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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/15/18

Kris Vallotton's God Laughingly Covers Up for His False Prophecies

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And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. -- 1Samuel 3: 19 (ESV)

Two Things to do When You Don't Understand What God is Doing is the title linked above from mega-heretic Kris Vallotton. I had started the day expecting to review the first chapter of his new book prostituting God about riches and wealth on this earth (he is letting you read the first chapter for free). Surprisingly, the link was not on his website but that was when this latest blog entry caught my eye. I was going to pass it by because it seems every other devotional I write these days is dealing with Vallotton but then I got to the part about a conversation he claims to have had with God that just blew me away. So let us reason again beloved through the murky theology and wickedly deceitful heart of Kris Vallotton.

"How God taught me about friendship with Him. Years ago on I had one of those Sunday nights that was just really good; the message went well and I was prophesying over people and they were crying (which was a general sign that it was going well, ha!) I went home on a high and that night lay in bed and heard God laughing and say, "That was a good word YOU gave that lady at the end." I started to get worried, and apologized to God for getting so caught up in the moment. I went from a high to a quick low. He laughed and said, "Oh that's okay, I'll take care of it." I said, "How are you going to take care of it?!" and He replied, "What kind of a friend would I be if I only ever did what I wanted?" Ten years later I found a verse that made more sense of this in 1 Samuel 3:19; "Thus Samuel grew and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fail." I'm not saying you can prophesy whatever you want. I'm simply saying that God wants us to move into a place of friendship, where we abide in Him and His words abide in us, so that we can ask whatever we wish and it will be done." -- Kris Vallotton

Wow. Let's unpack the absolute mind blowing arrogance of this statement. I have long said that Vallotton has simply created his own false god that he bows down to and worships. This false god does whatever Kris wants and is essentially beholden to him. In short, the god Kris follows is himself. This statement brilliantly displays that for us to see. First of all we should notice the utterly frivolous way he claims to have had this conversation with the creator of the entire universe. God laughed at him, joked around with him, and eventually covered for him. This is the silly buddy jesus that we see so many false teachers promote. That wingman jesus who is only there to cover our mistakes and dispense our blessings. When Saul first saw Christ he was blinded. When Peter realized who He was he said away from me out of shame! Isaiah said he was a man of unclean lips! The Apostle John fell down in awe. Kris Vallotton? Apparently had a latte with Him and shared some good natured ribbing. Please.

Secondly, let's examine the theology being presented. I know Kris doesn't care about theology and this "experience" trumps the surety of Scripture but we still disagree. According to this story Kris Vallotton gave a false prophesy. He told a woman a prophecy that came from his zeal and not from the Lord. We know from the Bible that in the Old Testament days this would result in stoning the false prophet to death. New Testament instructions include marking them so to not associate anymore with them and resting in the knowledge that their destruction was decided long ago. God apparently goes against His own Word in Kris Vallotton's story and instead laughs it off and says He will take care of it. Here is the absolute kicker beloved. When asked what that means we are supposed to believe that God changed His will for this woman because Kris falsely prophesied over her. Did you get that? Kris looking bad is more important to God than His sovereignty and will; wow. Just think about what kind of delusion you are under if you believe that the Great I am said "what kind of friend would I be if I only ever did what I wanted." Are you serious Kris? The more important question is what kind of god are you if you allow individual people to change your will because they were so wrapped up in themselves that they lied on your behalf?

Then Kris tries to throw a bible fragment into the air to give this nonsense some whiff of piety but he fails miserably in this as well. The key verse today is from 1Samuel and is from the initial calling of the final judge of Israel. The Lord was with Samuel and let none of his words fall to the ground. Why beloved? Whose words were they? The words were the Lords. Samuel was a prophet. The Lord was also drawing a distinction between Samuel and the prior judge, Eli, who ignored the word of the Lord by allowing his sons to continually violate the law when it came to sacrificial meat and sexual immorality. To claim that this verse is actually God promising to cover up for Samuel should he ever falsely prophesy is outright stupid. As we will soon see, the first requirement of friendship is obedience yet according to Kris Vallotton the first response of God to disobedience is to laugh it off because after all; we are friends! Ugh.

"What if you could know Him more? How would you like to have a relationship with God where prayer is an interchange with Him, and the outcomes are a homogenization of His will with your will? How would you like a friendship with the Lord where He lets you in on His secrets and tells you the "why" behind things?" -- Kris Vallotton

What if you tried to write the most heretical near blasphemous paragraph imaginable? Could it be any worse than this? The first point is that prayer is not supposed to be the interchange that Kris is promoting. Yes we speak to God and we hear from Him but He is the Lord, not us. Through Kris' friend lens however they are peers. Dear God, who wants a homogenization of their will and the will of the Almighty God who sees all time??? Why in the world would you want a sliver of your own carnal and uniformed will in that mix at all? Beloved we must realize that Kris Vallotton is not only false but he is dangerous with theologies such as this. Faith understands that we are on a need to know basis and sometimes He decides we do not need to know the why or the secrets. Faith understands that His will is always better than what we think we want. Kris now summarizes a video teaching on this:

'John 15:14-15 says, "You are My friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you." If Jesus says that no longer does He call us slaves, it means that at one time He did. How do you know if you're a slave? You just do what you're told. Slaves love to be told what to do because this is their M.O. Slaves only know what to do, they don't know why they're doing it. The highest level of a life as a slave is just to obey. You can stay a slave, or you can let God prune you. Verse 14 says, "You are My friends if you do what I command you."' -- Kris Vallotton

Sometimes I am genuinely concerned that there is a serious reading comprehension problem with Vallotton as he often does this. He includes portions of Scripture that eviscerate the argument he is trying to make! The prerequisite for friendship with God is slave-ship. Not slavery as we think of it carnally. The way we think of it clouds what God is trying to say. Do you know that the word slave appeared over 1100 times in the Old Testament yet when it was translated it only was translated as such one time? Over 150 times in the New Testament? Slavery had such a negative connotation that the translators chose to instead use words like servant, hired-hand, and helper. It is amazing Vallotton cannot see the disconnect in his point here. He marginalizes the slave because they only obey yet obedience is the very underpinning of the friendship Jesus is speaking about. Kris has already told us here that God covers for him when he is disobedient yet that is directly contraindicated by these verses!

"Revelation is not the child of laborious effort and searching the Scriptures. I'd like to propose to you that revelation is the child of friendship. People wonder how Bill Johnson gets all of his revelation and how many hours he studies the Bible. Well I know Bill studies well, but I believe He has access to that revelation because He has become a friend of God. Revelation can't be studied it can only be revealed." -- Kris Vallotton

Here is the typical Bethel mockery of the sufficiency of Scripture. Johnson and Vallotton both preach experiential Christianity where what we feel trumps what we know and where experience trumps doctrine. You must understand how dangerous Kris is here. He is teaching that there is greater revelation beyond the final revealed will of God in the Bible. Beloved God can reveal an infinite amount of new revelation to us through His Word. Have you ever read a verse and realized that God spoke something to you through that verse you had never realized before? That is revelation! Bill Johnson is not a friend of God. He is a tool of Satan, as is Vallotton. The Bible says we are either gathering people to Christ or scattering them away. Two choices; no third option. It is unbelievably arrogant and biblically moronic to say that revelation is not the child of laborious searching in the Scriptures! Were the Bereans of more noble character because they sought fresh revelation and deepening of their friendship with God or because they searched the Scriptures to ensure what Paul was preaching was accurate? I want us to consider for a moment a biblical answer to what is really going on at Bethel and with Kris Vallotton but it starts with this Scripture:

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. -- 2Corinthians 11: 14-15 (ESV)

Assuming he is not willfully lying, which may very well be the case, the only biblical explanation is that Kris Vallotton and Bill Johnson cannot discern between the demonic angels of light and the Spirit of God. This is not surprising since they usurp the spirit's powers through pretending to be able to teach the gifts. They simply are outmatched and outwitted by demonic forces they do not understand. They have been convinced by the devil to downplay the importance of Scripture in place of experience and then the idol god they created cozies up to them and tells them he is their friend. You prophesied falsely Kris? Ha-ha, don't you worry buddy! What kind of friend would I be if I only wanted my will be done?

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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