'"Sometimes, we act like this is our home, we settle down, and put our feet up"this is a battlefield, and it's never been more clear than now," the pastor implored. "We cannot, and we must not, decide 'not to get involved' in our culture. We do not have the option or the luxury of staying out of the fight that's before us. I tell you, there are more things to fight for than there ever has been in my lifetime. It's a very, very critical time. "Voting is a Christian responsibility," Hibbs urged. "It's an opportunity to do good. The Bible says, 'To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin' (James 4:17). Am I saying that if you don't vote, it's a sin? That's exactly what I'm saying."' - Charisma News
The only way we are commanded to "get involved in our culture" is through the gospel - period, full stop. This pitch by the corrupted Hibbs is pure NAR seven mountains heresy. We are not in a carnal fight. The key verse for today reminds us that we are not fighting against flesh and blood. Fleshly voting is not going to resolve spiritual warfare. Prayer, intercession, worship, fasting - these are our tools. Donald Trump is not. Voting is the furthest thing from a Christian responsibility. An opportunity to do good? How? By voting for a man so uniquely compromised that he has admitted that he does not believe he has to ask God for forgiveness for anything AND thinks it is ok to grab women by their genitals? Jack Hibbs is getting desperate however. First, he tried just saying Jesus will be holding your voting record in His hands. Then he topped that by saying if you vote for a Democrat then you would face the unquenchable fires of hell. Now, if you just have the temerity to stay home and not vote at all? You are actively sinning against God. Jack Hibbs is a abhorrent excuse for a pastor. I would say mark and avid but he needs to be openly rebuked for being the tool of Satan that he is. This one article slapping the sheep around who might not vote was not enough for Charisma today. So, let us move on to the second article.
"With the election just a few days away, many people are preparing to go on Nov. 5 to cast their ballot and exercise their American freedom to choose the candidate of their preference. Some have already gone to the polls in early voting and via mail-in ballots. However, for the hesitant Christian, publications like Christianity Today are trying to convince them not to vote. This couldn't be further from the truth. Millions of Christians around the globe wished they had the freedom to vote and the freedom to worship. Persecution against Christians is real, and many do not have the right to voice their opinion about the kind of world they want to live in. Having the freedom to vote is a gift we've been given by God, and if we do not utilize what He's placed in our hands, it will be taken away someday. Just as the servants who took the talents their master gave them and sowed them well were declared, "good and faithful" the one who did nothing with what he was given was called "wicked and slothful" (Matt. 25:26). If we do not use the vote we have, the talent that has been placed into our hands, then we can be sure that the unjust will rise to power and that gift will be lost one day." - Abby Trivett
While it is true that millions of people in oppressive regimes wish they had the right to vote, that is irrelevant to this country where we do have that choice. The issue is the fact that those other countries do not have democracies and religious freedom but ours does. The sadly ironic thing is that Abby Trivett has been so corrupted by Charisma that she cannot see her own hypocrisy. The man she is demanding you vote for LOVES the rulers of those regimes that oppress Christians. He declared he was in love with North Korea's dictator. He says that the leader of China is strong and smart and rules with an iron fist, as if that was a good thing. He has an absolute bromance with the vicious dictator of Russia and hosted the strong man dictator from Hungary at his posh Florida resort. In fact, if there was one candidate to avoid for fear of turning our country into one of those countries, it would be the guy Trivett is supporting. The scare tactic of losing the right to vote if we choose not to is blindly moronic. One of the choices an informed citizen might reach is that neither candidate is worthy of the precious vote he/she has. That is why million of people vote locally and leave the presidential slot open. Millions of others write in name, even such as Jesus Himself. I guarantee that Abby and Hibbs would both condemn writing in the name of Jesus because that is not who they want elected anyway. I also wish the NAR would stop abusing the Parable of the Talents. Our vote is not "talents." That is a biblical absurdity. Jesus did not tell this parable as a lesson for us to vote for Doanld Trump 2000 years later. We are not being wicked and slothful by deciding to not vote for either evil. That is insulting. By the way, it is ridiculous to declare that not voting guarantees that the unjust will rise to power. The unjust can always rise to power, voting or not. What Abby is trying to say is that her boy might not rise to power if you do not go out and vote for him. So, she is trying to guilt you and manipulate you into voting for him. Do not fall for this political huckster.
"In fact, not only will this talent be taken away, but there are consequences for not actively participating when God has called us to be the light of the world. When the people of Judah were to be taken away into captivity by the Babylonians because of their sinfulness, the prophet Jeremiah not only warned them of what was coming, but he made it clear that their wickedness had brought destruction on them. However, the people were deceived by false prophets.
We as a nation have sinned greatly by the things we've allowed to come into society, and instead of speaking up about it, Christians have just lamented over "the good old days." Yet, it is the people of faith who should've been sharing the gospel to see transformation happen. Instead, we have accepted the indoctrination of children, the murder of unborn babies, the use of illegal substances and the degradation of the family unit and have called it "loving." Lamentations 4:12-13 tells us, "The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy could enter the gates of Jerusalem. This was for the sins of her prophets and the iniquities of her priests, who poured out in her midst the blood of the righteous." - Abby Trivett
Israel was not carried off to Babylon because they refused to be a light for the world. How biblically ignorant. Israel was plundered and taken into captivity as a fulfillment of what God decreed all the way back in Deuteronomy, when He warned them the curses for disobeying His law. Their wickedness was because they worshipped idols and had wicked kings. How ironic that Abby laments about the false prophets of old while she works for a fake media platform that only platforms false prophets! And please, stop comparing ancient Israel to America! This is not and never was a Christian nation! The majority of the Founding Fathers were deists. George Washington was a third-degree Mason, not an evangelical. Thomas Jefferson rewrote the bible to remove the miracles of Christ and any reference to His deity because he did not believe He was the son of God. We are the light of the world through the gospel, not our carnal votes. We are certainly NOT the light of the world by defending a reprehensible man as the second coming of various biblical figures and insisting that half the country is going to hell because they do not vote for him. Or that 100 million more people are actively sinning against God and will face the unquenchable fires for not voting at all. That wickedness is the pure darkness beloved.