There Are No Shades of Grey God Is Truth
John 17:17 Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth. (NLT)
The Garden was beautiful that day, as it always was. The sun shone down and the trees clapped their hands at the handiwork of God. The Garden contained all anyone could have ever asked for. Man walked with his creator, God Himself. The Garden of Eden was paradise itself. There was Adam the first man and his wife, Eve. But the serpent was cunning. He starts out his assault against Eve by mixing some truth with some untruth. Just enough to engage her in a conversation. "Did God really say you were not to eat from the trees in the Garden?" Now the enemy knew full well that this is not what God had said. God had only prohibited eating from one tree in the Garden, not all of them. But realize the purpose here for this sentence is merely to engage Eve in a conversation. While it is true that eating the fruit was the act of disobedience which led to the fall of man, it never progresses that far without the conversation. That is what the enemy still tries today. He is still asking half-true questions and proposing half lie answers. All in an effort to engage us in a conversation. All he can do is present something for us to consider. It is always in opposition to what God has already said and what we know to be true but like Eve before us we engage in the conversation and get distracted within.
Fast forward over a thousand years. A great victory for a
fledgling nation. A mighty deliverance by the hand of God. The walls crumbled
before the power of Almighty God.
Fast forward several hundred more years and we see another
scene. A husband and wife. Prominent; well-to-do. They are part of a new
movement in the world. Followers of "The Way." Believers in a recently
crucified carpenter from
"You shouldn't have to give all of the money to the Apostles."
"This was your property, why shouldn't you have some of the money for yourself and your wife you deserve it."
"They won't even know how much you really got for the property anyway."