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Devotionals    H3'ed 7/30/24

Mario Murillo and Jonathan Con Continue to Try and Christianize Donald Trump

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The other day, presidential candidate Donald Trump was speaking when he begged Christians to come out and vote for him this November. The headline was the ominous thing he said, which was that it would be the last time they would ever need to vote because by 2028 he will have "fixed it." His campaign quickly tried to backpedal off of that but the part that was apparently not reported was in the middle of this frightening plea, Donald Trump said the most honest thing he may have ever said. He said, "I'm not a Christian." The sycophants for Trump swear he said the opposite but go listen to the video. It seems unmistakable. Despite the overwhelming proof that Trump is certainly not Christian, Charisma News and the NAR have now gone into overdrive to convince the church that it is somehow of God to vote for the convicted rapist with three wives, all of whom he was unfaithful to, including the last time with a porn star. In the 2016 election the NAR swore he was the second coming of King Cyrus. In the run up to 2020 he had an Elijah mantle with a Deborah anointing. We were assured by the gaggle of false NAR prophets that God had raise up Trump for a "time such as this" and then they watched in abject horror as he lost by seven million votes. Undeterred, they are back in full force for 2024 and now he was just likened to King Jehu from the Old Testament. They still realize that Donald Trump is the least Christian candidate in our history so selling him to the base is actually harder than it was Mitt Romney, who belonged to the satanic cult of Mormonism. So, they are forced to bombard their audience with article after article and video after video telling them to not believe what their own lying eyes and ears perceive. They are trying desperately to apply the slightest patina of "Christianese" upon him. To that end, today saw two new articles on Charisma from some of the worst NAR political operatives disguised as Christians in Mario Murillo and Jonathan Con. Murillo is the guy that has declared that people who vote Democratic are going to hell and are unredeemable. Con is just that, a walking con. His schtick is to read "prophecy" into modern events by finding the most random scriptural coincidences. The above two links fortify who these guys are so let us reason once more beloved. We will start with Murillo.

"In a recent interview with Stephen Strang on the Strang Report, evangelist Mario Murillo discussed the spiritual implications surrounding the recent attempted assassination on former President Donald Trump. Murillo, known for his prophetic ministry and tent crusades, believes that this incident holds significant meaning for America's current political and spiritual landscape. Murillo recounted the miraculous nature of the event, describing how the bullet "missed Donald Trump by a quarter inch," a near-miss that he attributes to divine intervention. He emphasized, "God made Donald Trump's head move at the exact nanosecond that it needed to move. God did that." This moment, according to Murillo, is a clear sign of divine favor and protection over Trump, whom he sees as a pivotal figure in America's spiritual battle.

The evangelist expressed his belief that the American public, particularly Christians, must recognize this incident as a call to action. He warned that the forces opposing Trump are not just political but deeply rooted in a broader spiritual struggle." - Mario Murillo

The NAR apostate church is just insufferable. We have such a bloated sense of self that we think everything that happens is about us. Just like when we see people in the world put on a reenactment of a French painting, we assume they are somehow mocking an Italian painting because then we can feel hurt and anger. This country has always seen political violence. Of the 46 presidents there have been 18 attempts to assassinate them. That is almost 40%. This does not portend some ominous spiritual implications, other than we are sinful human beings who are too easily offended and have way too easy access to weapons of war. From all reports the shooter in this attempt was a 20-year-old loner who suffered endless bullying in school and had an obsession with guns. He was also a registered Republican, as most gun enthusiasts would be. Sometimes people try to shoot presidents for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with the church. By the way, sometimes they miss. Instead of just being happy that he missed the NAR lunatics like Murillo have to try and turn the issue into a wedge to convince people to come out and vote for their political masters. The notion that God specifically intervened to move Donald Trump's head at the last nanosecond, while apparently not caring at all that another bullet killed Corey Compertore, sitting behind Trump is absurd. It creates a capricious God who cares more about a political candidate than He does about everybody else. Compertore from all reports was a very decent man too. A firefighter who attended church every week. For him the dominionists just weep crocodile tears while saying, you just can't understand why some people live and others don't but out of the other side of their mouth they say God specifically moved Trump's head. Notice however the Christianization Murillo tries. This random assassination attempt is now a "call to action" by God almighty! He tries to sell the notion that the opposition to Trump, based on a 20-year-old Republican would be assassin, is somehow not political but rather spiritual. The underlying message is clear. God is with Trump because He saved him, therefore you are called to "action" to vote for him. Disgusting spiritual manipulation.

"He's not running against Kamala Harris," Murillo stated. "He's running against a machine, a mechanism" into the media, into business, into billionaires, into education." He described the opposition as a "consummate blank canvas" for the left's agenda, which he believes threatens the country's moral and spiritual foundation. Murillo's comments reflect his concern about the spiritual war being waged in the United States, with Trump playing a central role in this conflict. He drew parallels between the current political situation and historical instances of tyranny, explaining that the attempt on Trump's life is indicative of a larger, more sinister agenda. "The most dangerous thing" is the apathetic way in which the American public is reacting," Murillo cautioned, urging Christians to wake up and take a stand. Calling for a unified response from the Christian community, Murillo urges believers to pray and support what he sees as God's plan for America. He stressed the need for spiritual vigilance, warning, "Woe unto those who are silent in the process of God's redemptive work for American freedom." - Mario Murillo

Kamala Harris was a child of immigrants to this country. Her mother was a scientist trying to cure cancer. There is only one billionaire in this conversation so the notion that voting for Trump puts you on the "everyman" side is ridiculous. Once again though, Murillo frames this as a matter of spiritual warfare, which it is not. The message is very clear however from this short article. Christians must wake up and take a stand! For what? For the billionaire guy who wants to be a dictator so he can cancel the three other trials still pending against him. Because you know, what court case would Jesus dismiss, right? Realizing the difficulty in Christianizing Trump Murillo has to paint a dystopian hellscape with a looming sinister agenda. Thus, he demands a "unified response from the Christian community. Why? Because his masters know that Trump cannot win with a weak turnout or performance from the Christian community. Do you want to know what the bible says is God's plan for America? To judge it. Just like every other nation and every single person. Murillo ends this screed with an unhinged quasi-scriptural abuse. The "woes" were judgments Jesus pronounced over the Pharisees. So, this carnal "woe" by Mario is nothing short of a threat to believers. Note however the language change. God's redemptive work is in the hearts of the lost beloved, not this abstract carnal notion of American freedom. God is not trying to redeem the perceived lost of freedom in this country. Once again, simply disgusting. On to the Con-man.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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