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August 10, 2023
Mario Murillo Cult Members Think 4 Million in Los Angeles Should be Destroyed by God
By Anthony Wade
Dominionist Mario Murillo is planning to come to Los Angeles for a tent meeting, which is odd since he hates everyone there apparently...
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. - Matthew 6:1 (ESV)
Mario Murillo: 'The Biggest Miracles I Have Ever Needed'
Mario Murillo is a NAR dominionist extraordinaire. He is essentially a political operative for the Republican Party, disguised as a Christian preacher. He preached this year condemnation for those who might choose to vote for anyone from the Democratic Party but he himself endorses and supports his political choices without hesitation or reservation. One of his favorite things is to hold tent meetings where he can present his political rhetoric to try and convince as many people as possible that this country is going to hell unless they save it first by electing as many Republicans as possible. He then uses these tent meetings as point of braggadocio by claiming miracles and healings without a shred of proof. While this behavior is repugnant it does not come close to the above linked article as Mario makes plans to come to Los Angeles but clearly wishes he was not. Let us reason once more.
"In Los Angeles, I am breaking every rule I know about tent crusades. Our team is heading directly into harm's way. No other outreach has caused me more turmoil and agony than this one. In general, there are a million reasons not to go to Los Angeles for a crusade." - Mario Murillo
Really. You sell yourself as an evangelist and you think there are a million reasons to not go to Los Angeles? Not the Sudan. Not China. Los Angeles. The mere thought of dealing with those dirty Democrats has caused you more turmoil and agony than ever before? Agony! You claim to know about tent crusades and the claim that you are heading directly into harm's way? I am confused. Aren't all of your tent meetings designed for the lost? Don't you constantly brag about how many people answer the altar call and get saved? Aren't they all sinners? Or are Los Angeles sinners special? They are more dangerous sinners, I guess. Is this supposed to just be a pity party?
"To do it this way is ridiculous. We normally take several months to plan for a tent crusade. We have done some in as little as three months. But here"in a city that easily justifies a year of groundwork"we gave ourselves just 45 days! Why would we do such a thing? Why would we put ourselves in a position where we have only 45 days? In Los Angeles? Why did I do it? The Los Angeles County Fairgrounds was suddenly available for September 10-13. I knew that would not last. I snatched it up. Then the facts came crashing down on my heart." - Mario Murillo
Why oh why Mario? Why are you bemoaning your own choices? If it is going to be difficult, why are you complaining to your followers? Or is this just a money grab? Why oh why Mario is this about you? Can the god you claim to serve show up in 45 days or is everyone relying upon you? Let's take a look at the facts that he says came crashing down around his heart.
"The cost for this crusade could easily be as much as five crusades put together. LA is expensive.
It will be harder to get a crowd here than anywhere else I have preached. LA oozes with distractions and endless things to do. Plus, the most sophisticated marketing in the world goes on here. How can we compete with that? How can we get their attention? Then there is the persecution. The gloves are off here. Government and media have the Christian faith in their crosshairs. We will be censored, misquoted, and threatened. But the biggest obstacle is the vast number of believers across America who consider LA to be a lost cause. Many believe God should destroy LA." - Mario Murillo
I assume the whining about cost is a plea to fleece the flock. I saw one commenter promise him $1000 that day! Won't God provide a way if you are doing His will? Ah, but if you are not! L.A. oozes with distractions and endless things to do? So what? Are we only supposed to evangelize small towns without a lot of entertainment? Why do you think you have to compete with anyone? I remember after I gave a sermon one night many years ago, there was literally no one coming up to say anything to me after until one man I did not know slowly approached and told me that he walked in on his last leg of faith and the sermon, not me, restored it. My answer was that God must have intended it for him then and that was awesome. How sad is it that Murillo already has concluded that any involvement from the government must be construed as "persecution." Christians in the Middle East are martyred every day for refusing to renounce Christ. Christians in China have to hide in an underground church. But if a local or state government asks questions about a huge public gathering you are planning the reflexive cry is whaaa persecution! Nonsense. But, but, they misquoted me! Get over yourself!
Just a final thought here. If you honestly think that a vast number of believers assume Los Angeles and its four million residents are a lost cause that God should destroy - don't you think THAT is a ridiculously huge problem? Why is it that people who follow Mario Murillo would think such a heinous, evil thing? Are there no saved individuals in Los Angeles? Are all of the four million people beyond the redeeming power of Christ? This is what happens when you view people politically instead of eternally. The Christian lens and the carnal lens are polar opposites! The Sons of Thunder once asked if Jesus wanted them to call down fire from heaven to destroy a Samaritan village and Jesus rebuked them harshly! That was just a tiny village, not a city with four million people. This is vile and disgusting but it is the logical end Satan has designed for the apostate dominionist church. Instead of seeing the lost as sheep without a shepherd, they see them as not being worth the very salvation they think they have. And why? Why do they view these four million people as unredeemable and think God should kill them all? Because they do not vote the way they do. Because they were convinced that believing their lying political party is righteous and all the problems in the world are chargeable to the other party. Absolutely disgusting.
"There you have it. A crusade that is the most expensive"the most difficult"done in the least amount of time. In the natural, I felt I was living out this hilarious quote: "We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing." What is not funny is the way my soul suffered. The crushing weight on my spirit had to be removed. I had to be convinced"totally convinced this was God. Only God's voice could bring the relief I needed.
The story of how I got my answer is amazing. It began when I clearly heard this phrase: "Where is the God of Elijah?" I could tell you we are going because of the great need. No one needs to tell you how destroyed and desperate millions are in Los Angeles. But that is not the biggest reason. The real reason seemed like a complete contradiction: The reason this mission is impossible is: Los Angeles. The reason we are going? Also: Los Angeles. This crusade is not about Mario Murillo. This crusade is not about the impossibility. It is about God and Los Angeles It is about this moment in history. We are at the very same place that Israel was when Elijah was taken from them in a fiery chariot." - Mario Murillo
This is not about Mario Murillo? You sure coulda fooled me because all you have been talking about is Mario Murillo! After all it is your poor soul who has suffered. It is your spirit that a crushing weight has been burdened with. And why not, after all those dirty Los Angeles Democrats are bound to be so ungrateful and we all know that's persecution. You are not at the same place as Israel in the days of Elijah Mario. You are a false teacher, preaching a false gospel, that will save no one. This is obviously just a set up because we all know your shtick. You will claim great miracles, movements and salvations after this event and brag about the job you did. Sure, you will pay lip service to Jesus, but this set up makes it obvious that this is ENTIRELY about Mario Murillo.
"He [Elisha] took up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him and went back and stood by the bank of the Jordan. Then he took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said, "Where is the Lord God of Elijah?" And when he also had struck the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed over" (2 Kings 2:13-14, NKJV). The renowned prophet Elijah is suddenly gone. Israel is left with a massive moral vacuum. Would the evil now go unanswered? No! Never! God has placed a double portion upon the successor"Elisha!
But instead of Elisha declaring himself the new prophet, he did something remarkable. He declared the God of Elijah. And more importantly he threw down this burning question: "Where is the God of Elijah?!" At that moment, Elisha understood what Israel needed was not a man. Israel needed a national miracle. They needed to know what God was going to do now that Elijah was gone. This self-effacing act released power. Elisha struck the river Jordan with the mantle, and the waters parted, just as they had done for Elijah. The vessel was not the important feature. The God who was doing something new"that was what mattered." - Mario Murillo
Uh-huh. And you are Elisha in this scenario? You have the double portion? Beloved do not fall for this garbage. He is merely lifting and leveraging the scripture to fit his pre-formed dominionist narrative. What does Los Angeles have to do with this story? Absolutely nothing. Even as an analogy it is a poor one. The key verse today reminds us to not do what Mario Murillo is doing here and always does. He is constantly doing his perceived acts of righteousness to be seen by man. In this case, he is drubbing up the drama by making Los Angeles out to be akin to Dante's third ring of hell. Unlike those clean-cut Republican cities! Where they sing racist songs about not doing things in a small town, hallelujer. Why are you even bothering Mario if your followers all think Los Angeles should be destroyed by God?
"We are at the very same place that Israel was when Elijah was taken from them in fiery chariot. It is breathtaking but true"Los Angeles has been used to bring more moral awakenings and miracles to the world than any other city in the modern era. Los Angeles can only go one of two ways: It can either destroy America or it can save America. Shall I list the movements that God birthed from Los Angeles ? Billy Graham, Aimee Semple MacPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman, Youth with a Mission, Trinity Broadcasting, the Jesus Movement, Azusa Street and many, many more. If God wants to use this city to shock the world one more time, how can we question it? We have only one question to ask: Where is the God who did all of these things in Los Angeles?
And If He is at work, then nothing else matters. The money does not matter. The shortness of time does not matter. The sleepy church does not matter." - Mario Murillo
Wait a minute. So now we are bragging about all of the goodness and virtue that came out of Los Angeles? Right after glossing over the desire to destroy it? The truly sad thing is the list of things Mario Murillo thinks are positive for the cause of Christ. Kathrine Kuhlman? YWAM? TBN??? That alone should tell you the level of heresy we are dealing with here. Just consider the idiocy of these two statements back-to-back:
If God wants to use this city to shock the world one more time, how can we question it?
We have only one question to ask: Where is the God who did all of these things in Los Angeles?
Are you serious? All you have been doing is questioning God this entire time! You question Him immediately after saying who are you to question Him! Beloved do not fall for the drama hype here. Mario is simply setting up his boastfulness following these events. Mark my words. He is also setting up his big brag to be on the level of Azusa, largely considered the event that started modern day Pentecostalism. That is his ego, which is always running amok. The hyperbole here is staggering. According to Mario's words here the destruction or salvation of America is entirely chargeable to the city of Los Angeles. Oh wait, to be specific, the fate of America comes down to Mario Murillo's success or failure over a three-day period in September of 2023, in the city of Los Angeles. Please. Get over yourself Mario.
"I am entering the greatest time of testing in my life. But God will be with me in the fire. The potential for failure and humiliation is great. But God is greater. I am not going to lie to you. The biggest miracles I have ever needed must come in a short span of time. But I remember these words: "And Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the people, that God had prepared the people: for the thing was done suddenly" (2 Chron. 29:36). We have thrown caution to the wind to go to Los Angeles. We are sacrificing everything not because our time is short"but because America's time is short. I believe you may have a date with destiny in Los Angeles. Do not fear to join me. It is time for all of us to break the rules that do not matter." - Mario Murillo
So, this is not supposed to be about Mario but in this one, small, closing paragraph he references himself 10 times. He is entering the greatest time of testing. His potential for humiliation and failure is great. He needs the biggest miracles in a short span. He has thrown caution to the wind. He is sacrificing everything. He believes this is a date of destiny. He wants you to join him in his insanity. Oh, but this is about God, right Mario? Beloved, nothing Mario does is for God. Everything he does is for Mario and for his Republican Party NAR masters. This is the niche he has carved out for himself and like Sean Feucht, who we profiled earlier this week, there is money to grift here. Maybe you think no! Maybe you think Mario is sincere. Then he is sincerely wrong and sincerely lost. The only thing that matters to God is that he continues to scatter people away from Christ. If you ever have doubt about that remember that his followers think the four million people who live in Los Angeles are the scum of the earth who deserve to have God wipe them off the planet. Praise Jesus? No. NAR dominionism remains the last idol of the church age. Don't bow down beloved. Don't bow down.
Reverend Anthony Wade - August 10, 2023