest of Jesus' ministry was about helping people and loving people. It was about turning the other cheek and not seeking vengeance. The only people Jesus had disdain for were the false teachers of His day. Ironically, Landon and Heather Schott are examples of false teachers for today. The comparison to Jesus rebuking Peter is equally odious. As the key verses above show, Jesus was telling of His upcoming death and Peter. Not knowing he was speaking for Satan, Peter said this will never happen to you. This represents how we too can hide behind self-righteousness but be against the will and plan of God. This is exactly what the Schotts are doing. They have concluded that they are Jesus in this story but they are really Peter. They have convinced themselves that their cause is righteous so it doesn't matter how they achieve their cause. Peter convinced himself that he could stand for Jesus by defying the plan of God, just like the Schotts are doing here. Just consider the abhorrent audacity to say, in a sermon from the holy desk of God, that people are not human. This lazy and heretical conclusion they reach is so typical of the NAR. Once again, when you have convinced yourself that your position is God's position and anyone opposed must not even be human, you are in a cult. While I feel bad for the people in the neighborhood, I feel worse for the deceived people in this church that are being taught to dehumanize and hate people in the name of Jesus Christ.
"Omarkhail said she had seen a photo of the alleged seance evidence. She said the photo showed what appeared to be remnants of dropped food, such as a burrito. Omarkhail and Scanlon said the Oakhurst neighborhood hosts a Witches Stroll every year in the fall, a light-hearted event where residents dress up and pass out candy to children. But they said they are not aware of any actual witches or warlocks in the neighborhood. Landon Schott clarified his comments about witches and warlocks during the Jan. 1 Holy Disruption podcast. He said he was not calling every resident of the neighborhood a witch, warlock, or demonic and apologized to residents who were offended. But he backed up his previous comments by saying that"in addition to the alleged seance"an Oakhurst resident claiming to be a witch attempted to intimidate a board member. He also said that another resident who sells rocks as part of her business is participating in witchcraft. He added that the morning after the neighborhood's annual Witches Stroll, curses were taped on every door of the church. The Holy Disruption episode included a blurry photo that shows what appears to be references to the book of Exodus." The Roys Report
Yet another fake accusation levelled by the alleged man and woman of God. We all remember the infamous burrito se'ance from 1Chronicles, don't we? Seriously, it seems the Landon must have been getting some appropriate push back, so he tried to sort of apologize. Hey, not ALL of you evil people are witches and warlocks! Only some of you are! He backs up this non-apology with yet another unsubstantiated accusation! A board member was somehow threatened by a witch! See? All the neighbors are devils! Proof? Here is a picture of an alleged witch's curse taped to our door. Except it is so blurry you cannot read what it actually says. Isn't it also a little odd that witches, who do not believe in the bible, would use Exodus to curse the church? It seems Landon needs to rebrand his podcast as "Unholy Desperation" rather than Holy Disruption.
'Landon Schott, who does not have any seminary experience listed on his Mercy Culture biography, used Matthew 16 to justify his behavior in which Jesus said "Get behind me, Satan" when addressing Peter, his disciple. "Jesus wasn't mean," Schott said. "So, this is for mature Christians that are real disciples of Jesus. (Jesus) turns to Peter and says, 'You're acting like Satan. Your behavior is demonic, and you have to get that spirit of offense behind me.'"
Omarkhail, who said she moved to Fort Worth to attend seminary, said she feels Landon Schott often misuses Scripture to mischaracterize those who disagree with him. "He knows how to pull out whatever verses he wants and goes from there," she said. In addition to calling some Oakhurst residents demonic from the pulpit, Landon Schott used his Instagram account, which has more than 42,000 followers, to share other opinions about the community In October 2024, Schott posted a video while in the Oakhurst neighborhood, pointing out yard signs supporting then-candidates Kamala Harris for president and Tim Walz for vice president, as well as a Palestinian flag. In August 2024, the pastor posted online that anyone who votes for a Democrat can't be a Christian. He then implied that the community's opposition to Mercy Culture's proposed Justice Residences stemmed from its liberal political leanings. "You have a group of people that love Harris/Walz signs, Palestinian signs, I've seen some Ukrainian signs"not many American flags"but all sorts of different flags up here," he said. "This group of people have no say in what we build in our property, in our church, that the United States constitution, the Texas constitution and even the city ordinances of Fort Worth give us permission to do. It's one thing to not be for something. It's another thing to actively resist it." In a Dec. 5, 2024, letter to city officials, the Oakhurst association stated it is against the location of the Justice Residences, not the church's desire to help victims of human trafficking. "In fact, many of Oakhurst's neighbors dedicate their own professional careers and personal time to serving and assisting those in need," the letter states. "Oakhurst neighbors are doctors, nurses, mental health professionals, prosecutors, peace officers, social workers, civil servants, victim advocates, and regularly volunteer with churches and local non-profits to help the same or similar populations that applicant also seeks to assist."' - The Roys Report
Omarkhail is absolutely correct. All Schott does is abuse and misuse scripture to fit his narrative. Do not gloss over what Landon Schott has done here. Having 42,000 people following him on Instagram, he bears false witness to all of them about people whom he has disagreement with. We see his true NAR dominionist underpinnings here as he makes the same asinine and treacherous claim that anyone who does not vote as he does, cannot even be a Christian! So, the litmus test for salvation according to Landon Schott is not whether someone has saving faith in Christ and the finished work of the cross. Instead, it is whether or not they voted for a man who cheated on his first wife with his second wife and his third wife with a porn star and has 34 felonies along with a rape conviction. Once again - a sure sign you are in a cult. Note the abject stupidity in his arguments here. That because some of the neighbors might have an opposing political law sign, that they have no right anymore to what gets built in their neighborhood. The constitution does not support such garbage and neither does the bible. No matter how much the Schott's continue to frame any opposition as evil and standing against sex-trafficking they are only more exposed as being disingenuous. The neighbors are not against helping victims of sex-trafficking. They are against building a 100-bed facility in their neighborhood and it sounds like they have fair reasons for such.