Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind and said: "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? - Job 38:1-2 (ESV)
In 2019 I did a devotional entitled, "Shawn Bolz Continues to Prophelie and Make a Mockery of the Holy Spirit." In it I specifically discussed his obvious grift of using social media to deceive people he was pretending to receive words of knowledge from God about. This was shortly after the Lou Engle bogus event called, "The Send," that included the likes of Heidi Baker, Todd White and Bill Johnson. In the devotional I outlined two specific fake words of knowledge Shawn provided at that event and how the information was gleaned from the registration for the event. I had covered Shawn before including his scam in 2017 when he was hawking an 8-week E-Course on Bethel TV about "translating God" for $50 and for another $200 you could buy a starter kit for such translation. In 2022, I covered Shawn declaring that God had showed him a secret "angel factory" located in the second heaven. Also in 2022, I reviewed his assertion that God was giving out "real estate anointings" to purchase haunted properties. There were plenty of other devotionals reviewing some breathtaking distortions of scripture. Then in December of 2024, I covered the story of a woman named Jubilee Dawn who had this fake word of knowledge grift played on her boyfriend of one month at the time and because they both believed Bolz gave them a direct word from the Lord that they were being brought together they quickly married. And he quickly started to abuse her horrifically, including spitting in her face and strangling her nearly to death.
Having obtained the personal information from the man's Facebook page, Bolz pretended to receive words of knowledge about his girlfriend's uncommon name and where she worked and he declared God was "giving her to him." This was the same grift we addressed six years earlier after The Send. This reveals the dire need and importance of the work discernment ministries do and why we should certainly test everything but actually do something to protect ourselves. Knowledge without application is useless. There is nothing more powerful and awe inspiring than believing you are within the will of God. The problem is there is nothing more dangerous than convincing you are within that will, when you actually are not. Jesus referred to it as convincing yourself that your darkness is light. To not have enough knowledge and understanding of His word to counter the lies we have been fed. We still see it even in the wake of these recent revelations. Just peruse the comments on Jubilee Dawn's video and see how people refuse to listen to common sense discernment and direct testimony. This is why it is so hard to leave a cult, which Bethel is. There are people defending Bolz still! One commenter was so sorry for what Jubilee went through but somehow chastised people who were calling Shawn Bolz a false prophet! Are you kidding me! What real prophet of God would do something so despicable as what Bolz did to Jubilee but other times be really hearing from the Lord? It just is not possible!
Others refuse to make the obvious connections to Bethel. Like ok, maybe Shawn is bad but Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton are fine. No, they are not. There is no way Johnson and Vallotton did know the grift Shawn was pulling. They know because they pull grifts of their own. Every year Vallotton runs a fake week of prophecy school where he makes hundreds of thousands of dollars by lying to people that they are prophets. Bethel runs a false school of the stupidnatural where they charge thousands upon thousands of dollars to teach people how to manifest the gifts of the spirit in direct violation of scripture. It was recently revealed that Kris Vallotton was made aware of the scam Bolz was pulling off in 2020. While the texts reveal that Vallotton did make many in the Bethel leadership world aware about Bolz and forbid them from working with him, he refused to make any public statement. In the end, the brand always protects the brand. One text in particular is very revealing and disturbing:
"I am not going to take the role of going ministry to ministry and telling them Shawn was giving bad prophetic words. I don't have the time to do that." - Kris Vallotton
Please. We do not live in the 1890's. It would not take any time to tell the world the truth if you cared about his victims. Just do a video, as you routinely do to promote your grifts. The more disturbing thing here is the downplaying of what has occurred. Shawn Bolz was not giving "bad prophetic words." He was LYING. He was pretending to hear from the Creator of the entire universe and playing with people's lives! There was nothing prophetic! Now, we understand why Kris tried to tell Bethel folks but continue to allow this deception to the church at large and it all comes down to liability. First, there may be civil or criminal liability if they knew that someone they were promoting, platforming and employing, was knowingly deceiving people who were then hurt by that deception. They also would face liability within the apostate church system. They have a huge international brand that generates millions of dollars in revenue. If people could ever put the dots together to realize that Shawn Bolz did not happen in a vacuum, their whole house of cards could collapse. Bethel knew fine and well what he was doing and they not only allowed it but they encouraged it. Just like when Bill Johnson pretended to not endorse grave sucking but there were actual pictures of his wife engaging in just that. Just like when Bethel disavowed their dead raising team, which emanated from their congregation. The faux-spiritual sleight of hand is to promote from within heresies eight ways to Sunday while publicly decrying anything that garners scrutiny. Shawn Bolz is not unique. Jubilee Dawn is, in that the victims rarely speak out. Hopefully her courage will convince others to be courageous as well. That brings us to the above link, to Shawn Bolz ministry page, where he is trying to spin some damage control by releasing a "statement of prophetic integrity." Are you kidding me? Shawn Bolz never has been, and never will be prophetic. He has never had any integrity. He is a snake oil salesman grifting the church. Let us review some of this statement and reason once more together beloved: