"The Bible calls us to be salt and light in the world (Matt. 5:13-16). We cannot afford to stay silent while darkness advances. This means speaking out against policies and ideologies that harm our nation and contradict God's Word. It also means discipling the next generation to carry the torch of faith and freedom. Murillo's prophetic word is both a challenge and a promise for the church in 2025. If we rise to the occasion, we can see America restored to its God-ordained purpose. But this requires action"prayer, fasting, evangelism and an unwavering commitment to biblical truth. As Trump's reelection has shown, God is giving us a window of opportunity. Lets not squander it. Instead, let us heed the words of Joshua: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go" (Josh. 1:9). There is no better time to act than now." - Charisma News
In the 1990s there was a pious, religious man in the House of Representatives that the church loved to exalt. He was one of the top three critics of Bill Clinton and his sexual foibles. He was screaming "character counts!" He was the lead Impeachment Manager who loved the cameras and his opportunities to excoriate the sinful president and champion the cause of Christianity. He was an Evangelical Christian that received perfect voting scores from the Christian Coalition. This man's name was Dennis Hastert and it turned out that he liked to molest little boys. Oops. I say this because there are a million Dennis Hasterts. Mario sells the notion that we only should focus on policies that someone promises they will support and not who they actually are. That is not being salt and light beloved. It is not being salt and light to show the world that we do not care about who the people are that we blindly support. Discipling the next generation to hold the same warped, unbiblical views is just making them twice the son of hell that you already are. Notice how he frames everything. His opponents, that he insists must be your opponents, are "darkness." They are evil by default, regardless of who they actually are or what they have done in their lives. By inferred contrast, his side are then the ones walking in the light. His side are the righteous. Unwavering commitment to biblical truth? Murillo has not handled one scripture correctly in this article. Just consider the audacity and wickedness he shows by declaring that God has given us a window of opportunity by allowing the reelection of such a thoroughly wicked man. This is not an endorsement of any other candidate either. We can all come to our own conclusions when it comes to who we might think is best for president but that is an entirely carnal assessment. There is no righteousness attached to it. We do not need to misappropriate Joshua 1:9 to try and convince people that our evil is actually good. This was no prophetic word beloved. Mario Murillo is a political operative trying to keep the apostate church motivated to worship his idol, Donald Trump. So, he sat down and wrote an article to support his utter carnality. Then he slapped a "prophetic" label on it to fool you into thinking this was from God. It wasn't. It is just from a self-righteous huckster punching people with the wicked fist of his black heart.
Reverend Anthony Wade - January 14, 2025