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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/15/24

Introducing a New Wolf - Plagiarist and NAR Dominionist Heretic Josh Howerton

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When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan. - Proverbs 29:2 (ESV)

It is always interesting to discover a new mega church heretic and start reviewing all of their greatest hits. Such is the case with someone named Josh Howerton from Lakepointe Church in where else, Texas. From all appearances, Howerton is a NAR dominionist cut from the "bad boy" Mark Driscoll mode. He is no stranger to controversy as he seems to seek it out to bolster his infamy and NAR street cred. What makes him special is he seems to like to keep digging when he finds himself in a ditch. Like when he made a crude joke about how women should just do whatever their husbands tell them to do on their honeymoon. Instead of just saying sorry and moving on, he tried to defend himself, apparently forgetting that he had made the exact same joke a few years earlier. Instead of doing separate devotionals, I will treat this as a welcome kit to understanding how false Josh Howerton is. I will cover three areas. The first is about a recent controversy where Josh preached an absurd NAR sermon forcefully bullying his sheep into voting for Donald Trump, to which he received so much push back the church seems to be distancing themselves from it. The second issue was a Howerton post where Josh tried to outline 11 bogus reasons for Christians to vote, of course for Republicans. The last issue is about a post Josh made in 2022 defending himself from plagiarism charges. I am reviewing this because it is quite telling how unchristian Josh Howerton truly is. So, let us reason again beloved as I introduce you to "Pastor" Josh Howerton. Let me start with the lowlights from his recent sermon that started the kerfuffle.

"It would be wrong for you to refuse to take part in the leadership of the nation that God has put you in," he said. "If we go back to ask the original question, 'Would Jesus vote?' Yes. Yes, He would, because He wouldn't abdicate the responsibility that God has given Him. When Christians do not vote, what they're doing is they are abdicating their leadership position in the constitutional republic that God has placed you in. And it's a form of passive rebellion against God in the exact same way that it would be wrong for a husband to refuse to lead his family, and it would be wrong for a pastor to refuse to lead his church" - Josh Howerton

It seems quite obvious that Josh is a shill for the NAR wing of the Republican Party. This ridiculous statement could have been made by Steven Strang or Mark Driscoll, who Howerton looks up to. God did not purposefully place us in a constitutional republic. We are far more enamored with our own country, politics and economic system than God ever will be. There is zero biblical support for the notion that Jesus would vote. During the time He walked the earth He could have done anything He wanted. He walked on water. He healed the blind and lame. He turned water into wine. Do you know what He did about the politics of His day? Absolutely nothing and His people were being crushed in oppression by the Roman Empire. As Jesus explained - His kingdom is not of this world. We have not been tasked with creating a theocracy or even holding a leadership position within our constitutional republic. To further state that not voting would somehow be rebellion against God is not only ludicrous but insulting on so many levels. Let me be very clear - God does not care if we vote and He does not are who we vote for - period, full stop. Any bully preacher like Howerton is just lying about God to claim otherwise. It is false teachers like Howerton that is in active rebellion against God.

"I just need you to know that concept is completely and utterly unbiblical (not being involved in politics)," he said. "You cannot read the Bible about Moses, Daniel, Esther, Nathan, Nehemiah, John the Baptist, and think that the church and pastors should avoid addressing government and governmental leaders. You just can't do it. Any Christian that's got a Bible open and their brain working ought to be looking at both of the candidates we're looking at and going, 'Man, I see some flaws in both things I got in front of me, Jesus is not on the ballot, guys. Get over it. I am not here to seek the approval of man. I am not here to seek the approval of a party. And I am not here to seek approval of a politician. I am here on behalf of the living God," - Josh Howerton

Howerton all but said that while Trump is "flawed", Kamala Harris is wicked. This is the deceit the NAR constantly traffics in. We are all flawed and wicked. In terms of degree however, how you are siding with the man married three times, unfaithful three times (once with a porn star), convicted of rape, with six bankruptcies and 34 other felony convictions is beyond me. How that is the "Christian" choice is confounding to any Christian with an open bible and a functioning brain stem. That is not suggesting that Harris is a Christian choice - just do not sell me the notion that God is on your side of the vote. As for his list if biblical figures let us start with the obvious fact that they are all from the Old Testament and part of Israel. America is not Israel. The only New Testament name is John the Baptist. It is a little odd to say that because John told Herod Antipas that he was wrong for taking his sister-in-law as his second wife, that we should all be compelled to vote today for Donald Trump. It is also a little rich considering Howerton's candidate of choice is probably a lot closer to Herod Antipas than King Cyrus or Jehu, as argued by many dominionists. Despite the insane dreams of the NAR, America is not a theocracy. More importantly, none of the people listed actively engaged in politics from a citizen level. Moses did not even want the responsibilities God had for him and he certainly did not vote. Daniel worked outside of the political system of Babylon and God still had him thrive. About the only vaguely political act the prophet Nathan ever did was rebuke King David for his murderous affair. Howerton and the NAR always overlook that the very life of Jesus displays a completely apolitical stance. Make no mistake about it beloved, Josh Howerton is owned and controlled by political forces, not the living God. He is only seeking the approval of a political party and of man. This is easily supported by a recent writing from Josh where he outlines 11 ways, he thinks Christians are gaslit into staying out of politics, which you can find at this link:

11 Ways Christians Are Gaslit into Staying Out of Politics - Josh Howerton

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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