Jesus' Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14-30) teaches us about stewardship and accountability. In this story, a master entrusts his servants with different amounts of money while he is away. When he returns, he rewards those who used their resources wisely but condemns the servant who buried his talent and did nothing with it. This parable underscores a key truth: We are accountable for how we use the opportunities and resources God has given us. In America, one of the greatest resources we have is the right to vote. If we fail to exercise this right, we are like the servant who buried his talent. We will be held accountable not only for the votes we cast but also for the votes we failed to cast. By neglecting our duty to vote, we squander the opportunity to influence the nation for good. As we continue on our 40 Days to Save America campaign of prayer, fasting and repentance from Sept. 26-Nov. 5, I urge every Christian to recognize the importance of voting in this critical election. Our votes are not just political actions"they are declarations of our faith. We are called to be salt and light in a world that is increasingly dark and chaotic. Part of that calling is to stand up for biblical principles, even when it is uncomfortable or unpopular.
His three degrees of separation nonsense to try and connect this parable to voting is transparently bad. As discussed, Jesus did not tell this parable as instruction to vote for any candidate, let alone Donald Trump. Here at last comes the consistent bullying Charisma demands from their wolves. In order for us to "be held accountable" for our votes, that means when we stand before Christ saving faith no longer matters. This is the same bullying lie that Jack Hibbs and the others have told before. That our salvation now is based upon whether we voted for Doanld Trump. It is beyond reprehensible and disgusting. The notion that we fight back the darkness by voting for darkness is asinine. It has nothing to do with comfort or popularity. It is about what is biblical and what is purely carnal. Votes are not declarations of faith. How idiotic. God created the entire universe beloved. He does not care one whit about our political systems, electoral choices or economic systems. Mercifully, this political advertisement comes to an end:
The Bible is clear: We are to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God (Mic. 6:8). Voting is one of the ways we can seek justice in our society, defending the sanctity of life, protecting religious freedom and ensuring that our nation remains aligned with God's purposes.
If every Christian in America rises up and votes in alignment with biblical values, we will see a profound shift. The Republican Party, led by President Donald Trump, and leaders like J.D. Vance would win in a landslide. This would not just be a political victory; it would be a moral and spiritual victory that could realign America with God's plan, bringing the nation back to its founding principles. The question before us is clear: Will we rise to the occasion and stand for righteousness, or will we sit on the sidelines as our nation drifts further into moral decay? The Bible and history have both warned us about the dangers of apathy and silence. As Christians, we are called to be active participants in God's kingdom here on earth. Part of that participation is exercising our right to vote"a right that countless men and women before us sacrificed to secure. As we reflect during our 40 Days to Save America campaign, learning from past presidents and the Founding Fathers, we see that our nation was built on biblical principles and the sacrifices of those who came before us. It's now up to us to honor that legacy by using our voice, standing for truth and voting to ensure that America remains a land of freedom, faith and justice.
There is no mercy in voting for a man that has no mercy. A man who wanted to shoot protestors in the legs. Who thinks anyone who disagrees with him is an enemy. There is no humility in voting for a man who has none. Who thinks he has not done anything worth asking God for forgiveness over. There is no justice in voting for a man who does not believe in justice. Who has already said within minutes of taking office he will fire the man who is currently investigating his many illegal activities. A man by the way, who has already abandoned his mirage of being pro-life. Electing Donald Trump is the opposite of a moral victory. Look, vote for either candidate or do not vote at all just stop lying that this is somehow spiritual or moral. We are active participants on earth for the kingdom by preaching the gospel, not by exalting immoral men as "God's choice." The notion that any vote could realign America with God's plan is straight up NAR fever dreams. Realign means they believe America was once aligned with God. It was not. Which biblical principle was this nation built on? The economic rebellion that started this great experiment but violated Romans 13? Maybe it was the principle of slavery, which many southern preachers justified through scriptures. Perhaps the biblical principles Troy is referring to was the genocide we visited upon the indigenous people who lived here before us. America remains the best secular experiment in government but it was not a Christian Shangri-La. It is always difficult to tell which the NAR understands less - scripture or history.
Beloved, please do not allow unscrupulous charlatans like Troy Anderson use you. Pray and vote as you feel led, knowing that Jesus will not be holding our voting record in His hands when we stand before Him on Judgment Day. Such a notion is blasphemous carnality. If you pray and feel led to not vote, realize that too is an expression of your beliefs both secularly and spiritually. Do not let any hucksters tell you otherwise. Do not let Charisma News co-opt your vote. Donald Trump is no more the second coming of King Jehu than Kamala Harris is the second coming of Deborah. The only prophetic relation there is to Trump is the judgment God is visiting upon the apostate church that pretends to carry His name but abandons scripture in order to carry out their blatant fleshly idolatry. I checked with God and He assures us that He will be on the throne on November 6th. He already knows who is going to win and He says He got this. Do not let snake oil salesmen like Troy Anderson tell you otherwise.