"Prepare for spiritual warfare. According to Murillo, the church must embrace its role in spiritual warfare. "The battle is not just political; it is deeply spiritual. Satan's agenda is to destroy the family, the church and the nation." As Paul writes, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds" (2 Cor. 10:4, MEV). The time for passive Christianity is over." - Charisma News
This is hysterical. So, the battle is spiritual, but Mario's solutions are all entirely carnal in nature. Satan's agenda is being fully aided and abetted by Mario Murillo. When Mario declares half of the people in the church are all going to hell because of how they vote, that is Satan's agenda. When Mario deifies and demands fealty and worship of a man so depraved that he cannot operate charities in NY anymore due to cheating other charities, including ones that help kids with cancer, that is Satan's agenda. The reality is Mario knows what he openly teaches and advocates for is so purely carnal that he must constantly try and apply a patina of Christianese over it and Jesus-fy everything. All he makes are political arguments and all of his solutions are political. So, of course, he has to now try and pretend, no no - it's all spiritual. The apostate church he serves is already accomplishing the purposes of the enemy.
"A revival of bold preaching. Murillo issues a call for pastors to return to bold, biblical preaching. "We need men and women in the pulpit who will preach the Word without compromise. The days of seeker-friendly sermons must end." He emphasizes the need for messages that convict hearts and inspire action, echoing the words of Isaiah: "Cry aloud, do not hold back; lift up your voice like a trumpet" (Isa. 58:1a). - Charisma News
Allow me to translate the NAR code-speak Mario is engaging in here. "Bold preaching" to Mario Murillo means preaching things other than the gospel of Jesus Christ. It means preaching to the cultural battles the Republican Party and the NAR constantly wage. It means speaking to carnal politics, despite the legal prohibitions against such. Mario envisions a church that is enamored with the world. A church that is not only turning its tent toward Sodom but is wholly immersed in it, like Lot before him. What he cannot see, because he does not have the indwelt Holy Spirit to lead him into all truth, is that what he engages in IS compromise. I am always leery when someone uses half a verse and it often is because the context destroys their talking points, so I included the context in the key verses today. Why was Isaiah saying to lift your voice like a trumpet? Murillo wanted to leverage that to say that pastors should preach politics but is that supported by the text? Not in a million years. God is instructing Isaiah to not hold back in declaring to the people of God their transgressions - not those in the world! Note the rebuke here and apply it instead to the apostate dominionist church of Mario Murillo. They seek God daily and delight to know His ways as if they did righteousness and did not forsake the judgment of God! Why have we humbled ourselves and yet God takes no notice of it? In the day of your fast, or your religiosity, you only seek your own pleasures and desires while oppressing your workers! Are you hearing what God is saying! When you say that people are going to hell for not voting for a man who has spent his entire life oppressing his workers, what do you think you are aligning with? Behold! Your religious pretense is solely designed to quarrel, fight and hit with a wicked fist! That perfectly describes Mario Murillo's angry, hateful theology. He has all the pretense and show of religion but it is only designed to hit other people with a cruel and wicked fist.
"Mobilize the church for action. Murillo stresses that this is not the time for Christians to retreat. "Every believer has a role to play, whether in prayer, activism or evangelism. This is our moment to take territory for the kingdom of God." He urges Christians to support candidates and policies that align with biblical values, reminding us that faith without works is dead (James 2:26)." - Charisma News
Just a brutal butchering of the bible here. Voting is not "works." Deciding your perceived lesser evil is somehow righteous is not "works." The notion of alignment with biblical values is pure NAR gibberish. Donald Trump's policies do not align with biblical values. It is easy to pick two wedge issues and ignore everything else. The number one topic in the bible after salvation is taking care of the least of these in society. Eviscerating food stamps, threatening older people on Social Security, protecting the rich - none of that aligns with biblical values. Also, what is always missing from NAR dominionists these days is personal accountability. The person you are supporting doesn't matter? Their character is somehow irrelevant? Raping someone suddenly is unimportant to God? Having 34 felony convictions? Two divorces, three infidelities, and a porn star on the side? None of it registers anymore? Let's be honest. If Satan himself were running as a Republican in 2028 and promised more "constitutionalist" judges, Mario would have a "Beelzebub 2028" sign on his front lawn. Notice that all of this alleged prophetic word from God is 100% supporting one political party. Regardless of who the candidates are. A month ago, this "Christian" choice for president nominated a man he knew trafficked a high school junior for sex and drugs across state and international lines. The "Sound of Freedom" crowd - supported it. The man he then nominated for the Secretary of Defense, which is in the chain for the release of nuclear weapons, is an infamous drunkard with a standing Non-Disclosure Agreement with a woman he sexually assaulted. None of this matters to Mario. It matters to God however.
"Expect Miracles and Breakthroughs: Murillo concludes his prophecy with a word of encouragement: "God is not done with America. We will see miracles, signs and wonders like never before." He points to Joel 2:28-29: "It will be that afterwards, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh " your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions." God's power will be evident to all who stand firm in faith.
Murillo's prophetic word highlights the urgency of our time. The Left's relentless push for moral relativism, gender confusion and outright hostility toward Christianity is not just a political agenda"it's a spiritual attack. As Murillo says, "The church must decide if it will bow to the culture or stand for truth."' - Charisma News
Dear Lord. In the twisted heart of Mario Murillo, a word of encouragement for believers is that God is not done yet with our carnal nation. Yes, He is. Because God is no respecter of person, let alone nation. Our nation will be judged as every other nation will be. In another breathtaking butchering, these Joel verses have NOTHING to do with America. God is not pouring out His spirit upon America. By the way, the verse says all flesh - not just those that agree with you politically. Mario engages in a little Freudian projection here because what he advances is not a spiritual agenda but rather a political attack. This word is pathetic, not prophetic. The notion that the Creator of the entire universe is speaking through a man who routinely mangles His word in order to push an entirely carnal agenda is absurd. The only one bowing to culture here is Mario Murillo. It is just that he wants his vision of culture. The seven mountains heresy is entirely about influencing culture. This isn't truth beloved. It is propaganda designed by worldly political forces that recognize Mario is entirely too stupid to realize he is the useful idiot in this equation.