The God Picture
Philippians 1: 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Our vision is so limited within these earthly clay vessels. We may think that we see broadly but our true scope is so limited. In our humanness we like to talk about seeing the "big picture." This is the larger set of events surrounding the smaller one that we deal with every day. One analogy compares these as seeing the forest as well as the trees. Someone who can only see the trees, fails to see the "big picture." We can get so wrapped up in our own circumstances that the big picture just fades into the problems we face. But taking this even further, there is also a God Picture. Beyond the big picture we like to create in our own understanding, there lies the ultimate plan of Almighty God not only for our lives but for all mankind. If you think the big picture is elusive, the God Picture can prove to be even more so.
"My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the L ord . "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. Isaiah 55: 8-9 (NLT)
Sometimes we think we can fathom God. It is human arrogance that always seeks to quantify everything and God is no different. But the truth is that God is so far beyond anything we could possibly imagine. His ways and thoughts are so far above ours. The God Picture is so far above our everyday lives. Yet it is what we need to be seeking. By seeking and focusing on the God Picture, we can correctly see the smaller picture for what it truly is.
Too often in our lives we will find ourselves in the valley. Walking in the wilderness; trying to understand the trees that are before us unable to see the forest, let alone the God Picture. Take a look at the story of Joseph. He was the spoiled favorite child of Jacob. Hated by his brothers, Joseph would be sold into Egyptian slavery. At the age of 17 he would have to learn a new language and culture as a slave. Yet still God prospered Joseph in the house of Potiphar. We read that sometimes and think Joseph had it easy but realize he was still a slave. Because he was young and attractive, the master's wife began to make passes at Joseph. Yet despite doing the right thing Joseph finds himself in prison for a crime he did not commit. He would then spend about 10 years in that prison. We read that God prospered Joseph in prison and confuse that again to think that he had it easy but remember he was still a slave and was still in jail. And this wasn't jail with a full gym and basic cable package!
And there Joseph sits. Night after night. Year after year. His youth turning into manhood. The ultimate wilderness experience. Ten years for doing the right thing. Ten years to grow resentful of his brothers for selling him into slavery. Ten years for growing hateful against Potiphar's wife for falsely accusing him. Ten years to draw inward and focus on the trees surrounding him. The Bible does not tell us much about those ten years. We must believe that God was still working on Joseph. Working all of the resentment and hatred out of him. Perfecting His plan for his life. Think about that the next time you feel in the valley or discouraged by life. Joseph spent ten years in prison for something he did not do before he would meet the cupbearer and the baker. He would interpret their dreams and ask the cupbearer to remember him to Pharaoh. After a decade of being forgotten by everyone, Joseph asked to once again be remembered. Yet once again, he was forgotten.
Pharaoh's chief cup-bearer, however, forgot all about Joseph, never giving him another thought. Genesis 40: 23 (NLT)