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May 25, 2024

Jeremiah Johnson and the False god of Charismania That He Can Control

By Anthony Wade

Spiritual throw-down! The real Prophet Jeremiah versus the fake Johnson...


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They bend their tongue like a bow; falsehood and not truth has grown strong in the land;

for they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not know me, declares the Lord. - Jeremiah 9:3 (ESV)

Charismaniacal theology and churches today corrupt what was traditional Pentecostal beliefs. I fully understand why cessationists conclude what they do based on the absolute silliness that passes for theology regarding the gifts of the spirit today. There is no policing the incredibly stupid teachings and false manifestations we see every day on Charisma News and in our churches. Any attempt to police is met with the cult like response of "quenching the spirit" or religious spirit nonsense. This is just the Christianese version of "fake news" used to never confront reality from those who prefer to hear the echo of their own false beliefs rather than the truth. In the key verse today from the real prophet Jeremiah, judgment is being pronounced upon God's people who had continued to go astray from the truth. The parallel is striking. These Charismaniacal false teachers and prophets of today bend their tongue like a bow and as a result, the truth is cast aside and the falseness they promote takes root in the land. They proceed from one evil to the next beloved because they do not actually know the God of whom they pretend to preach. As the bible says they are hucksters, peddling the word for personal greed and gain. One of the most prolific among them is Jeremiah Johnson.

Perhaps you remember Jeremiah Johnson from a few years back when he got exposed with nearly all of the Charismaniacal false prophets for falsely prophesying a second Trump presidency. Unlike the others who have no shame, apparently Johnson decided to use this event to pretend to fall on his sword and rebrand how he fleeces the flock. Instead of proceeding as a "prophet" he established a new con of the sheep by claiming now to be some kind of an end times expert. He immediately was offering classes for cash and making guest appearances to bolster the new deception. He often returns however to write publicly and reinforce his image as some kind of an expert and the above link was found on his Facebook feed last week and is quite bad as he outlines eight marks of illegal Pentecostalism. Even the title reveals his absurdity as he is certainly not to be trusted as some kind of judge, jury or executioner of what is "illegal" when it comes to the matters of the Lord. His eight marks however reveal so much about how distorted he and the Charismaniacs make the things of Pentecost. Remember, the bible does not support cessationism but it also does not support the bastardization of the gifts as we see in the Charismaniacal church today. So, let us reason once more together as we work through these marks, which will define the abuses of Charismania, quite lucidly.

"As a graduate of a Pentecostal University, instructor on revival history, and a church planter who loves the move of the Holy Spirit, I created this short list to help us identify true pentecost from the fake. 1. They Do Not Embrace Speaking in Tongues - If you do not actively pray in tongues or are ashamed of the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire, you should not claim to be Pentecostal. Pentecostal church services and individuals invite the Holy Spirit, not quench and grieve Him." - Jeremiah Johnson

Planting churches with false theology is not a good thing. His boasting about being an instructor on revival history is just part of his new con, where he created his own "school." That aside, let us deal with tongues because there is so much unbiblical in just this first point. Let us start with the absolute absurdity that we need to invite the Holy Spirit anywhere. Apparently his Charismaniacal god is powerless and can only respond to our prompting. He is lurking outside the church doors just hoping we sing "Holy Spirit you are welcome here" so he knows it is safe to come in. The truly sad thing is the notion that if you do not treat God in this subservient manner then it is YOU somehow grieving the spirit. What absolute garbage. This is akin to the dominionist nonsense that says god was somehow "removed from our schools." Like He is just mulling around outside the door waiting for us ask him back in. What a weak God Jeremiah offers. The second point here deals with verses they clearly do not understand:

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. - Romans 8:26 (ESV)

The spirit intercedes Jeremiah. You cannot demand nor direct that intercession. It is only engaged as God wills, based upon our weakness to know not what to pray. There is no way to "actively pray in the spirit" unless you are faking it - period full stop. This continues to reveal one of the hallmarks of Charismaniacal theology - that they control god.

2. They Do Not Pray For Divine Healing - If you do not actively seek divine healing or resist signs, wonders, and miracles, you should not claim to be Pentecostal. Pentecostal Churches and individuals cultivate the miraculous on a daily basis.

Once again, a lot demonic theology to unpack here. First of all, when Johson says "divine healing", he is espousing the absolute false theology that says God MUST heal us. This is straight out of Bethel and once again, makes us, God. It robs God of His sovereignty. Secondly, there is no way for us to "resist" signs, wonders and miracles from the creator of the universe. Yet again, Jeremiah reveals that in his paradigm, he controls God. That said, correcting stupid and faked signs is not resisting and is called for in the bible. The random appearance of gem stones, gold dust, magically filled teeth, angel feathers, or pumping smoke into your church and pretending it is a glory cloud are neither signs nor miraculous. Johnson gives away the game here by demanding that we "cultivate" the miraculous. The human arrogance to assume we play any part in anything miraculous God wants do outside of praying for it, is staggering.

"3. There Isn't Any Anointed Preaching - If you are not sitting under the preaching of God's word that is full of unction and the power of God, you should not say you attend a Pentecostal church." - Jeremiah Johnson

Wow, can we get any more subjective? This notion of anointed preaching by the way is entirely extra-biblical. It is left up to corrupt men like Johnson to evaluate and they generally use carnal metrics to measure this "anointing." These metrics however measure pure carnality like how many people attend, raise their hands of fake altar calls of salvation, or book sales. For example, one might cogently make the argument that Joel Osteen's preaching must therefore be anointed based on his wild popularity, soaring book sales, and church growth. The problem with that logic of course is people love Joel Osteen because he does NOT preach the gospel, which we know divides people. Osteen promises people heaven without needing to repent. That is why he is loved. That is not anointed.

"4. The Prayer Is Weak - Azusa Street was birthed through the travail and intercession of Frank Bartleman. Soul travail and deep groans mark Pentecostal praying and church services." - Jeremiah Johnson

Let me first say that prayer is important. It is a vital connection between ourselves and the God we purport to worship. The problem, as with everything Charismania touches, is it distorts and warps what God intended. It is shielded behind a wall of false piety. That if we "travail" hard enough somehow in prayer than we are considered more holy. This has led to the showy, "look at me" spirit that pervades so many Charismaniacal churches today. In my old church the prayer warriors had their own section that no one dared sit in at services. Instead of interceding in the back, out of public sight, they were always seen groaning and "travailing" with Jewish prayer shawls, for some unknown reason. Now, this is not an indictment of their sincerity. They were sincere but had been sincerely taught wrong. God respects the quiet prayer perhaps even more than the noisy ones as the bible says to not do things to be seen by man. Realize that what Johnson is selling here is the notion that the quiet prayer is somehow, "weak." How insulting to God and those that choose to not "groan" to be seen.

"5. Entertainment Worship Rules If you are sitting under worship that's routine and can never leave the words on a screen, you are not listening to Pentecostal worship. If you attend a church where the worship is predictable and timed every Sunday, that church is not truly Pentecostal." - Jeremiah Johnson

Allow me to translate. Johnson is saying that true worship requires ad libbing whatever pops into the worship leader's wickedly deceitful heart. I saw a Bethel training for their worship leaders where they declared they automatically were prophetic, as opposed to allowing God to decide who gets what gifts. As such, they were literally taught to engage in "free praise" which is this "leaving the words on the screen" and just ranting what ever pops into their heart as having come from God. I saw this live once at a local church where an itinerant worship leader just repeated for 15 minutes the phrase, "If you want a hug from Jesus, jump in the river." That is not worship. I also dislike entertainment passed off as worship but the solution is not relying upon the heart of the worship leader. There is nothing Pentecostal about that.

"6. Evangelism and Missions is Ignored - If you are attending a church where fiery soul winning and massive evangelism is not being preached, you are not attending a Pentecostal Church. The power that Pentecostals walk in is so that they can WITNESS." - Jeremiah Johnson

Yeah no. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for traveling the world to earn a single recruit to their beliefs only to make them twice the son of hell that they were. We have spread the false gospels of this country to other continents and corrupted them to the point that they have asked us to stop sending missionaries. We have spread the prosperity heresies so much that the majority of the top ten richest preachers come from the poorest continent in Africa. There is no such thing as fiery soul winning. There is the gospel, through which the spirit draws people to Christ and that is it. Missions and evangelism that is grown out of false gospels, only serves to scatter people away from Jesus. Read Matthew seven! All of those condemned souls saying "Lord Lord" on the last day had been properly evangelized! Some probably came to faith through missionary work! They are fully churched and still Christ does not know them! Forget witness, examine doctrine first.

"7. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are Dead - If the only time the gifts of the Holy Spirit can operate is when the pastor takes the microphone, you are not attending a Pentecostal Church. Pentecostals flow in the gifts of the Spirit in power and authority." - Jeremiah Johnson

No, they do not. The authority is from God and God alone. The bible expressly states that it is the spirit that gives the gifts as He wills, not us. The power is His and His alone. The authority is the same. That said, I agree the gifts should be available but unfortunately, Charismania has distorted the vast majority of them. They have turned prophecy into clairvoyance and psychic parlor tricks. Foreign language tongues is now baby babble used to make people feel spiritually superior to others. We saw that in this very article! There is virtually no translation anymore unless the same one who spoke it, wants to further their own deception by pretending to translate. Healing has become a command for God instead of a prayer to Him, as we have seen in this very article as well. The bible has very specific rules for gifts in a church service but Johnson and Charismaniacs advocate for virtual chaos in church, which we all have seen. It only serves the devil as it scares away unbelievers and brings reproach upon the God they claim to serve.

"8. The Call For Holiness is Absent - If you are attending a church where there is no preaching on hell, judgment, or sin, that is not a Pentecostal Church. Pentecostals walk in holy and righteous living and make the joy of the Lord their strength." - Jeremiah Johnson

Uh huh. Holy righteous living. Got it. Like Mike Bickle for the past forty years sexually abusing children and Charismania trying to cover it up. Like Ravi Zacharias, preaching on holiness while employing an army of sex masseuse workers and spiritually blackmailing them. Or like you Jeremiah, lying about hearing from God and then pretending to take a spiritual path when all you did was switch revenue streams for how you fleece the flock? That kind of holiness? By the way, I do not know of many if not any, Charismaniacal churches that preach hell, judgment or sin. Unless you mean dominionists expecting this from the unsaved who still think the things of God are utter foolishness? Is there anyone featured on Charisma News that can seriously be considered righteous or virtuous? Anyone at all? Jennifer LeClaire and her sneaky squid spirit nonsense? Steven Strang defending Bickle while smearing his victims and defenders? The never-ending onslaught of dominionists and false signs and lying wonder personalities and the Dr. Michael Browns who are their gatekeepers? Please. There is NOTHING holy or righteous about the Charismaniacal church. Johnson mercifully ends:

"I'm convinced there is a tremendous revival coming to Pentecostalism. It's time to get back to Azusa Street and be delivered from the religious spirit. Too many Pentecostal Churches have relegated the movement of the Holy Spirit to a sign out by the road. I fear that in our lust for culture relevance that we have actually lost it. It's time to get back to our roots!" - Jeremiah Johnson.

Blah blah blah says the false Trump profit, I mean prophet. Johnson does not actually believe in revival as much as he sells it. That is his product. He packages and markets it to unsuspecting and undiscerning people who want to believe in God, without having to actually listen to what He has to say. The religious spirit is a fiction created by Charismania to reject any discernment against them out of hand like fake news is used to reject the truth in politics. The bible teaches us that there is a great apostasy in these end days, not a great revival. Make sure you are listening to the right Jeremiah beloved. The prophet from our key verse speaks against Jeremiah Johnson, who is bending his tongue like a bow to spread falsehood throughout the land. His teaching reveals a different God who he can control and as such, he does not know the real God. He proceeds from evil to evil, as he did when he went from false prophet to false teacher merely as a rebranding exercise. Jeremiah Johnson only represents Charismania by butchering Pentecost. Mark and avoid.

Reverend Anthony Wade - May 25, 2024

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
