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Devotionals    H3'ed 8/2/24

The Olympic Sized Scheme of Satan to Have the Church Hate the Lost

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Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. - Colossians 4:5 (NKJV)

I truly hope this is the last time I have to write about this because it is so damaging to the witness of Christ and the cause of the gospel. Do we remember the gospel anymore? You know, the only thing we are charged with carrying out as Christians? For the hundredth time, there are political forces that control the NAR apostate church. They sell you grievance, outrage and victimhood. They do this for only one reason. They are trying to co-opt your vote this November. They leverage anything they can pretend is a Christian cause to get you to hate the very people who need the gospel the most. That only serves the plans of Satan. Read the key verse very carefully. This is an instruction from God to you as a believer. When dealing with the lost, who are on the outside of salvation, we are supposed to walk with wisdom, not judgment. Corinthians incredulously asks us - who are you to judge the world? That is God's job. It actually says we are to judge those in the church! The apostate NAR church reverses this by declaring discernment of false teachers to be somehow unbiblical, while extending their bony finger of accusation at the world whenever they get a chance. We are supposed to be redeeming the time! Do you understand what that means? Time is running out. Christ is coming back. When He does, we will all stand in front of Him for judgment and He is not going to want to hear that you thought redeeming the time for the lost meant screaming about fake culture outrage from the Olympics. He just isn't.

The first manufactured outrage was from the opening ceremonies from Paris. The organizers did a reenactment of a French painting of the Greek God Dionysus. You know, because they were in Paris, and Dionysus was one of the original ten Olympians from Greek mythology. That is also where the Olympics come from. It was very risque' and over the top but the lie that made the rounds quickly through the church was that they were mocking da Vinci's painting of the Last Supper. They were NOT! I also heard the lie spread by the Republican Party local paper, the NY Post that they admitted it. They did NOT. They have always said the opposite. Even if it were true, which it is not, why do we care? Why do we think the cause of Christ is to run the lost down instead of showing them the love of Christ. I heard the absurd argument that because the bible says we are to expose the works of darkness, that we are somehow justified, which ignores the remainder of scripture totality. I wrote a devotional at the time showing how the story in the gospel accounts of James and John asking Jesus if they could call down fire from heaven upon the Samaritan village is a perfect example of who we are when we engage in hating the world. Jesus rebuked them and said they knew not what spirit they were of and that applies to these fake scandals as well. God does not need you to defend Him. He did not ask you to defend Him. He is God. As Job once said to his fake friends - will you lie on behalf of God? Do you think you can deceive Him as you do man? Does not His majesty terrify you! I am afraid the resounding answer from the church today is no, it does not. What terrifies them is a female boxing match from the Olympics. That is the next contrived controversy, that of course Charisma News and CBN, two arms of the NAR political machine have joined the outrage chorus with the lies linked above. Let us reason once more together beloved.

"The internet erupted Thursday over the latest Olympics controversy: Italian boxer Angela Carini abandoned her fight against Algerian opponent Imane Khelif just 46 seconds into their match. The shocking and painful moment, which included Carini breaking down in tears inside the ring, is further igniting controversy over allowing biological men to compete in female sports. But at this point it's unclear if this match definitively meets that criteria." - CBN

The Internet erupted because of the coordinated efforts of the fake leaders of the church and their political cohorts. It is not unclear if Khelif is a biological man - she is not. She was born a woman, with female genitalia. She was however born with male chromosomes, which does not happen often but this MEDICAL condition does happen. Khelif was raised in a poor village where she had to sell scrap metal to earn bus fare to visit a neighboring village to train as a boxer. I know that we never consider this but Jesus died for Khelif too. She is still someone's daughter. She is still a human being, no matter how we like to think otherwise. What about Carini? She deserves the same consideration but you should know that she has since publicly apologized to Khelif and said if she sees her again, she said she will embrace her.

"Khelif " whom outlets like Fox News have said was "deemed to have male chromosomes" " is allegedly one of two boxers competing at the Olympic games this year who previously failed gender eligibility tests and, as a result, was disqualified from the 2023 World Championships, according to The Guardian. However, Khelif reportedly doesn't identify as transgender. Taiwan's Lin Yu-ting, who is the second boxer to have purportedly failed gender eligibility tests, also hasn't embraced the label, according to Time." - CBN

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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