"Over the years, my co-author Paul McGuire and I have reflected on this verse often, particularly during the writing of "The Babylon Code." During countless conversations, we would remind each other, "Occupy the land until Jesus returns." Whether through evangelism or by using our God-given voices in the political arena, this Scripture has always been at the heart of our mission. We are called to be watchmen"standing firm, sounding the alarm and refusing to let moral decay go unchallenged. When we fail to vote, we neglect this biblical command, allowing darkness to advance unopposed in our society. The Bible offers many warnings about what happens when God's people fail to lead. The book of Judges provides a stark example of this. After the death of Joshua, a new generation arose that "did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel" (Judg. 2:10b, MEV). Without godly leadership, Israel fell into cycles of idolatry, oppression and moral decay. Only when they cried out to God did He raise up judges to deliver them." - Troy Anderson
Except this verse has nothing to do with the literal occupation of the land. Not to mention, it was a parable, not a directive. Does anybody honestly think that Jesus taught this parable so that we could be instructed to vote for Donald Trump? Are you insane? Talk about missing the point. We are charged with representing Jesus and the gospel until He returns. Not "occupying" America. His comparing evangelism to politics reveals the true wickedness of his heart. The moral decay the bible confronts us about is our own, not confronting everyone else about theirs. Not to mention, the vehicle that Anderson is advocating for to confront this moral decay is a completely amoral man. The comparison of the United States to ancient Israel is also biblically moronic. We are not a theocracy ruled by judges. While it is true that when the leadership was not godly, they fell into idolatry and sin, his solution is inane. Realize his argument then is that Donald Trump somehow represents godly leadership that will prevent idolatry and sin. I ask again, are you insane? The guy with six bankruptcies who stands accused by 18 different women for varying degrees of sexual assault? This is the problem Charisma and the NAR always face here. They try to make biblical arguments for a very unbiblical man. They try to make moral pleas for a completely amoral man. That does not mean you cannot pray and decide to vote for Trump. Just stop pretending that it is a "godly choice." It is most certainly not.
"This biblical pattern should serve as a wake-up call for us today. When Christians fail to engage in the political process, ungodly leaders take the reins, and society suffers the consequences. We see it in the breakdown of moral values, the erosion of religious freedom and the rise of corruption. Just as the Israelites suffered under poor leadership, so too will America if we neglect our God-given responsibility to vote and uphold righteousness in our nation. It's important to remember that the right to vote"something many of us take for granted"did not come without great sacrifice. The privilege we have today to choose our leaders was born out of the blood, sweat and tears of those who fought for freedom. From the American Revolution to the Civil Rights Movement, countless men and women have given their lives so we could have a voice in how we are governed. When the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776, they knew they were taking a stand against tyranny, risking their lives, fortunes and sacred honor. They fought for the principle that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This fight for freedom continued in the centuries that followed, as women, African Americans and other marginalized groups struggled to gain the right to vote. The sacrifices made by these brave individuals should never be forgotten. By failing to vote, we dishonor their memory." - Troy Anderson
There is no erosion of religious freedoms beloved. We live in a completely free society. It just is not a theocracy. There are millions of people in this country who do not share our beliefs. They have their own beliefs. Our job is to show them the love of Christ and represent the gospel. Not force our beliefs down their throats through political activism. The rise of corruption? Are you serious? To combat the rise of corruption we have to vote for the guy who sells gold sneakers and $100,000 gold plated watches? The guy who cut deals with the Saudis so his son in law could profit by two billion dollars? Beloved, vote for whoever you feel led to or not at all but do not be deceived that any candidate, especially Donald Trump is the moral, godly choice that will somehow stave off corruption. That is ridiculous. It is equally silly to compare the struggle against the tyranny of England to our present electoral choice when you are choosing the guy who says he wants to be a dictator, says he wants to terminate the constitution, and cozies up to dictators around the world. The "dishonoring their memory" argument is a carnal one and not exactly relevant here. Part of the rights of our system of government is the right to not vote at all. The NAR constantly tries to pretend that somehow not voting is an abdication instead of an equally moral choice. If we feel that neither candidate represents what we want or believe, not voting is just as a righteous choice as voting for any candidate.
"The wisdom of America's Founding Fathers offers additional insight into the importance of Christian engagement in civic life. George Washington famously said, "It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor." Washington and many of the founders believed that the health of our republic depended on a moral and religious people who understood their duty to uphold righteousness. John Adams emphasized this truth when he said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Adams understood that without the guiding light of faith, a nation would eventually fall into chaos and corruption. When people give up their right to vote, they abandon their responsibility to safeguard the moral fabric of the nation. Thomas Jefferson similarly believed in the importance of active engagement, warning that, "An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people." He feared that if citizens did not exercise their rights, including the right to vote, tyranny would once again take root. These Founding Fathers recognized that freedom and self-governance depend on the participation of a moral and engaged public. Benjamin Franklin, when asked what kind of government they had created, famously replied, "A republic, if you can keep it." Franklin's words remind us that our freedoms, including the right to vote, are not guaranteed"they must be actively preserved. In my latest book, "The Trump Code," I delve into the intersection of prophecy, politics and America's future. Donald Trump's presidency has brought forth a pivotal moment in history, raising questions about America's role in God's end-time plan. The spiritual and political battles we are witnessing today are not just about policy"they are about the soul of the nation." - Troy Anderson
John Adams was a believer. No question. George Washington on the other hand was a third-degree Mason until the die he died. He also would not even set his slaves free upon his death but rather transferred ownership to his wife. So, the moralism and religion Washington and many of the Founding Fathers believed in was not Christianity but rather deism. The belief of a God, but not necessarily Jesus. Thomas Jefferson did not even believe that Jesus was the Son of God and actually rewrote the bible removing His miracles and claims of being God. Troy's notion that not voting affects the moral fabric of the nation assumes that we have choices that are entirely moral in nature and that is simply untrue. Even when we think we are voting for morality, all we are really doing is believing the promises made to us by people we do not really know, who probably will never follow through on those promises. Tyranny can take root again whether we vote or do not vote. The intersection of prophecy, Trump and the end times is simple. Donald Trump is judgment upon this country and more pointedly, the church. He represents how far we are willing to go in pursuit of the Faustian bargain the NAR demands we make. To sacrifice all that is holy for someone utterly profane. There is nothing prophetic about the rise of Donald Trump beyond this carnal idolatry that the apostate church is neck deep in.
"The Trump Code" explores the prophetic significance of Trump's leadership and how his presidency is contributing to a broader spiritual awakening across the country. For many Christians, his presidency represents a fight to restore biblical values in America. As we approach the 2024 election, the stakes could not be higher. This is not just another election; it is a defining moment in the history of our nation, one that could determine whether America continues to stand as a beacon of freedom or falls into deeper moral chaos. History shows us the devastating consequences of silence. One of the most sobering examples is Nazi Germany. When many in the church chose to remain silent, it allowed Adolf Hitler's regime to rise to power, leading to unspeakable atrocities. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor who stood against the Nazis, famously said, "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." Edmund Burke also warned, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." These lessons from history remind us that when Christians fail to speak up"whether through words or actions"evil prevails. Voting is one of the most tangible ways we can stand against the forces of darkness. By refusing to vote, we allow those who do not share our biblical values to dictate the future of our nation.
Right. So, they guy whose spiritual advisor is a woman who once used 1Chronicles 22:9 to fleece her sheep for $229 each is the guy who is going to restore biblical values. They same guy who is hawking $60 "God bless the USA" bibles that he has made in China. That guy. I guess biblical values is being unfaithful to three wives, sleeping with porn stars, and grabbing women by their genitals. Got it. The moral chaos is because of the apostate church. It is because of Charisma News. It is because of people like Troy Anderson. It is because people claiming the mantle of Jesus Christ spend their days lying about a man who the world sees for the evil he is, being represented as righteous. The comparison of the possibility of electing Kamala Haris to Nazi Germany is disgusting and stupid. By the way, there is only one candidate who reveres Adolf Hitler and that is the guy Troy swears is the godly choice. Again, see the framing. Try Anderson is saying that a Harris presidency would be evil and thus a Trump regime would be righteous. How revolting. Donald Trump does not share our biblical values.