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November 8, 2017

What Do I See? False Prophets Everywhere -- Not a Lucid Word to Spare

By Anthony Wade

This week in nutty prophecies including existential word faith theology and two of the living ex-presidents are going to be whacked by God...


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The word of the Lord came to me: "Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel, who are prophesying, and say to those who prophesy from their own hearts: 'Hear the word of the Lord!' Thus says the Lord God, Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! Your prophets have been like jackals among ruins, O Israel. You have not gone up into the breaches, or built up a wall for the house of Israel, that it might stand in battle in the day of the Lord. They have seen false visions and lying divinations. They say, 'Declares the Lord,' when the Lord has not sent them, and yet they expect him to fulfill their word. Have you not seen a false vision and uttered a lying divination, whenever you have said, 'Declares the Lord,' although I have not spoken?" -- Ezekiel 13: 1-7 (ESV)

The Bible provides us with so many parallels to draw from and learn. Ecclesiastes says there is nothing new under the sun. Just as there are a multitude of false teachers today, so there were the same multitude of false prophets thousands of years ago preserved for us in the Biblical record. Preserved for us so that we might learn from them. Learn how to spot what is false and how to act when it is spotted. The key verses today are from one of those sections of Scripture where we see the Lord rebuke the false prophets through one of His legitimate prophets, Ezekiel. The entire chapter contains the rebuke, even though we only list the first seven verses for the sake of time. From these seven verses however we can understand that false prophets and teachers have some things in common about their business. The first thing is that they prophesy out of their heart and God contrasts this with actually hearing from the Lord. This is a flat-out rebuke of experiential Christianity that encourages believers to listen for small voices in their heart and assume whatever comes to their mind is God. Nonsense! What can we be assured if someone is prophesying out of their heart?

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? -- Jeremiah 17: 9 (ESV)

They are prophesying from the depths of the most deceitful thing ever made -- the human heart. They are prophesying from a place of desperate sickness. They are prophesying without possibly being able to understand. Wow. Secondly, they are foolish. They proceed thus, without any wisdom or discernment of their own. Foolishness comes with its own pride and as such there is a certain level of vanity in the presumption. There must be to declare you have heard something from God directly! Joseph Prince for example claims every single sermon is directly given to him by God! Fresh downloads! Thirdly, they follow their own spirits. What does this mean? It means they are not following the Spirit of God! As a result of following their own spirits instead of the Holy Spirit -- they have actually seen nothing!

The next thing is that they have actually not done anything for the people of God. They have not stood in the breach or built up a wall for believers. So instead of serving the body of Christ they are harming them. Lastly, they have seen false visions and lying divinations. They say declares the Lord when He has not spoken! They expect Him to fulfill their lies but He has not sent them. We can glean from this that a great many of them are utterly deceived themselves. I am sure there are some who are just hucksters hustling a buck by making merchandise of the sheep of the Lord but many may actually see these lying divinations and false visions. I say this all as a backdrop for us to come and reason again and sort through two of the most ridiculous prophecies I have heard since the sneaky squid spirit prophecy six months ago. Thus it is only fitting that we start with the calamari visionary prophetess herself, Jennifer Leclaire.

When the Lord asks us a question, it's not because He doesn't know the answer. He wants us to respond, many times, so we can gain a revelation. As I was meditating on where we are as a body of believers, I heard the Lord ask a pointed question: "What do you see?" I heard the Lord say: "What do you see? If you can see it, you can have it. Once you see My promises through the eyes of faith--really see them--you can obtain them; you can pull them down from the spirit realm into your life's reality. "Once you see yourself as you really are in Christ, you will begin to move in My love, My authority, and My power. What do you see? Don't see yourself as a grasshopper. See yourself as undefeatable in My Son. "What do you see? I am challenging you to look through the lens of Scripture with eyes of faith and only believe. Nothing is impossible for the one who believes. If you can see it, you can have it. What do you see?" -- Jennifer Leclaire

What do I see Jennifer? Thanks for asking. I see a false prophetess who is utterly shameless in claiming God has spoken to her when He clearly has not. I see someone who is trying to make money off of the sheep of God. Beloved, this is her word for November. There are several Ezekiel level problems on display here. Let us go through them together.

1. "He wants us to respond, many times, so we can gain a revelation." - This is how the mind of a false prophet/teacher works beloved. Remember the charge from Ezekiel -- they prophesy from their own hearts! This is how experiential Christianity works. I once saw a teaching video from Bethel Church for its worship leaders that encouraged them that they were all prophets. That they had to tap into their hearts to hear what the Lord was speaking to them. That whatever comes into their minds via their wickedly deceptive heart; it should just be accepted as coming from the Lord and they should repeat it over and over again as worship. I saw this concept live once where the leader sang over and over for 15 minutes to "jump in the river if you want a hug from Jesus." To the discerning ear it is utter nonsense but to Jennifer Leclaire it is "revelation."

2. "If you can see it, you can have it. Once you see My promises through the eyes of faith--really see them--you can obtain them; you can pull them down from the spirit realm into your life's reality." Huh? I want you to seriously consider what Jennifer is selling here. This is existential word faith theology beloved. Visualization techniques are part of eastern mysticism, not Christianity. We walk by faith -- not sight! Not so according to Jennifer. According to this tripe, all we have to do is visualize something we believe God has promised us and we can literally reach up into the spirit realm and pull them down into the reality of our lives. Wow.

3. "Once you see yourself as you really are in Christ, you will begin to move in My love, My authority, and My power. What do you see? Don't see yourself as a grasshopper. See yourself as undefeatable in My Son." As Ezekiel accused the false prophets of his day so we must today. It is always about me. To Jennifer Leclaire, seeing who you are in Christ is only a means to gain more power. The grasshopper referent is to the 12 spies who were sent into the Promised Land. The 10 with the negative report saw themselves as grasshoppers compared to the giants who lived in the land. They dismissed what God had already promised them. Joshua and Caleb however relied upon what God had already said. They did not move in God's love, power and authority beloved. They simply relied upon what He had already said. That is not what Jennifer is selling here. If it were, she would direct us back to the Bible, what God already said, instead of adding to it with these false visions and lying divinations, which God has never said.

4. "Nothing is impossible for the one who believes. If you can see it, you can have it. What do you see?" -- Sigh. It is always disheartening to see how easily people can twist God's Word. Nothing is impossible for he who believes comes from the fantastic story of Jesus healing the demon possessed boy in Mark 9. I once preached a sermon on true faith just on this story. Here is the exchange I want to examine for the purposes of this conversation:

'And it has often cast him into fire and into water, to destroy him. But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us." And Jesus said to him, "'If you can'! All things are possible for one who believes." Immediately the father of the child cried outand said, "I believe; help my unbelief!" '-- Mark 9: 22-24 (ESV)

Beloved. What is it that this father has lost faith in? The answer is Jesus. Having watched his son with this disease his entire life, he simply has given up hope that even God can heal him so he offers a weak -- if you can prayer. Jesus is incredulous. When He says, "If you can" back to the Father it is a rhetorical mockery almost. If you can? Anything is possible for he who believes. Believes in what? In Jesus Christ! Is that what Jennifer Leclaire is selling here? No. This is more of the name and claim it, blab it and grab it word faith nonsense she has been peddling this entire time. What do I see Jennifer? Absolute nonsense wrapped up in a sneaky squid. Your ridiculous moment of the week has competition this time however. This competition comes from an equally absurd "prophet." His name is Mark Taylor and many call him the "firefighter prophet." Taylor is beloved throughout the Charismaniacal world because they pretend he prophesied the election of Donald Trump. I say pretend because he did no such thing. He did however prophesy that Trump would run and win in 2012"oops. That would make his prophecy WRONG. You do not get a mulligan in the prophetic world Mr. Taylor. Yet that is what the Charisma News crown has done when they simply pretend that the prophetic word he gave prior to 2012 was really about 2016! Sure Mark, wink wink. Taylor has seized upon this 50-50 prophetic word that he missed by four years to start to carve out his own prophetic niche in the charismatic world. Here is what he had to say recently according to Right Wing Watch:

"Taylor said that when he saw all five former presidents gathered at an event to raise money for hurricane relief, he received a word from the Lord that "two will be taken, three will be shaken."

"They were doing this Hurricane Harvey relief effort," Taylor said. "They were trying to raise money for Hurricane Harvey, but we all know that is a bunch of lies. These guys could care less about people, it's about their agenda. They disguised it as a relief effort for Hurricane Harvey victims and they go in there and they trash Donald Trump." "The Bible says, 'Do not touch my anointed, but especially my prophets,'" he continued. "These guys have now touched God's anointed, Donald Trump. They used it as a platform to go in there and attack."' -- Mark Taylor

This is the typical modus operandi for a false prophet. Even the one he missed by four years was essentially a 50-50 shot. Even with those odds, he still missed by four years and claims he was right anyway! I remember in 1990 Benny Hinn prophesied that Fidel Castro would die in the approaching decade. Apparently God was unsure as to when, so the best He could provide him with was a ten year span! Despite the hubris of calling such a silly prediction a prophecy, Hinn still missed it by 16 years! I remember the winter after Hurricane Katrina, Pat Robertson prophesied that the next summer would be the most devastating for the eastern seaboard regarding hurricanes. That following summer -- not one hurricane reached the eastern seaboard. So what Mark Taylor is doing here is not uncommon among false prophets. Find an outcome that is probable and pretend you are prophesying it. That God has told you. False prophet David Taylor once predicted that God told him the Denver Broncos were going to win the Super Bowl and of course they lost by 36 points. How is this similar? Mark Taylor has just predicted that two of the current living ex-presidents are going to die. Mind you, two of them are aged 92 already. Of those two, one has cancer and he seems healthier than the other. The next one is aged 70 and already has had heart surgeries. This ranks right up there with predicting an aging and sick Fidel Castro is going to die at some point in the next ten years! Perhaps Carter and Bush Sr. should send Mark a thank you card in case God wants to make him look like a fool as He did with Hinn, Robertson, and David Taylor. I wish that was the only part of this prophecy that was absurd but it was not.

These five men raised 31 million dollars for relief and Mark Taylor calls it a bunch of lies. How vile and despicable for someone claiming to speak for God. His next comment defies logical thinking. Does anyone believe that former US Presidents need to stage an event in order to be heard? That is insanely stupid. If Bill Clinton wanted to speak tomorrow do you honestly think the entire press would not show up to hear what he had to say? In the mind of political operative and false prophet Mark Taylor, all five ex-presidents devised a scheme to pretend to raise money for victims of Hurricane Harvey. Their true diabolical end game was to daringly trash the current President using the victims as a 31 million dollar ruse. What a nefarious plot Taylor has uncovered! More like things that originated in his own deceitful heart being offered up as "thus sayeth the Lord."

What I love about false teachers and prophets is they feel compelled to try and bring the Word of God into their lies and in doing so always expose themselves. You see, it is true that the Bible says do not touch my anointed or do my prophets any harm but that has nothing to do with Donald Trump. It meant to not physically harm those that have been genuinely sent by God. Like when David refused to kill King Saul. If you honestly believe that Donald Trump is God's anointed you need to stop worshipping this country and separate out your politics from your faith. The five ex-presidents did not touch Donald Trump. Even if they had though let's play this absurdity out. Mark Taylor believes Donald Trump is not only Christian but he is "God's anointed." As such, he believes that this verse from Psalms means that no one is allowed to say anything critical of him. He further believes that the five ex-presidents conspired together to falsify a charity fundraising campaign in order to attack Donald Trump and in doing so have now "touched God's anointed." The response from God to Mark Taylor is that God will seek retribution upon these men for daring to say something mean about Donald Trump by killing two of them. Move over Jennifer, this week's award for stupidest false prophecy goes to Mark Taylor. Don't worry though as the sneaky squid spirit will always have first place in my heart. In the meantime Jennifer you said that God is asking -- what do you see?

False prophets everywhere"

Reverend Anthony Wade -- November 8, 2017

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
