We have written quite often about the NAR dominionist growth within the apostate church during these end times. One of the main reasons is we believe firmly that this is the last idol of the church age. The devil masterfully uses the love of country and political party to distract from the love we should be reserving for God. As expected, the usual political operatives disguised as Christians have come out to decry the indictment of Donald Trump, their messiah. Keep in mind that we are not dealing with actual followers of Jesus Christ. They have been bought by and sold their souls to the Republican Party. Their first allegiance therefore is to the political machine they are beholden to and then try to shoehorn faith and religion into it. They are political whores, no more, no less. Today for your consideration are Franklin Graham and Stephen Strang.
Franklin Graham has long been a political operative disguised as a Christian leader. This is what made it mildly interesting for the past few months as Graham tried his best to pretend he never was much interested in politics. The problem is that he sold his soul a long time ago and when his dominionist masters say jump, Franklin Graham gets his jumping shoes on. Which explains how after declaring his independent political bonafides just a few months ago he can shamelessly shill like this tweet yesterday:
"It's a shameful day for America as former President @realDonaldTrump was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury," Graham tweeted on Friday. "The Democrats have weaponized the legal system for their political gain while ignoring the current Administration's faults and deficiencies." - Franklin Graham Tweet
Shameful day for America? I thought you were apolitical Franklin? I thought your backing every Republican candidate for 30 years was coincidental. Like when you removed Mormonism from your list of cults because you backed Mitt Romney in 2012. Or when you paved Trump's way into the Evangelical vote after he donated six figures to each of your "charities" that pay you combined over a million dollars per year in salaries? Instead, you want to disparage the work of the Grand Jury, made up of ordinary citizens. What is worse is you call this weaponization, because it is the lame talking point you were given, but you haven't actually read the indictments because they have been kept sealed until just a few minutes ago. So, you have no clue what they are actually indicting him for and yet you can disparage people you never even met and predetermine their bias. Have you heard of projection Franklin? Just to make sure your whorish proclivities are made clear, you insert that the real problem is with the current president, who is of course, Democratic.
Except Joe Biden never cheated on his wife, let alone cheated on three of them. He also never cheated on his wife with a porn star while the wife was pregnant. Biden never then arranged for payment to buy the rights to the porn star's story, for the express purpose of killing the story. Biden never paid $130,000 to shut her up, directly benefitting his current campaign and falsified business records to accomplish all of this. These things are crimes Franklin and Joe Biden never did any of them. Donald Trump did. Right around the time he bragged about grabbing women by their genitalia because he is famous and could get away with it. You do remember that you are supposed to be a "Christian" leader, right Franklin? Now I know what your defense is because you are on record as saying that Trump's adulterous affair with the porn star was "nobody's business." That's odd though because the way back machine can take us back to 1998 when you seemed to have a different opinion about then President Bill Clinton and his affair with Monica Lewinski. You even went as far to write an op-ed in the NY Times decrying such a thought. You insisted that the president's private life was our business. From that article:
"But the God of the Bible says that what one does in private does matter. Mr. Clinton's months-long extramarital sexual behavior in the Oval Office now concerns him and the rest of the world, not just his immediate family. If he will lie to or mislead his wife and daughter, those with whom he is most intimate, what will prevent him from doing the same to the American public?" - Franklin Graham