Satan's Misdirection Tactic
1Corinthians 5: 12-13 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. Expel the wicked man from among you.
The modern day western church has become quite susceptible to the schemes of the enemy in these the last days. Matters of heaven and hell hang in the balance. Eternity hangs in the balance. The church however seems to be continually distracted. We can get distracted by things that have no eternal consequence. As a result, the work we are supposed to be doing for the kingdom is muted.
In Paul's first letter to the Church at
When I wrote to you before, I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin. But I wasn't talking about unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin, or are greedy, or cheat people, or worship idols. You would have to leave this world to avoid people like that. I meant that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or is a drunkard, or cheats people. Don't even eat with such people. 1Corinthians 5: 9-11 (NLT)
It seems the Corinthians were applying the standard they were supposed to be living up to, to the world at large instead of the church. And so it goes still today. How many "Christian" emails bemoan the state of the world and the level of sin it is in? How many "Christian" political causes are designed toward "affecting culture" in the world? Dominion Theology is founded on the belief that somehow we are to change the culture of the world. But the Bible teaches us that the things of God are foolishness to the world:
The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1Corinthians 2: 14
The world does not understand why we have faith. It does not understand why we believe what we do. The Bible describes them as walking in darkness; the same darkness we once walked in: