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Steven Strang Gaslights Charisma News Readers to Co-Opt Their Vote

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As we have been saying for a few weeks now, Charisma News has started its onslaught against Christians to try and co-opt their votes for their political masters. The head of Charisma is Uber-NAR dominionist Steven Strang. The opening salvos Strang has relegated to his minions on Charisma, as the main page is inundated with one political article after another designed to make you think that the only "Christian vote" plausible is for the three times married, three times unfaithful, twice divorced, six times bankrupt, convicted rapist, and 34-time felon, Donald Trump. Today however, Strang has decided to make his case directly with two articles. While, we will cover both the above link is to the shorter piece providing five reasons he thinks Trump could "overcome" his opponents. Because you know, that's what Jesus would be doing right? No mention of the gospel, this is pure carnality because Strang is a political operative disguised as a Christian leader. Realize there is a vast difference between thinking Trump is somehow the lesser of two evils and conferring righteousness upon him. Let us reason once more together.

'"There's a feeling almost everywhere that there is something seriously wrong in America," I wrote in my latest book, "Spirit-Led Living in an Upside-Down World." That's stating the obvious for those of us who see the Judeo-Christian values our nation was built on eroding before our eyes. But with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13, and then the powers that be in the Democratic Party forcing President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race, many non-Christians are also saying something has gone wrong and are beginning to back Donald Trump. You don't have to be religious to believe it was a miracle that a bullet aimed at former President Trump's head nicked his ear instead. Even Trump, not known for being overly spiritual, said at the Republican National Convention, "It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening." He added: "We will fear not, but instead remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness." After the attempt on his life, former President Trump appears to be a bit more reflective, more willing to be led by God through the Holy Spirit, versus the bombastic New York real estate king most of us have been familiar with for many years. With his Democrat opponents in some disarray so far following Biden's withdrawal, I think Trump is better situated for election victory than he was eight years ago in 2016. Biden's remarks in his address Wednesday night, while charitable and pleasant, did nothing to make his party's candidate more appealing. Here are five reasons that Trump's difficulties, rough edges and trials might have prepared him to be reelected to the Oval Office and also fulfill the many prophetic words about his two terms in office.' - Steven Strang

Let's start with the OBVIOUS nonsense Strang appears ready to sell. According to this, if Trump gets elected it will fulfill many prophecies about two terms. No, it absolutely would not. The fake Trump prophets, which was the majority of the NAR gaggle of false prophets, prophesied that he would win in 2020, not that he would serve two unrelated terms. This constant shifting of the goalposts is common from the false prophets Strang platforms. Next, for the umpteenth time, it is not a miracle that the 20-year-old kid missed when trying to assassinate Trump. This arrogant and stupid narrative casts God as capricious because he was willing to save Trump, but kill the religious churchgoer, Corey Compertore. This callous belief is not lost on the world and does not serve the cause of Christ at all. Thirdly, Trump is more reflective? More willing to be led by God? Less bombastic? Consider this quote from two days ago:

'"You know, I was supposed to be nice. They say, something happened to me when I got shot"I became nice. And when you're dealing with these people"they're very dangerous people"when you're dealing with them, you can't be too nice. You really can't be. So if you don't mind, I'm not going to be nice. Is that ok?"' - Donald Trump

It sure seems like Trump himself is disavowing this notion of being a changed man. Strang knows this but he is trying to sell Trump to Christians, so he "Christianizes" him as best he can, without much to work with. Part of that is downplaying things like being a convicted rapist and the 34 felony counts as being mere, "rough edges." They are not. They are who he is. Can you imagine for one second if Joe Biden had a conviction for sexual assault? These hypocrisies are a stench in the nostrils of God. What Strang is doing is trying to play up positive things to be more than they really are because he is only concerned that you vote and for his boy. So, let us see these five reasons:

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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