How Is Your Salvation Today?
Philippians 2: 12-13 Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. (NLT)
A dear brother has left us this day. He has gone home to be with the Lord and have every tear wiped away. He has moved on from his suffering. He has moved on to his peace. We rejoice for the time God gave us with him and for becoming better for having known him at all. The world is a harsh taskmaster. Cancer is a harsh taskmaster. But the yoke of Jesus is easy and His burden is light. We often reflect at moments of personal loss and think of the unsaved. We will ask them at funerals to consider their life against the backdrop of eternity and the fragility of our existence. While this is of course monumentally important, I think it is equally prudent today to take stock of our own salvation and where we are at. Lest a life be ever wasted in vain.
In the second chapter of Paul's letter to the Church at
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2Corinthians 5: 17 (NLT)
We need to change our mindset as believers. There should be a tangible result of our salvation, not just a change in our eternal address. What should some of those tangible results be? Paul continues in his letter:
Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ's return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless. Philippians 2: 14-16 (NLT)
Do everything without complaining or arguing! Uh-oh. What is it that people see when they look into your salvation? Realize that a complaining spirit is not happy, right? If someone is satisfied, why would they complain? The arguing spirit is one that is not at peace. One that is constantly looking for turmoil, drama, or disagreement. Now honestly think for a minute about the people you encounter in your life. At work, in your family, and even people you may not know. What do they see in your salvation? If they see complaining and arguing, why would that attract them to have what you have?