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Devotionals    H3'ed 8/13/24

Jenny Weaver's New Jedi-Mind Trick Grift Will Net Her Millions of Dollars

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And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover." - Mark 16:17-18 (ESV)

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We have written before about the very skilled charlatan named Jenny Weaver. A self-confessed former witch, drug addict and incarcerated criminal, Weaver boasts a heart tugging story of redemption because now she is "set free" and she wants to set you free as well, for a cost. She made her false ministry bones as a YouTube demon slayer huckster, but Weaver has taken it to new and creative heights in her efforts to fleece the flock. Not since Jennifer LeClaire have, we seen this level of grifting and in many ways, Weaver has become the master. So much so that Ryan LeStrange officially bestowed upon Weaver the rank of Apostle, which of course is ridiculous. In writing so far about Weaver, we highlighted her very lucrative and creative fleecing method. After creating a vast Internet following, Weaver created "The Core." This is sold as a personal mentoring but all it really gets you is direct access to all of Weaver's materials, most of which are pre-recorded of course. The brilliance is in the concept of recurring payments for enrollment. This allows Weaver to keep the cost low at only $20 per month but your credit card gets billed each month. So, to stay a year, you would be set back $240. This may not sound like a lot but realize that at the start of 2023 Weaver bragged she had over 13000 core members. That means, for basically doing nothing but recording her folksy, unbiblical nonsense, she generates over three million dollars per year. That is $260,000 per month in straight revenue as a baseline. If she ever got to say, 50,000 core members, she would generate 12 million per year just for making heretical video snippets. What else does this mere $20 get you? The chance to be fleeced even further now because Jenny is opening the Core Academy.

Mind you, in order to enroll in her fake school, linked above, you must be in the Core to begin with. This is a brilliant fleecing method. Her initial offerings, starting this fall, are four "tracks" because then you can charge per track. Each track costs $1000 dollars per year. Let's say she only gets 25% of her suckers to join one track. That is an additional 3.25 million dollars in revenue. If you wanted to add a track on top of one you get a discount to $500, another brilliant ploy to lure people in to buying things that they consider secondary. If you want all four at once, you save $1700, but are still set back $2300. If you do not have thousands of dollars to lavish upon Weaver however, she got your back. For an additional $200, you can break the any track payment of $1000 into four payments. You get that? She is charging people already paying her silly Core monthly fleecing, an additional 200 bucks if they need to finance the extra grifts. That is some world class, Jedi-Mind Trick pickpocketing right there. Mind you, Weaver runs all of this million-dollar scope, out of a PO Box in Plant City Florida. Reminds me of LeClaire running everything she scams out of a hotel room at the Fort Lauderdale Airport Holiday Inn. What this means though is Weaver also has no overhead costs to pull off this con. All of the revenue is pure gravy, and it all goes into the Weaver bank accounts. Let's look a little closer at the track details she provides.

The Spiritual Warfare and Intercession Track and the Leadership and Development Track appear a little light on details. The Deliverance and Healing Track however included topics covered and it starts with the "Gospel of Mark: ABC's of Deliverance." This indicates that Weave plans to leverage the key verses, which every fake demon slayer abuses. The primary reason we do not rely solely on these scriptures for doctrine is the vast majority of scholars agree that this portion of Mark was probably not written by Mark and was added by scribes after the fact. It is still considered scripture, but you should use it responsibly to support concurring scripture. If you not you end up like those bizarro churches that handle serpents every week in service until the snake kills the pastor. True story. Likewise, if you do not handle these scriptures appropriately you end up with the inane demon slayers such as Weaver, Kathryn Krick, Isaiah Saldivar, Greg Locke and Vlad Savchuk, all of whom sell the notion of Christians being possessed by demons. The other two interesting modules for this track include House Deliverance and Children's Deliverance. So, Weaver intends to teach on what to do if you find yourself believing your house is somehow haunted and that if you kid behaves like, a kid, it might just be a demon. Some scary stuff right there. I wrote about a video Krick released where she proudly demanded a mother "sow a seed" into her ministry BEFORE she would cast the fake demon out of her child who was rolling around on the ground in front of them. Who doesn't remember when Jesus said He would cast the demon out of the child but not until the dad greased the old palm of the Almighty, wink wink. Truly disgusting stuff.

The Prophetic Ministry Track appears equally disgusting, however. One of the segments is a teaching about the School of the Prophets, because they use this minimal reference in the bible to justify why they too can teach people to be prophets. The differences however are obviously stark. Those that were in Samuel's school of prophets were actually called by God, not a Facebook post. More importantly, I am pretty sure Samuel did not make them pay a monthly membership fee and an absurd tuition rate. Other interesting subjects are The Prophets Manual and Prophetic Activations. What prophet, who is supposed to be receiving direction straight from God, needs a manual? Shouldn't the manual be the bible? This prophetic activation nonsense is a staple of the False Prophet Industrial Complex today. Prophets do not need to be activated. They aren't a gym membership. Let us also not miss the overarching stupidity here. Prophets are not made. They are called by God. This fleecing model however is certainly not going to reject anyone willing to pay a thousand dollars or more. This is the same model used by Bethel's silly Supernatural School, that Dr. Michael Brown defends. They all try to teach the gifts of the spirit. Not about the gifts, but how to manifest the actual gifts, which the bible says can only be apportioned by the Holy Spirit. This is not only wildly unbiblical but absolutely heretical as it is usurping the powers that belong to God alone. That is what the entire ministry of Jenny Weaver is about, only monetized on a massive scale.

The entire yearly curricula are designed to be only two days per week. Every Monday Weaver dumps a new video teaching into your student portal. There are Zoom Monday night sessions, hosted by a Teaching Captain, not Weaver herself. Thursdays there are a 45-minute live class, which Weaver appears to lead. So, outside of creating content at her leisure, all Weaver has to do is one 45-minute live session per week, to rake in millions of potential dollars to provide fake certification. There are no overhead charges as there is no actual school. Oh, and if you are thinking they have to pay for the Teacher Captains for Mondays those appear to be volunteers sold as "valuable ministry field experience." This is one of the most well designed and thought out grifts I have ever seen. Ms. Weaver spent her time in prison wisely learning and planning. Lastly, if you are concerned about this being sold as a "school", fear not. The website boasts that there are "no more long complicated stressful assignments to complete" and "very few tests if any, for certain unit studies." Not bad for a fake certification. Just a thousand bucks and 45 minutes a week. They also vaguely refer to a possibility to be "ordained"; but I can only imagine what that would cost you.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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