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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/22/24

NAR Mercy Culture Church Shows No Mercy in their Christian Nationalism

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And he said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets." - Matthew 22:37-40 (ESV)

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I think I have found a NAR dominionist church on steroids. Shout out to Brandon Kimber for sending me the above video link to an interview of Pastors Landon and Heather Schott on a recent episode of Lance Wallnau's ridiculous show. I had never heard of Mercy Culture church in Fort Worth Texas before. I am surprised because they run the NAR dominionist playbook to a tee. They are whiny, smug, arrogant, and as you will see throughout this video, they are so smarmy. They are proud of their disobedience. They are pleased in their mockery. They are wallowing in the collective victimhood the NAR sells them. They openly brag however that they are "dangerous", and they are on many levels. They represent the next evolution in NAR dominionism. They are actively training people to run for local office in their city, under the false teachings of Lance Wallnau and the seven mountains heresy. Just as a side note, it is amusing to watch Wallnau pause to sell the products of the insane Mike Lindell. Giza sheets, pillows and slippers, oh my. There is just no shame in the apostate church. I will go over some of the content from this video and discuss the overarching concerns so let us reason once more together.

"We are still a baby church, just five years but we have grown fast because during COVID, we didn't shut down. We think church is essential, so we stayed open. So, we just started massively growing. We had an elder run for Mayor, and he got 11% of the vote that took everybody by surprise. This guy is not a politician he just heard from the Lord. That led to us starting a ministry called for liberty and justice that has gotten over 62 politicians elected in Tarrant County alone. When that happened, we became public enemy number one for the left-wing lunatics (wife cackles). So, we are their favorite thing to write about and hate on and try to oppose. I don't have the heart to tell them that they are helping us grow our church. - Landon and Heather Schott

So, they got their fame by feeding their sheep into the COVID woodchipper. Who knows how many they killed because of their own biblical stupidity. The body of Christ is essential. Their brick-and-mortar building? Not so much, especially if they are replacing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the gospel of 'Merica." Landon said that about 6600 people attend his church. Must have been a literal petri dish to spread the virus. Disgusting but he will answer for every sheep he butchered to further his own fiefdom. Nevertheless, they ran an elder for mayor and are somehow bragging that he got a whopping 11%? Note however that they used this to now elect 62 people locally? You will notice here that Heather cackles when her husband refers to people who disagree with them as lunatics. Do people really hate them? Sounds like self-victimization. woe is me; I am so persecuted because I don't get my way. Let us read on.

"In the past four years alone, we have had 116 attack articles against us. We feed at our church 2000 families per week at our food bank. We are one of the largest if not the largest food distributer in the city. They don't care about how many families we feed. They don't care about how many homeless we reach. We have led 1800 people to Jesus this year alone. We have baptized 850 people this year alone, most of them outside of church services. So, it doesn't matter what we do in the community as we have gotten involved in these spheres of influence." - Landon and Heather Schott

I tried researching some of these alleged attack articles. I did find one from 2023 about a member who fled from Mercy Culture after being told she could not wear a Black Lives Matter tee shirt in church, but MAGA gear was encouraged. To make matters worse, this woman alleges racist and false accusations against her as being transgender or gay, of which she is neither. More importantly, why would that matter to a church? Why would it matter to a church that calls itself "mercy?" I found another article from 2022 that details a nice little grift the Schott's had going. One accusation was that the Schott's would prophesy that churchgoers should buy property to "expand territory" but only through church leaders who just happened to be real estate agents, including, wait for it, Heather Schott. Notice the pride oozing out of the "pastors" as they conflate two different issues to try and gin up sympathy. People can be upset because you make racist comments or pretend God has spoken for people to buy homes that you directly profit from and that not be a statement on your other efforts that might be beneficial. I find that churches that openly brag about what they are doing not only are disobedient to the bible's teaching about doing good works to be seen, but usually know they are guilty in other areas. So, you feed people? What do you want? A medal? The issue is that they keep trying to politically take over their city under the guise of Christianity. Jesus never commanded any such nonsense. The bulk of the articles I found however is over a recent dispute that the Schotts are having with the City of Fort Worth about proposal to build a 100-bed facility to help victims of sex trafficking. An issue that Wallnau was pleased to show a video of an angry Landon Schott, apparently preaching about:

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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