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Devotionals    H3'ed 6/9/24

When Carnal Politics Blind NAR Apostate Church Leaders

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For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. - Matthe 7:14 (ESV)

'Trump Guilty': What Could God Be Teaching the Church? - Charisma News

We have written before about Shane Idleman. He used to be a very gospel centric pastor but during COVID drank the NAR Kool Aid just a little too much and now he is a full blown dominionist spreading Republican Party lies disguised as Christian concerns. Make no mistake, whenever you hear him or read him, his goal is simple. He wants you to vote Republican. It is not about salvation, sin, or repentance. It is about electing Republicans into office. We will see this in the above linked article which posits the question - what could God be teaching the church with the Trump conviction. Let us reason once more together beloved and separate out what God actually says, from what Shane Idleman is actually saying.

We don't always understand why some things happen, but we know God is sovereign. Putting the blatant inconsistencies of the Left aside"such as if former President Donald Trump were a Democrat, none of this would be happening, to ignoring the Epstein list and the Biden family criminal allegations (all of which are worse than Trump's charges)"God allowed this guilty verdict to happen, but why? Here are three possible reasons:

This opening may have well been written by Senator Ted Cruz. Let us sort through the absurdities while keeping in mind that this is supposed to be a pastor. The first absurdity is the notion that if Trump was a Democrat none of this would be happening. This is laughable when you consider that just this week alone, a trial has started in the corruption case of Democratic Senator Bob Melendez and Democratic House member Cuellar is also facing corruption charges. Oh, and Joe Biden's Justice Department started the trial against the presidents only surviving son, Hunter, this week as well. The problem is Shane spends too much time watching Fox and OEN instead of reading his bible. The second absurdity is the notion that the left alone ignores the Epstein list. Everyone knows the number one person afraid of revelation from this list is Donald Trump himself. It is Trump who publicly praised Epstein as a good friend and joked that he liked his women on the younger side. The same Trump who admitted to barging into Beauty Pageant dressing rooms to catch the girls undressing, even teen pageants. As for the third absurdity, the notion that there are Biden family crimes is a concoction of the Republican Party. The only apparent crime is that Hunter Biden believed he had gotten past his addiction issues when he purchased a gun and so essentially lied on the application form. The only reason this is being tried is because the Republicans demanded it. That is fine politically but stop dragging God into it Shane. Just stop it. The final absurdity, just from this short opening paragraph is that Shane is wondering why God allowed the conviction? How about because he was guilty as sin Shane! How about he was convicted by a jury of his peers? Jurors that his lawyers selected. Nonetheless, let us see what options Shane offers instead of the truth.

1. We reap what we sow. Actions have consequences. As with all of us, Trump's choices made earlier in his life have consequences that have exposed dealings in his past. But the Banana Republic of America is acting just like the Pharisees Jesus criticized when he said, "Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!" (Matt. 23:24, NASB). He was criticizing them because they focused on unimportant details while ignoring the truly important things.

As Christians, we forgive and allow people to move on. As to the charges of Trump's "character," many of us realize that we are not electing a pastor-in-chief but a commander-in-chief. I can unapologetically say that his personal character does not matter to me nearly as much as the Left's approval of killing the unborn, allowing men to enter women's locker rooms and turning a blind eye to trafficking children. How deceived are we when things such as murdering and exploiting the innocent are no big deal, but Trump's character is? At least be consistent. While on the topic of sowing and reaping, many are sowing to the wind and will reap the whirlwind of God's judgment. Make no mistake, America will answer for its corrupt legislators and ungodly legislation in both sides of the political aisle.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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