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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/10/25

When Your Idolatry Demands That You Paula White - Wash Your Soul

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Anthony Wade
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This reporting today gives us a perfect insight into all you must compromise in order to be in the MAGA cult. Up must be down and wrong must be declared right. Evil is always repackaged as good, despite what the bible warns about doing that. The world's richest man spewing hate and employing 19-year-olds named "big balls" to make decisions about your personal information? Oh, that is perfectly acceptable. Some random security guard blocking the entry of duly elected representatives to the Department of Education? That is all good and fine as long as you think your side is "winning." Shuttering aid we supply to combat Ebola and Aids under the insane guise of "efficiency?" In Jesus name, right? It must be so difficult to be a pastor who once knew better but has sold their souls in the Faustian bargain that requires blind fealty at the expense of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Today I bring you - Shane Idleman. Shane used to be considered a gospel-centric preacher but he got hit upside the head by the MAGA stick during COVID. He reopened his church at the height of the pandemic, committing God knows how many people into the COVID woodchipper so he could restore his tithes and since then, he has been all in. His Facebook page is a virtual cesspool of disinformation and false witness all designed to prop up one person, the idol in the idolatry - Donald Trump. In the style of Dr. Michael Brown, Shane tries to sound reasonable, but you can see right through the flimsy fa??ade he puts up. The veneer of faux-piety is easily discernable. I do not envy Idleman because it must be so difficult to defend what he knows is biblical insanity. Take for example, Trump naming Paula White the head of the fake "Faith Office" in the White house. Even some die-hard NAR dominionists decried the selection of such an obvious heretic but not old Shane. He took to his page with the most ridiculous quasi-defense designed to throw as much mud at the situation and confuse people into thinking it is somehow not a big deal that the White House Faith Office is now being run by a woman who taught that 1Chronicles 22:9 meant that God was saying you had to send her $229. So, let us reason once more through this statement from Idleman, designed to serve only one master, and it is not Jesus Christ.

"My Thoughts on Paula White: I'm not endorsing " I'm simply sharing my thoughts:

1. I haven't heard her speak since 1999.

2. I believe she reversed some of her wrong theology and is now on a better path from her early charismatic days. If that's true, shouldn't we rejoice? If there are dangerous doctrines being preached, then hopefully somebody close to the team can talk with her.

Note: It always amazes me how the judgmental and arrogant are not open to the possibility that people might change. Not saying that's the case here I just mean overall: The "go-get-them" attitude never seems to leave. I believe that this is due to the fact that many are not filled with the Spirit, therefore joy, compassion, love and grace do not flow out of them. BTW: Spirit-filled believers are actually the best people to confront others " not only do they have the truth on their side, but they also have GOD on their side as well because their heart is right. Again" I'm not talking about this situation per se. But it is something I've noticed over the years. And those types of people will not like my words above. You can always tell what dog gets hits by a ROCK in a pack because it's the one that cries out." - Shane Idleman

You know you are in trouble when you have to preface your remarks with "I'm not endorsing." That reveals two truths. The first is he is most definitely endorsing and secondly, he knows he shouldn't. Shane has to however to keep up the image of the MAGA at all costs pastor. The next problem is the notion that he has not heard her preach since 1999, as if that has any relevance at all to this discussion. If you know so little about her, maybe hold back from that "Yay-Donald" article you were planning on writing today and do your due diligence! I find it difficult at best to think that Shane is just oblivious to Paula White, especially considering she was Trump's faith advisor in his first administration! Surely, he knows how White fleeced the flock for at least five million dollars? Surely, he knows that she did this in most devious way of bible twisting and false prophecy? You believe that she has reversed "some" of her wrong theology? Is that what you call it now Shane? Stealing five million dollars from the sheep by lying about what God has said is just "wrong theology?" Somehow it is ok now because she corrected "some" of it? Is that how it works now? We rejoice that now you think she is less of a heretic than before? When Idleman says that hopefully someone close to the team can speak with her about her dangerous doctrines, he knows full well none of them will and she would never listen anyway. These teachings are not new, and neither is the criticism of them. The false premise Shane tries to sell here is that the wolf can somehow be corrected. That her mangling the word of God in order to make merchandise of the gospel is just a series of oopsies and if only someone close to the team can lovingly correct her then Paula White could be the next Spurgeon.

Now, correctly stating that no wolf has ever repented is not "judgmental and arrogant." What is terribly arrogant is insulting the collective intelligence of your followers into thinking you are not defending a ravenous wolf here! People can definitely change Shane, but wolves do not. Name me one wolf that then became orthodox. Go ahead, I will wait. There are none. Do you know why? Because the bible says their destruction is already set. The starting premise that she is a Christian with bad theology is the heart of the deception Shane traffics in. By the way, stealing millions of dollars by lying about God does not just end because you now will not steal as much. That is not repentance. That is spin, a la Benny "I swear this time I hate the prosperity gospel" Hinn. This absurdly apostate talking point about not being filled with the spirit denies scripture. It is love, joy and compassion to want to see people under the spell of false teaching to be set free. What is not compassionate, joyful or loving is to sing Kumbaya with the wolves while arguing that they devour less sheep than they did in 1999. Slandering people who disagree with you by calling them dogs is as unseemly as the rest of this tripe. You are not hitting anyone with a ROCK Shane. Your hands are too full coddling wolves to serve your idol.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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