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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/1/24

Jonathan's Latest Con - The Prophetic Mystery of Being an Idiot

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You are wearied with your many counsels; let them stand forth and save you, those who divide the heavens, who gaze at the stars, who at the new moons make known what shall come upon you. Behold, they are like stubble; the fire consumes them; they cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame. No coal for warming oneself is this, no fire to sit before! - Isaiah 47:13-14 (ESV)

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Steven Strang has many minions in his army of Republican Party faux Christians. When he wants to debase his followers and shame them into voting for his candidates, he deploys people like Mario Murillo or Michael Snyder. When he wants a more subtle appearance of fake gravitas, he turns to Dr. Michael Brown. When he wants the crazy bat-poop fake prophecy angle, he turns to the Con Man. Yes, Jonathan Con is back again at the above link where he is trying to sell you another "mystery"; as that is his schtick. Con tries to find meaningless coincidences and uses numerology to pretend there are hidden secrets in the bible that reveal you should support his politics. As the prophet Isaiah warns in the key verses, the many counsels of Jonathan Con will not save you. Instead of gazing at the stars and predicting lies by the rising of the moon, he looks at modern politics and tries to shoehorn his garbage into it by making asinine comparisons to biblical texts or characters. In doing so he brings ill-repute upon the name of Christ. Con's drivel is like stubble and the fire of the truth of God consumes them. His mysteries are laughable in the ease at which we should be able to debunk them. So let us reason once more together beloved through the above gobbledygook that only reveals the idiots that Jonathan Con thinks we all are.

"Does the Bible show us the path America should turn to during this election season? In his latest prophetic message, Jonathan Cahn unveiled a prophetic mystery of how the Clintons, Barack Obama and Donald Trump all match the descriptions and years of public service of different biblical characters. In Cahn's book, "The Paradigm," he noted how Bill Clinton fit into the role of King Ahab, as his wife, Hillary, fits the description of Ahab's wife, Jezebel. "Ahab. He was a divided man, a compromised man. He knew of God, but he warred against the ways of God. He championed the worship of Baal, which meant child sacrifice and sexual immorality and the overturning of biblical absolutes and traditional values. So too, in America a culture war began. The term was coined at the same moment that a man rose to power. His name was Bill Clinton," Cahn says." - Charisma News

Does the bible show the path America should take? I know the answer to that one! No, it does not. Con however has his marching orders so he has to try and convince you it does, using sleight of hand and straight up deception. A divided and compromised man? How is that not Donald Trump? Or virtually any former president? So, Con is trying to sell you that the Clintons are Baal because of child sacrifice and sexual immorality but his candidate is given a pass even though he actually slept with a porn star while his third wife was home taking care of his newborn child. He also conveniently forgets that Trump is on record as removing pro-life from the GOP platform and let's be fair. Who is more likely to have actually PAID for an abortion in their lifetime? Note here the truly asinine notion that "culture war" as a term began with Bill Clinton. Since Con obviously does not know history or apparently own a computer that might have Google on it, let's clear this up. The term culture war, began in the 1920's, when rural and urban America started being more at odds over values. So, before his fake prophecy nonsense can get off the ground, it is completely debunked.

'Both Ahab and Bill Clinton served in public office for a total of 22 years. In the Old Testament, we read how Jezebel was biggest proponent of Baal worship, which included the sacrificing of children. So too, Hillary Clinton has been known for her devotion to abortion. "In fact, Planned Parenthood named her [Hillary Clinton] the abortion champion of the century," Cahn says. Cahn also points out how Ahab and Jezebel were caught up in a scandal involving the vineyard of a man named Naboth. Likewise, the Clintons have been thoroughly involved in scandals over time, with the Monica Lewinsky scandal being the biggest one of all. Just as Ahab fell at the hands of the tribe of Levi, Cahn points out that "Lewinsky" comes from the word "Levi."' - Charisma News

Now it appears Mr. Con also does not understand fundamental math. Bill Clinton served as Arkansas Attorney General for two years. He then served as Governor, two different times, totaling eleven years. Lastly, he served as President for eight years. Two plus eleven plus eight equals 21, not 22. Oh, so close Jonathan! Does God not know how to add? How embarrassingly stupid. His clear hope is that you do not notice the utter disdain he has for your intelligence to assume you will not bother to take out a calculator. While we are here, let us dispel this horribly bogus talking point that has floated around the NAR churchianity for decades. The sacrificing of children to Baal, or Molech, is not akin to abortion. That is a ridiculously moronic argument. People sacrificed their firstborn to Baal during times of crisis for the perceived community good. That has ZERO correlation to abortion. Now, it is true that Lewinsky was a major scandal for Bill Clinton but what president did not have scandals, including Trump and the aforementioned porn star? Or his 34 convictions. Or his trying to overthrow the government. This just does not even pass the smell test.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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