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March 14, 2022

False Prophet Wants to Eliminate Corinthians from Scripture

By Anthony Wade

Ron Mallett says everyone can be a prophet and just seeks to remove the portions of scripture that disagree...


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To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills. - 1Corinthians 12:7-11 (ESV)

Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? But earnestly desire the higher gifts. - 1Corinthians 12:29-31 (ESV)

Charisma Magazine

The modern apostate Charismaniacal church specializes in many heresies but one of their bread-and-butter money makers is the False Prophet network they have built over the decades. Through itinerant prophecy tours through local churches and the speed of social media, someone can become a prophetic giant overnight. If they get with an "in" prophetic crowd they can go even further with book deals and television appearances, where the real money comes in. they chief goal of this network is to protect the brand at all costs. Any chink in the armor affects all of them. What comes along with propping each other's flailing credibility up is a rewriting of what prophesy means in the bible. In the Old Testament the people of God did not have a bible they can easily turn to when they wanted to hear from God. So, God spoke to His people through His prophets. Just like today, there were prophets who would lie about hearing from God. These false prophets would be stoned to death according the law for a single wrong word. The word of the Lord is a serious matter. It is not to be trifled with. It also made common sense. If someone is claiming God is speaking to them, why would the world be wrong unless God did not speak to them.

The modern-day false prophets does not actually "hear" from God. Sure they will all say that God can verbally speak to people, which He could, but that is not how they claim to "hear" from Him. Instead you have a butchering of scripture references like the still small voice used to justify a non-verbal from of "hearing" in one's heart or spirit. So when you hear a Jennifer LeClaire or Benny Hinn say they "heard "God, they are saying verbally. They are saying that they supernaturally perceived the message in their own hearts, which the bible assures us is wickedly deceitful above all else. Because such a slipshod method is used, they explain that one can "miss" the message, which is why it is not magically ok to claim to hear from God and in the end be wrong. I repeatedly see the top false prophets claim a 65% accuracy record is reserved for the top prophets today. Would you see a surgeon with a 65% accuracy record? This is of course absurd yet every day there are church meetings where people will throw their money at people who at best will be wrong about what God "told them" 35% of the time. Another facet to this scheme is the preponderance of the network insisting anyone can prophesy even thought the bible says the opposite. Why? Well first of all it is part of the dumbing down of the gift that also allows them to be wrong so often. Another reason however is the network of false supernatural schools like the one at Bethel that actually claim to be able to teach people the gifts of the spirit despite the bible saying that they are given out by the Holy Spirit as He wills. That matters not to the money they stand to make by charging anyone who wants the prophet gig the tuition for these schools. The above link is to a recent article trying to prop up this facet of their false network. Let us reason together once more beloved.

"A recent search of the Bible turned up several specific and many general references to the gift of prophecy. Few of these references suggested anything about the gift as an exclusive domain of selected individuals. The exception is Scripture, such as 1 Corinthians 12 where Paul instructs the church on how to conduct peaceful and productive services, wherein some have specifically assigned roles." - Ron Mallett

We see the ploy from the start is to try and minimize the scriptures that shred the notion that everyone can prophesy by pretending they were not meant doctrinally but rather just as a correction to the one church the original letter was written to. There are so many holes with that logic. First of all, that would mean we can effectively dismiss both Corinthian books from scripture. Why would God have included them then? In fact, so many of the letters are to one church or another so why not just dump them too? More than that stupidity however is the failure of holding that theory up to the scriptures themselves. I have chosen two scripture sets from 1Corinthians 12 as the key verses for today. The first set explains unambiguously the organization of the gifts of the holy spirit. We learn they are for the common good, meaning they are for the good of all believers. We learn that everyone gets a manifestation of the spirit in the form of these gifts. Not that everyone gets every gift! For one is given wisdom while another is given a word of knowledge. Another is given the working of miracles while another prophecy. The word cannot be any clearer that these gifts are apportioned to each one individually as the spirit wills them. This scripture alone blows out of the water any notion that the gifts can be taught or that all can prophesy. They cannot. This is the same sin of Lucifer desiring to be God but job is already filled. The second set of scripture asks a series of rhetorical questions, to which the bult in implied answer in the Greek is "no." Are all apostles? NO! Are all prophets? NO! are we getting the point yet?

So Ron Mallet would have us believe that these in depth explanations of how the spirit and His gifts work were solely intended for the ancient Corinthians church but not for us today in the church? Once again, why include them in scripture at all then? What about the letter to the church at Galatia? They were having a very specific problem with the Judaizers adding to established doctrine by clinging to how things were before Christ. Do we now dismiss Galatians because this was a problem only at their church? Of course not. God used these letters to establish doctrine.

But then I ran into John 16:13 (KJV), where Jesus is pointedly giving final, detailed and extensive instructions to His disciples as He stands at the threshold of His torture and execution on the cross.

"When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come."

After reading this great promise, we searched all translations of the Bible available online to make sure there weren't conflicting or contrary versions of "will shew you things to come" (predictions of the future). Most used roughly the same term, but others varied slightly and we share these with you so there will be no doubt as to exactly what Jesus was/is promising.

- NTE: He will announce to you what's to come.

- WEB: He will declare to you things that are coming.

- WE: He will tell you what is going to happen.

- YLT: and the coming things He will tell you.

- NLT: He will tell you about the future.

- DRA: and the things that are to come, He shall shew you.

- ERV: He will tell you what will happen in the future.

- TLB: He will tell you about the future.

- NABRE: He will declare to you the things that are coming.

- NIRV: And He will tell you what is still going to happen.

- AMP: He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future].

- CJB: He will also announce to you the events of the future.

- CEV He will let you know what is going to happen.

Even after many readings of five owned versions of the Bible, the first of which I received in 1945 from a Long Beach, California, Sunday School teacher, I had never been captured by this particular verse. I must say I've never read a more astounding statement. If I'm understanding this correctly, all of us who commune regularly with the Holy Spirit are receiving prophetic statements. If we then share what we have been told with others, we are serving the Lord as His prophet. All those filled with the Holy Spirit are potential prophets ... it's a gift for all. - Ron Mallett

Of course Ron Mallet is not understanding this correctly at all. First of all, showing all the different translations mean nothing. Some of the listed are even translations. Ironically one of the best versions, the ESV is not even listed. Either way I invite you to read the commentaries on this verse to get a better sense of what was meant. I could discuss that Jesus is clearly speaking to His disciples and not "everyone" but I do not need to go anywhere past the key verses. Mallett's attempt to remove the Corinthian books from scripture is a non-starter and as such he cannot escape the clear discussion contained there. He cannot escape that the bible clearly states that not everyone gets every gift and that they are apportioned as the spirit wills.

"We Christians, particularly in the Western World, have a (bad?) habit of treating prophecy as a special gift for a chosen few. The result has been the elevation of some to celebrity status as "true prophets" or other such accolades. And all this time, we "others" have been passing up the opportunity to serve God and to lead more fulfilling lives by passing on those things the Holy Spirit has been telling us all these centuries." - Ron Mallett

First of all, it is always a good habit to follow what scripture says. The gift of prophecy is for a chosen few and a true prophet would simply be pointing people back to the final revealed will of God found in His bible. God did not tell us everything 2000 years ago but forget this one other thing that He uses Ron Mallett to tell us.

"The primary requirement, of course, being that we regularly commune with the Holy Spirit in our private prayer, praise and study routines. Probably most of us "know" or "have a sense of" having heard from... or gotten a message from... the Spirit of God! But our instinct is to assume others will be skeptical of the claim, and some might even sneer or laugh. So ... we hold back!

The issue posits a very complicated conundrum, because there are also people who will get an idea in their heads or imagine that they have something divine they need to share with us that definitely is not from God! Let's be kind! We still love them, but we also somehow know they are wrong." - Ron Mallett

Have a sense of a message from God? Does He whisper? Does He stutter? Why would the creator of the universe be unclear if He wanted to convey a message to you to then give to His people? Let's be kind? To someone lying that they heard from God? This seems to be the right time to speak about the victims of this network and there are many. There are many who have shipwrecked their faith because of men like Ron Mallet. I know plenty of people who have left organized church never to return because of false prophetic words that never came true. Where is my breakthrough! Where is my healing! Where is my inheritance, fortune, and favor? We have all read the stories of people giving over their entire checks or refusing medical attention to instead show "faith." The problem is putting your faith in someone who is lying will not result in anything positive.

"What is the message of real value in all this? It is two-fold. Over a period of more than 70 years of listening to, or reading the prophecies of celebrity prophets, I recall few of them as being memorable, and even fewer as spreading truth. The media plays a role in this that I won't elaborate on because I want to continue as a correspondent for the few years left to me. But we should note that appealing and startling prophecy plays well with the public. Why don't we test all prophetic claims by addressing them to the Ultimate Judge? He promises He will show us the things ordained to come. Ask Him to verify prophetic claims you just heard or read about. Were they true or false? Those who listen carefully and are believers are promised the answers. Look again at paragraph #3 above. It's a divine promise! With the Russian/Ukrainian assault moving into non-military civilian neighborhoods, the true nature of Putin's alliance with demons is manifest. The African Sahel is afire in nearly all of its kingdoms, with horrendous acts by Islamic extremists against children as well as its usual adult targets. Israel and Iran are staring down nuclear corridors of likely war. Saudi Arabia and the Houthi insurrection has now moved into civilian regions and further strains oil prices and supplies so vital to world industry. America is not immune, as oil prices soar and economic sanctions add to the Joe Biden recession and inflation atrocities. Enough of that! We have more than enough fodder to occupy ourselves with discussions we should be having with our Maker. - Ron Mallett

As Mallett nears the end of his piece here he becomes a bit unhinged and some NAR dominionist underpinnings are revealed. The slandering of the media. The inane reference to Biden's recession when all economic indicators are through the roof. Beloved we do not ask God to verify the claims of man. All will be clear if we are honest and watch for ourselves. If someone gives a word that does not come to pass then they are false, period and forever.

"We just need to be mindful of the promises and seek answers through the Holy Spirit. He is ready and eager to hear from us and to talk with us. His promises are divine. After all, you too have the promised gift of prophecy. Just practice it a bit more and simply believe. Then share what He reveals to you with your family, neighbors, friends and work mates. It's His plan and desire for us ... it's a winning formula if we simply follow the simple instructions." - Ron Mallett

Beloved hear me very clearly. You have not been promised the gift of prophecy at all. You have been promised a man infestation of the gifts but God decides which ones and when, not Ron Mallett. Practice the gift of prophecy? What does that even mean? It means Ron Mallett is part of the false prophecy industrial complex we spoke about at the beginning. If God spoke, tell us what He said. If you have feelings, liver shivers, hairs on edge or any other kind of unbiblical signs, keep them to yourself. Pretending to speak on behalf of the creator of the entire universe is serious business. Do not listen to people who have to eliminate entire books of the bible in order to try and make their point. Mark Ron Mallett. Mark him and avoid him.

Reverend Anthony Wade - March 14, 2022

Authors Bio:
Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
