"There are those who label leaders who bring correction to such toxic behavior as abusive. This blindness can lead those with an unteachable spirit into deception. This is a volatile season and all of us need to judge ourselves so that others will not need to do so. When the church does not judge ourselves, God will allow others to do so to expose sin." - ACPE
Beloved, these folks are not leaders in God's church. They are leaders in the apostate church and as such, they are scrambling to prop themselves up by feigning righteousness. They are also admittedly forced into doing such because a point of critical mass was reached with the Morris debacle after the Bickle debacle, after the Zacharias debacle. Obviously, the crimes and sins of these fallen leaders was deserving of rebuke but beware when the source of that rebuke is not representing God or the cause of Jesus Christ.
Reverend Anthony Wade - June 27, 2024