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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/18/24

Dr. Michael Brown Shills for the Republican Party Using Uneven Weights

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As we all know by now, Dr. Michael Brown is an active agent for the Republican Party. I am not even saying he is necessarily conscious about it. I am sure he has convinced himself that he is just even handed and fair but every single article he has done (except articles about Israel) for the past few months has been political in nature and solely designed to convince his readers that they MUST vote for Donald Trump. He couched it by pretending he was just saying his opinion is that Christians cannot vote for a Democratic candidate but when you sell yourself as the voice of moral clarity, you must realize your opinion is designed to affect everyone else's opinion. An important point here is he also refuses to stop working for Steven Strang, who platforms outright lunatics every single day like Greg Locke and Mario Murillo, who have consigned Democratic voters to hell and declare they are unredeemable. Or dominionist false teachers like Jack Hibbs, who said last week that Jesus will be reviewing our voting records when we stand before Him. You cannot make this nonsense up. The purpose of this short message is a direct response to a simple two sentence Facebook post Brown made tonight:

I have addressed Trump's dangerous rhetoric for years (as a two-time Trump voter). Will the critics of Trump address the dangerous anti-Trump rhetoric on the left, which is as least as, if not even more dangerous, than his?

This is so typical for Brown. Yes, he has spoken about the problems with Trump but it is always couched around the imperative to vote for him. That renders his speaking out about Trump irrelevant. It also highlights the incredible hypocrisy that Brown traffics in. So, Trump is dangerous but vote for him anyway. Trump is decidedly unchristian, but vote for him or else. I believe Brown also said once that Trump bears responsibility for the January 6th insurrection but Brown has no problem sharing the virtual stage with people who consign Democratic voters to hell. The more disturbing part of this post however is the conclusion. This is a straight up Republican Party talking point. It is literally what all Republican political operatives have been instructed to say following the second arrest of someone potentially trying to assassinate Mr. Trump. For someone like Brown, who always whines about dishonest weights, this is the definition of it. The whining from the GOP is that Democrats somehow caused this deranged REPUBLICAN to try and shoot Trump. This guy actually voted for Trump!

That aside, Brown is pretending to be above the fray somehow by accusing people he views on the left with dangerous anti-Trump rhetoric. Except there is no dangerous rhetoric on the left. If they want to complain that they call Trump a fascist they then have to deal with all the times Trump uses the same term to describe Kamala Harris. Or the countless times he uses communist and Marxist to describe her. Brown actually has the gall to say that offering the opinion that Trump is a danger to democracy is somehow equivalent to Trump calling his opponents vermin, scum, animals and enemies of the people. He has called Harris dumb, stupid and low IQ. He mocked and joked about one of his followers attacking Nancy Pelosi's 80 + year old husband with a hammer. So, someone as learned as Dr. Michael Brown should know better. There is ZERO comparison between the guy he insists Christians must vote for and the fair criticism he has received from his opponents. None of that matters to Brown who has received his marching orders from his political masters and he obeys as he always does. The king whiner about uneven weights employing the most uneven weights of all.

Reverend Anthony Wade - September 18, 2024

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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