"The false prophets kept telling the people that there was nothing to worry about; God surely would not bring destruction on His people. Why would they need to take action and change course? In the same way, sitting out of voting is acting passively, believing nothing bad could ever happen to our nation and that it doesn't matter who wins. It absolutely does. Christianity Today's claims that "Not voting may be the best way for for many Christians to to heed their consciences and the promptings of the Holy Spirit" is part of this false hope that nothing catastrophic will ever happen. This claim rests under the assumption that persecution to the First Amendment will not come. However, with one side actively promoting socialistic ideology, we have already seen the fruit of this agenda at work. Verse 13 in Lamentations 4 should also ring as terrifying for us: "This was for the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests, who poured out in her midst the blood of the righteous." It was the religious people, the leaders in this instance, who had the blood of the innocent on their hands. Christians are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We cannot lead people toward deception and believe that God does not care about what we do." - Abby Trivett
The NAR just doesn't get it. Just because you have compromised what you pretend to believe in does not mean that people who have not are "passive." That is a juvenile conclusion. Perhaps Abby has just determined that Donald Trump is the lesser of two evils. That would at least be spiritually and intellectually honest. What never crosses her wicked heart and mind is that someone else might decide to not want to vote for any evil, no matter how lesser some might have evaluated it to be. There is no danger to the first amendment and that scare tactic is inane. The government will not allow the theocracy the NAR thinks it wants but that is not a challenge to the freedom of religion. The "socialism" boogey man is equally inane and non-scriptural. We already have many facets of our government that are socialist based and many of the teachings and ministry activities of Jesus were as well. It is only human arrogance that assumes God has ordained their version of government or economic system. The truly sad thing is to watch NAR folks like Abby Trivett dance around the truth and never see it. The Lamentations verse applies to HER! She represents the "religious" people! The false prophets are associates of hers! Charisma platforms nearly every false prophet operating today. The absolutely hysterical notion here is her belief that leading the church to vote for a man who lied over 30,000 times the last time he was president is leading them "away" from deception. You cannot make up this level of silly gaslighting. This is the man who this year trafficked the lie that Haitians, who are our brothers and sisters, were eating people's pets in Ohio. So, you are right Abby. God cares very deeply about what we do and say. In fact, the bible says we will be held to account for every careless word but I would not seek solace in that verse if I were you.
"Christianity Today's cop-out of not voting because "His omniscient use of imperfect people in his redemptive work is hardly comparable to me voting for a deeply flawed candidate-- underscores all the other issues we are also voting for. We vote for senators, and state and local representatives. These are the people who will have an impact on our everyday lives. In Florida, Amendments 3 and 4 revolving around marijuana and abortion are reason enough to get out to the polls to keep these dangerous schemes from infiltrating the state. God placed us in this nation for a reason. If we do not steward it well by voting in the people and policies that will bring revival to our land and the world, then we cannot expect that right to someday be there when we most desire it." - Abby Trivett
Please stop with the fatalism. You were born here. God did not place you here so you could vote for Donald Trump or anyone for that matter. That is so ignorant to who He is and what His word says. God does not need our help, Abby. He does not want it. He is God, all by Himself. You think that revival will come if we all vote for a man with three wives, a porn star, who doesn't pay his bills, steals from charities, grabs women by their genitals, was convicted of rape and doesn't think he has to ask God for forgiveness for anything? Seriously? Sadly, you also think that a man with that resume will somehow have great policies for you too? Maybe you should spend less time writing political articles and more time reading the bible.
Beloved, the Republican Party is running scared and is dispatching the NAR apostate church leaders to try and spiritually bully and guilt church folks into voting for their guy. Secondarily, they are doing the same to anyone who may decide to not vote at all. They pretend that the choice to not vote is somehow less righteous. That it is somehow lazy as opposed to informed. They do this because they are desperate. So, they send out heretical idiots like Jack Hibbs, who has already consigned Democratic voters to everlasting and unquenchable fires, to intimidate non voters by accusing them of sinning. As said, utterly vile and disgusting. Still concerned they also send out Abby Trivett armed with scripture she clearly does not understand to parrot lame and unbiblical NAR talking points as if they are somehow revelatory. They are not. They are absurd political heresies is all. Be not deceived or bullied beloved. Pray and vote or pray and do not vote. Mark and avoid political hucksters and hirelings like Abby Trivett and Jack Hibbs.
Reverend Anthony Weade - November 2, 2024