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July 31, 2017
Jennifer Leclaire Prophe-lies To Protect the False Prophecy Industrial Complex
By Anthony Wade
False prophetess Jennifer Leclaire again displays breathtakingly poor understanding of Scripture trying to defend her racket...
Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, "Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it the message that I tell you." So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city,three days' journey in breadth. Jonah began to go into the city, going a day's journey. And he called out, "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!" And the people of Nineveh believed God. They called for a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least of them. -- Jonah 3: 1-5 (ESV)
False prophecy is big business beloved. When the word says that people in the end days will gather around them teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear that includes false prophets. Everyone wants to hear that God is shifting atmospheres to prosper them. That He is expanding their territories and slaying their giants before them. That He has some grand purpose for their lives beyond the mundane existence that most of us live in. Any fair reading of Scripture however reveals that the vast majority of times that God spoke through the mouth of the prophet the message was hardly this sugar coated tripe we hear so much of today. In the Old Testament the message was usually repent and return unto the Lord. When John the Baptist showed up on the scene the message was the same. The first word Jesus uttered in His ministry was repent. Throughout the New Testament we see prophets with similar messages. The Prophet Agabus prophesied a great famine that came to pass as well as the nature in which the Apostle Paul would be arrested and taken to Rome. We discussed earlier in the week how the False Prophecy Industrial Complex has hijacked one Bible verse out of context to support that modern day prophecy should only be overly sugared and "positive."
On the other hand, the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation. -- 1Corinthians 14: 3 (ESV)
In the mind of the False Prophet, upbuilding, encouragement and consolation are all super-positive words. They cannot see how the message to repent or a warning about the second coming of God is even more encouraging and edifying. The larger point is that the evaluation of positivity should come from whether or not the word is actually from God as opposed to how it makes us feel. Nevertheless, the cabal carries on bringing diabetic prophecy to a body of Christ that is already in insulin shock. Enter this week's winner for ridiculous prophecy article, Jennifer Leclaire. Jennifer is an editor at Charisma News online and an up and comer in the false prophecy circles. This week she penned an article entitled, "God is About to Deal with the Jonah Prophets", which can be found at the link above. Let us reason together and see once more into the depraved mind of someone who makes a living by lying on behalf of God in order to make merchandise of His sheep.
"Jonah" prophets--those prophets who would rather see a nation destroyed because they are bitter in spirit--are pontificating and prophesying about doom, gloom, cataclysmic disasters, catastrophic calamities, foreboding horrors and the like. And these Jonah prophets are gaining quite a following--and putting a pretty penny in their pockets with petty fear-mongering campaigns. But God is about to deal with the Jonah prophets. -- Jennifer Leclaire
Really Jennifer? God is about to deal with people who prophesy doom, gloom, cataclysmic disasters calamities and horrors? Have you read the Book of Revelation? Have you read any of the Prophets who all spoke about the great and terrible day of the Lord? If God has already revealed a great end times apostasy, which He has, and you insist on preaching/prophelying a great end times revival -- who is speaking on behalf of God? It sure is not you. Notice also the absurd conclusions she claims about people who do not prophesy puppies and rainbows. They are bitter in spirit and would prefer to see a nation destroyed? No Jennifer. The difference you cannot see is they do not idolize this nation. They see it for what always has been; a pagan nation. By correctly sounding the alarm maybe some might come out of the darkness before the end. Petty fear-mongering? Do you find the truths in Revelation to be petty? Do you find the words of our Master to be petty?
As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" And Jesus answered them, "See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains."Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then many will fall awayand betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. -- Matthew 24: 3-14 (ESV)
If Jesus walked the earth today with this message, Jennifer Leclaire would look at Him sideways and declare He had a bitter, petty spirit. How profoundly sad. The most ridiculous part of her opening premise is that these "Jonah Prophets" are "putting a pretty penny in their pocket." This coming from a woman who runs a "school of prophets" out of a hotel room at the Fort Lauderdale Airport. For only 400 bucks Jennifer will teach you to be a prophet even though only the Holy Spirit is supposed to apportion the gifts. Jennifer realized however that you need some street cred in the false prophecy business for only another 400 bucks you can join her network of false prophets and come underneath her "covering." Leclaire also held an "anointed prayer cloth" service this year but it is those preaching the upcoming judgment that are in it for the money, right. Not content with this level of nonsense, Leclaire lists four characteristics of these "Jonah Prophets."
1. Jonah prophets are disobedient to God, bucking and fighting against his will.
Just like Jonah fled to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord because he did not want to see Nineveh come to repentance (Jon. 1:1-2), modern-day prophets run the opposite direction when God is calling them on a mercy assignment. All they hear, see and say is doom and gloom because they carry judgment in their heart. -- Jennifer Leclaire
Beloved, when you make your living by twisting the Word of God you become so calloused to it that you no longer see how utterly stupid you can sound. Jonah was indeed disobedient at first. He did indeed flee to Tarshish because he did not want to see Nineveh spared from judgment. So if you want to say he held judgment in his heart, fine but it was the judgment of God! Jennifer Leclaire cannot see that she essentially taking a stance against the truth of what God has said! Jonah proclaimed doom and gloom because that is what God proclaimed! God gave Jonah a word and Jonah ran away from it. That word was one of judgment and the need to repent or face destruction. So if Jennifer wants to say that "Jonah Prophets" shy away from hard prophetic words that would be one thing, albeit too simplistic. She is trying a switcheroo in the middle here however. You cannot claim a Jonah Prophet is a doom and gloom prophet AND correctly point out that he ran away from preaching doom and gloom!
Secondly here, Jennifer makes a bold assertion that all prophets are called on a mercy assignment and since God is so merciful, I will capitulate but her understanding of mercy seems awfully skewed. Let us reason together and examine two prophetic words through the lens of mercy.
The key word is "next." There is next after next after next for you in the second half of this calendar year. There is mega transition. There is massive change. There are sudden shifts that you've been thinking about, talking about and praying about and sudden shifts that you never imagined could or would happen. I am moving you closer to your dreams, closer to your destiny, closer to those who can help you make the connections you need to succeed in what I've called you to do. For this mega transition is all about My kingdom and My purposes in your life and in the earth. So embrace the mega, embrace the next, embrace the transition, and you will see that I have made the crooked places straight. The forces that opposed you in past seasons will now be powerless to thwart you because I have prepared you to overcome what tried to overcome you just months ago. I have readied you for victory against old enemies. I have given you mega grace and your mega faith will drive a mega movement in your life. It's a mega transition. -- Jennifer Leclaire
Jonah began to go into the city, going a day's journey. And he called out, "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!" -- Jonah 3: 4 (ESV)
Which one of these words are merciful beloved? Is it the pile of mega-lies Jennifer put forth just this week designed to scratch your itching ears and promise you a "mega transition" or is it the Word that actually came from the Lord through the reluctant prophet Jonah? Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian Empire then and they were one of the most evil in their time. They brutalized their enemies, including the Jewish people. That was why Jonah hated them so much. God however was willing to give them a chance because of His great mercy. It is not merciful to lie to people who need a tourniquet and simply apply an ouchless Band-Aid. Jennifer continues:
2. Jonah prophets say they fear the Lord (Jon. 1:9), but inwardly their actions do not line up with their words, and their prophecies are not in line with the Father's heart. I can just hear the Lord saying, "I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in My counsel and had caused My people to hear My words, then they would have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds" (Jer. 23:21-22). -- Jennifer Leclaire
Continuing on her "I don't understand the Bible tour", Jennifer turns now to butcher the words of an actual prophet, Jeremiah. So she honestly thinks she can hear God quoting Jeremiah here to the "Jonah Prophets." Let's go back a few verses to see the actual context of this rebuke:
Thus says the Lord of hosts: "Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord. They say continually to those who despise the word of the Lord, 'It shall be well with you'; and to everyone who stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, 'No disaster shall come upon you.'" -- Jeremiah 23: 17-17 (ESV)
Oops. Is it Jonah that was presenting a word designed to fill people with vain hopes? We already know it was not of his own mind because God says He ordered the Word to be brought to Nineveh. Which word above is filling people with vain hopes of sudden shifts, crooked places made straight, and powerless enemies? When you read Jennifer and Jonah's respective prophecies, which one is proclaiming no disaster shall fall upon their listeners? It is almost as if Jeremiah is directly rebuking Jennifer Leclaire.
3. Jonah prophets think their way is better than God's way. After God spared Nineveh, Jonah had the nerve to say to His Creator, angrily no less: "O Lord! Is this not what I said while I was still in my own land? This is the reason that I fled before to Tarshish, because I knew that You are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in faithfulness and ready to relent from punishment. Therefore, Lord, take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live" (Jon. 4:1-3). -- Jennifer Leclaire
Yes. Jonah was still very defiant and petulant because he saw God relent upon a people who he felt deserved what they had coming. This could be an excellent teaching point about the grace and mercy of our God and that we should not find ourselves in place of Him when it comes to judgment. A fine comparison between the anger of humanity and the compassion of the Lord. All valid teaching points. What you cannot do is use this story to pretend that Jonah was a "doom and gloom prophet. You cannot claim that in the end he did not do what the Lord commanded.
4. Jonah prophets are self-centered drama queens. Twice more, Jonah expressed to the Lord he would rather be dead (Jon. 4:8-9). We don't know what happened to Jonah after that incident. All we know is we don't see God using him anymore. -- Jennifer Leclaire
Accusations of being self-centered drama queens coming from the woman who warned everyone to watch out for the sneaky squid spirit that was stalking her? The main point here though is how inane it is to say that we do not see God using Jonah after this account with Nineveh. First of all there is another mention of Jonah in 2Kings 14. This may very well have been after the events with Nineveh. Even if they were prior to the events with Nineveh you cannot conclude anything. To say something like "we don't see God using him anymore" is reckless and sloppy hermeneutics. This is like saying we don't see God using Peter after Acts 15, because that is the end of his appearances in the written text. It is textually irresponsible.
Don't get me wrong. I'm sober. My eyes are wide open. I see the conditions in America. I hear the cries of legitimate prophetic voices that are warning us of the destruction they see in the days ahead. Yes, I do believe that we're reaping what we've sown. But I absolutely, positively refuse to buy into the notion that God is not going to pour out His Spirit once again. I reject the idea that widespread transforming revival that sees a great harvest of souls is not possible in America. -- Jennifer Leclaire
Then you do not buy into the Bible and what God has already said. I guess when you make your living adding to what God has said then you have less reverence for what He actually has already declared. Narrow is the way and few are those who find it. Heaven rejoices when a single sinner repents. These are the truths in Scripture Jennifer -- not some fanciful harvest of souls. Let's cut to the heart of the matter. You and your compatriots do not present the Gospel of Jesus Christ and only the Gospel has the power of God unto the salvation of man. The conditions in America are bad but the conditions within the church are far worse. God expects disobedience from those who do not believe. Instead of speaking prophetically about what God has already made clear, you run around pretending that you have a Bat-Phone to the throne room so God can give you fresh downloads regarding sneaky squid spirits and mega-movements. People need to hear that there is a Savior and in order to have that conversation you have to discuss sin and repentance. Except you have deemed these topics to be "doom and gloom" and not "in line with the heart of the Father." Furthermore, you have proclaimed those that would dare to tell the people of Nineveh of their dire need to repent are just Jonah Prophets and watch out! God is going to deal with those Jonah prophets!
Yes, I believe God does send warnings through prophets. I receive many of these warnings myself, and I believe they should be trumpeted with clarity, humility and weeping. I believe we need to lift up our voices and speak the hard truths so that we don't end up with the blood of lost souls on our hands. -- Jennifer Leclaire
You mean by marginalizing those who genuinely speak on behalf of Scripture and warn people that there is no great awakening coming. There is no mighty atmospheric shift coming. There is no mega movement, sneaky squid spirit, or any of your other prophe-lies. Wash your hands Jennifer and repent. Thankfully, she concludes:
But I refuse to lose hope for a Third Great Awakening. After all, even Isaiah, who offered plenty of prophetic words about judgment, was known as the prophet of hope. Let's pray for the Jonah prophets, showing them the mercy they are trying so hard to withhold from the nation. Let's stand in the gap for the Jonah prophets who are blinded by their own bitterness. Let's cry out on behalf of the Jonah prophets, petitioning God to help them step into their true calling, refusing to filter what He is saying through the anger in their own hearts. Let's move in the opposite spirit of the Jonah prophets and bless those who are cursing our nation. -- Jennifer Leclaire
You can continue to not believe the Bible Jennifer. That is always our choice. Even at the end she simply cannot get out of her own way. Her points cross over each other and contradict her silliness. Showing mercy they try to withhold from the nation? Seriously? There is no mercy in prophesying for profit that which God has not said Jennifer. There is nothing merciful about taking $800 from people to make them believe they are prophets too! There is nothing merciful about telling people God is going to cause mega movements He has not said or inventing new doctrine and asinine spirits based upon Cephalopod mollusks. There is nothing merciful about playing prophet when the clock is running out but I guess that's just my Jonah Spirit acting up again. I guess when you compare the claim that God has shown you a sneaky squid sitting on your friend's head to the story Jonah faced in the ocean he has the bigger fish tale. I will still believe God though. Just give me the truth of what He has said; hold the calamari.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- July 31, 2017