"For those who innocently served in prayer and worship, God saw your sacrifice. God is close to the pure-hearted. Those who sacrificially prayed should not be victimized and their intercessory prayer life to be considered of no avail by people trying to make things right. We are committed to not winking at sin, both in our midst and that done by others. While we believe in restoration, we cannot hide criminal behavior against underage minors. We understand that many people in the church have felt that full restoration could be done outside of the law, but we must hold ourselves to the same standard that we expect any other person breaking the law to be held accountable to. We are aware that various leaders have done what they knew to do at the times they were living in to deal with sin. However, we must understand that no one is above the law when it deals with sinful and criminal behavior." - ACPE
Guess not. I understand the need to be easy on the people who were duped theologically by Bickle but sugar coating it does them no good either. There was absolutely nothing redeemable about the entire time IHOP was in existence. Nothing. It was founded by a serial child molester who lied about it being prophesied. That means everything, including the idea for 24-7 prayer was not from God. By all means people should realize that true fervent prayer to God individually transcends man but we cannot keep it in the context of IHOP to try and loan it some credibility. By doing, so they are in fact "winking at sin." It is the same thing people like Dr. Michael Brown and Steven Strang have been doing. Paying lip service to being so broken about the sin but still trying to salvage what the sin created. Also, of note here is the notion that people in the church think these wolves could be restored regardless of the laws they broke! While that may be true, shouldn't it be the role of true elders to rebuke such an unbiblical notion?
"Recent events of uncovered sin should cause all of us to make sure that our lives are lining up with God's word and biblical standards. We encourage every Christian leader to first examine themselves and then deal with their sin. This is also the time when we must have clear guidelines on how we deal with sin that breaks the law. Judgment must begin at the House of God (I Peter 4:17). More sin is going to come to light. The Lord is cleaning house so that the harvest will be sustained, and revival and reformation take place across the face of the earth." - ACPE
Back to the NAR unbiblical talking points about revival. The bible is clear in these end days there will be a great falling away, not a great revival. This falling away is led by people like this who sign documents pretending to be righteous while they assault the kingdom of God. It is interesting that they seem to want to separate out sin that violates the law. While certainly, the Morris and Bickle allegations are reprehensible, what about the sins that do not break the law? What if the Mike Bickle scandal was only related to Jane Doe number one, who was 19 years old at the time he seduced her into a four-year relationship while married? What about his lying to her that God told him his wife was going to die so they could be together? What about the control and manipulation? Doesn't her life matter too? There is this sense that if the Bickle revelations had not included minors that the Charismatic leaders would have quickly restored him. The Lord is cleaning house but part of that clean up includes those that lie about hearing from him.
"For those who have been victimized in any way through the sexual abuse, toxic behaviors, or deep disappointment of leaders whom you trusted to be safe and you looked up to, we are deeply sorrowful over what has been done to you. It was wrong. There are no excuses. We are committed to living holy lives and being accountable for our actions to try and recognize such behavior in ourselves and others." - ACPE
More lip service because it is being delivered by people cosplaying as elders and prophets. Jennifer LeClaire must know she is a liar. The grifting she engages in is insulting. Holy lives? Does that include sneaky squid spirits or training people to combat marine demons (yes, she once sold that)? Being held accountable for selling books claiming you personally have the power to release angels? Or that you can literally train people to be apostles, prophets, seers and watchmen? Why not start by holding yourselves responsible? Start with Wallnau teaching that the church must conquer seven imaginary cultural mountains. Or start with Campbell's demonic head shaking routine. Of course, that would never happen because these folks are not in it for accountability but rather for the grift and the cosplay.
"In addition, we are grieved about the misuse of the prophetic by harsh people who have entered into pride and arrogance in the prophetic movement. They are responsible for wounding others by their so-called prophecies. Some who have the concept of "Don't touch God's anointed" have gone past its biblical meaning and, in some cases, become a license for abuse. Any prophetic word that is given is subject to being judged by other prophets in the Body of Christ. (I Corinthians 14:29)" - ACPE
Physician heal thyself. I have made this verse, with context, the key verses above. I want to highlight two things. The alleged prophetic words are to be weighed. For what? Accuracy. If they are not accurate the one who spoke is false and should be dismissed and marked as such. Not these folks though because they teach that being up to 35% of the time wrong, makes them a good prophet. How biblically absurd. The second thing I would like to point out from the key verses is that God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. I think it is pretty obvious that if you claim to speak for God but are wrong 35% of the time or more, you are not sowing peace. You are sowing utter confusion and blaming it on God. The statement concludes: