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Kathryn Krick Continues to Whine About Discernment Exposing her Demonic Agenda

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For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? - 1Corinthians 5:12 (ESV)

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Kathryn Krick, false apostle and false demon slayer, seems to have a real problem with her silliness being called out. She is an absurd false teacher who must have got her apostleship from the corner store and feeds off the new You Tube sensation of people who make money off pretending Christians are constantly possessed by demons. Previously, we highlighted a disgusting video where a mother had a child rolling around on the ground in apparent demonic torment and Krick literally would not "deliver" the child until the mom had sent a large enough "seed" to her ministry. She did this on video, as if proud of it. She has been roundly criticized as being a ridiculous huckster and since has been on a campaign to make people stop being mean to her by twisting all sorts of bible verses that she clearly does not understand. The latest attempt to stamp her feet petulantly about discernment is found today on Charisma News and is linked above. So, let us reason once more together beloved.

'In a recent message, ministry leader Kathryn Krick offered guidance to Christians on how to respond when they notice something "off" in another person's ministry. She emphasized the importance of leading with love, truth and humility rather than taking on the role of a judge.

"It's good to feel this roaring lion heart for God's people to not be deceived and for their eyes to be opened," Krick acknowledged. However, she warned against the temptation to judge others harshly. "The right way to do it is not to be the judge and speak against them," she said. Instead, Krick encouraged believers to focus on being a light in the world, noting, "Fight the darkness with light. Don't fight darkness with darkness."' - Charisma News

Let us first deal with the stupid notion that people are being critical because something is "off." If by off you mean teaching that Christians can be demon possessed so you can charge them money to be set free, then yes, off. I prefer the term snake oil saleswoman. We are not dealing with slips in theology, for which correction can be offered or reasonable people can debate. We are talking about fleecing the flock while leading them astray from Jesus. When discernment calls out a false teacher, that is leading with love. It is leading with love for the sheep and the lost but not the wolf. This is the same skewed logic that people like Dr. Michael Brown use all the time. They are so obsessed with defending the wolf that they show contempt for the sheep. There are always victims of false teachers. People who never recover, never get saved, or never return to the faith. People who are literally robbed of their money, their dignity and their chance for eternal salvation. That is the truth. The truth is that Kathryn Krick is a ravenous wolf, not just a little "off." It is not judging to correctly point out heresy. It is discerning, which we are called to do by testing everything. The Bereans were not chastised because they checked to make sure Paul was aligning with scripture. They were considered more noble because of it. The key verse reminds us that we are absolutely to judge those within the walls of the church by the way. Not eternal judgment, as that belongs to God, but judge what is being done said, and taught. It is because people do not judge correctly that they are led astray so easily. If Kathryn demands a mom send her money or else she will not deliver her child from a fake demon, it is not judging harshly to say why that is wrong and unbiblical. It is by definition, truth. That is how we are the light of the world. Fighting her darkness with the light of God's word is fighting her darkness with light.

"Krick stressed the importance of allowing people to make their own decisions about what they see in others, rather than forcing judgment upon them. "Let them make their own decisions, to judge the fruit instead of forcing people," she urged. By allowing others to use their free will, Krick believes that believers can help guide them toward the truth without imposing their own judgments. Addressing fellow ministers, Krick emphasized the need to stay focused on their own calling and ministry. "Keep your eyes so locked on Jesus, running your own race, staying in your own lane," she advised. By doing so, she believes ministers can shine brightly, attracting others to their message rather than pushing them away with a critical or condemning attitude.

"Let people see your light instead of showing your darkness and pushing people away," Krick adds. By leading with love, humility and truth, she believes that believers can effectively guide others toward a deeper relationship with Christ." - Charisma News

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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